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Carsten Werner

Head of division
+49 351 4658 531 +49 351 4658 533

Jana Renc

+49 351 4658 531 +49 351 4658 533


Carsten Werner (Dipl.-Chem., Würzburg; Dr. rer. nat., Dresden) is head of the Division Polymer Biomaterials Science within the Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials, Professor for Biofunctional Polymer Materials at the Technische Universität Dresden (Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden and Department of Chemistry and Food Chemistry) and Scientific Director of the IPF.

ResearcherID: F-8127-2010


  • Tsurkan, M. V.; Bessert, J.; Selzer, R.; Tsurkan, S. D.; Pette, D.; Maitz, M. F.; Welzel, P. B.; Werner, C. FXa-Responsive Hydrogels to Craft Corneal Endothelial Lamellae more Advanced Healthcare Materials (2025) 2402593 Early View
  • Davydiuk, N.; Londhe, V.; Maitz, M.; Werner, C.; Fery, A.; Besford, Q. A. The interaction of glycogen nanoparticles with human blood more Nanoscale 17 (2025) 252-260
  • Kühn, S.; Magno, V.; Zimmermann, R.; Limasale, Y. D. P.; Atallah, P. M.; Stoppa, A.; Männel, M. J.; Thiele, J.; Friedrichs, J.; Freudenberg, U.; Werner, C. Microgels with electrostatically controlled molecular affinity to direct morphogenesis more Advanced Materials 37 (2025) 2409731
  • Habelt, B.; Afanasekov, D.; Schwarz, C.; Domanegg, K.; Kuchar, M.; Werner, C.; Minev, I. R.; Spanagel, R.; Meinhardt, M. W.; Bernhardt, N. Prefrontal electrophysiological biomarkers and mechanism-based drug effects in a rat model of alcohol addiction more Translational Psychiatry 14 (2024) 486
  • Seth, P.; Friedrichs, J.; Limasale, Y. D. P.; Fertala, N.; Freudenberg, U.; Zhang, Y.; Lampel, A.; Werner, C. Interpenetrating polymer network hydrogels with tunable viscoelasticity and proteolytic cleavability to direct stem cells in vitro more Advanced Healthcare Materials (2024) 2402656
  • Limasale, Y. D. P.; Fusenig, M.; Samulowitz, M.; Atallah, P. M.; Sievers, J.; Dennison, N.; Freudenberg, U.; Friedrichs, J.; Werner, C. Glycosaminoglycan concentration and sulfation patterns of biohybrid polymer matrices direct microvascular network formation and stability more Advanced Functional Materials 34 (2024) 2411475
  • Kast, V.; Hauser, S.; Nadernezhad, A.; Pette, D.; Maitz, M.; Honselmann, K. C.; Baenke, F.; Stange, D. E.; Werner, C.; Lössner, D. A tissue-engineered approach to model pancreatic cancer more Tissue Engineering Part A 30 (2024) S-144
  • Magno, V.; Werner, C. Tissue-derived decellularized materials for biomedical applications more in: Handbook of the Extracellular Matrix: Biologically-Derived Materials / F. R. Maia, J. M. Oliveira, R. L. Reis (Eds.). Cham: Springer, 2024. 841-873; ISBN: 978-3-031-56362-1
  • Ullm, F.; Renner, A.; Freudenberg, U.; Werner, C.; Pompe, T. The influence of sulfation degree of glycosaminoglycan-functionalized 3D collagen I networks on cytokine profiles of in vitro macrophage–fibroblast cocultures more Gels 10 (2024) 450
  • Ludwig-Husemann, A.; Schertl, P.; Shrivastava, A.; Geckle, U.; Hafner, J.; Schaarschmidt, F.; Willenbacher, N.; Freudenberg, U.; Werner, C.; Lee-Thedieck, C. A multifunctional nanostructured hydrogel as a platform for deciphering niche interactions of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells more Advanced Healthcare Materials 13 (2024) 2304157
  • Hakami, A.; Narasimhan, K.; Comini, G.; Thiele, J.; Werner, C.; Dowd, E.; Newland, B. Cryogel microcarriers for sustained local delivery of growth factors to the brain more Journal of Controlled Release 369 (2024) 404-419
  • Dennison, N. R.; Fusenig, M.; Grönnert, L.; Maitz, M. F.; Ramirez Martinez, M. A.; Wobus, M.; Freudenberg, U.; Bornhäuser, M.; Friedrichs, J.; Westenskow, P. D.; Werner, C. Precision culture scaling to establish high-throughput vasculogenesis models more Advanced Healthcare Materials 13 (2024) 2400388
