On the cover of the Journal of Materials Chemistry: IPF publication on low-dimensional hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites

The new paper 'Molecular engineering of naphthalene spacers in low-dimensional perovskites' by Andrei Mitrofanov, Yonder Berencén, Elaheh Sadrollahi, Regine Boldt, David Bodesheim, Hendrik Weiske, Fabian Paulus, Jochen Geck, Gianaurelio Cuniberti, Agnieszka Kuc, and Brigitte Voit