  • Helmecke, T.; Hahn, D.; Ruland, A.; Tsurkan, M. V.; Maitz, M. F.; Werner, C. Adsorbed polymer conjugates to adaptively inhibit blood coagulation activation by medical membranes more Journal of Controlled Release 368 (2024) 344-354
  • Helmecke, T.; Rose, I. I.; Tsurkan, M. V.; Roth, H.; Maitz, M. F.; Werner, C.; Wessling, M. Poly(styrene-alt-maleic anhydride)-copolymers blended in poly(ether sulfone) membranes as a platform for effective biomolecular surface functionalization more Journal of Membrane Science 689 (2024) 122050
  • Siddiqui, T.; Celikkaya, H.; Atasavum, Z. T.; Popova, S.; Freudenberg, U.; Werner, C.; Kizil, C. Three-dimensional biohybrid starPEG-heparin hydrogel cultures for modeling human neuronal development and Alzheimer's disease pathology more in: Alzheimer's Disease: Methods and Protocols / J. Chun (Ed.). New York: Humana Press, 2023. 159-170 (Methods in Molecular Biology; 2561); ISBN 978-1-0716-2654-2
  • Valtin, J.; Behrens, S.; Ruland, A.; Schmieder, F.; Sonntag, F.; Renner, L. D.; Maitz, M. F.; Werner, C. A new in vitro blood flow model for the realistic evaluation of antimicrobial surfaces more Advanced Healthcare Materials 12 (2023) 2301300
  • Sarangova, V.; Heller, C.; Ludwig, B.; Welzel, P.; Werner, C. Strategies to improve islet survival and function in macroencapsulation devices for the treatment of patients with type I diabetes more Transplantation 107 (2023) 30-30
  • Parichenko, A.; Choi, W.; Shin, S.; Schlecht, M.; Gutierrez, R.; Akbar, T. F.; Werner, C.; Lee, J.-S.; Ibarlucea, B.; Cuniberti, G. Hydrogel-Gated Silicon Nanotransistors for SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Detection in Physiological Ionic Strength more Advanced Materials Interfaces 10 (2023) 2300391
  • Sperling, C.; Maitz, M. F.; Körber, V.; Hänsel, S.; Werner, C. Advanced in vitro hemocompatibility assessment of biomaterials using a new flow incubation system more Biomaterials Advances 153 (2023) 213555
  • Voit, B.; Fery, A.; Stommel, M.; Sommer, J.-U.; Werner, C. 75 years of polymer research in Dresden more Journal of Polymer Science 61 (2023) 1705-1706 - Special Issue: 75 Years of Polymer Research in Dresden
  • Peng, Y.-H.; Hsiao, S. K.; Gupta, K.; Ruland, A.; Auernhammer, G. K.; Maitz, M. F.; Boye, S.; Lattner, J.; Gerri, C.; Honigmann, A.; Werner, C.; Krieg, E. Dynamic matrices with DNA-encoded viscoelasticity for cell and organoid culture more Nature Nanotechnology 18 (2023) 1463-1473
  • Siddiqui, T.; Cosacak, M. I.; Popova, S.; Bhattarai, P.; Yilmaz, E.; Lee, A. J.; Min, Y.; Wang, X.; Allen, M.; İş, Ö.; Atasavum, Z. T.; Rodriguez-Muela, N.; Vardarajan, B. N.; Flaherty, D.; Teich, A. F.; Santa-Maria, I.; Freudenberg, U.; Werner, C. et al. Nerve growth factor receptor (Ngfr) induces neurogenic plasticity by suppressing reactive astroglial Lcn2/Slc22a17 signaling in Alzheimer’s disease more npj Regenerative Medicine 8 (2023) 33
  • Silva, D. ; Schirmer, L. ; Pinho, T. S. ; Atallah, P. ; Cibrão, J. R. ; Lima, R. ; Afonso, J. ; B-Antunes, S. ; Marques, C. R. ; Dourado, J. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Sousa, R. A. ; Werner, C. ; Salgado, A. J. Sustained release of human adipose tissue stem cell secretome from star-shaped poly(ethylene glycol) glycosaminoglycan hydrogels promotes motor improvements after complete transection in spinal cord injury rat model more Advanced Healthcare Materials 12 (2023) 2202803
  • Friedrichs, J.; Helbig, R.; Hilsenbeck, J.; Pandey, P. R.; Sommer, J.-U.; Renner, L. D.; Pompe, T.; Werner, C. Entropic repulsion of cholesterol-containing layers counteracts bioadhesion more Nature 618 (2023) 733-739
  • Friedrichs, J.; Werner, C. Cholesterol can make surfaces non-stick more Nature - Research Briefings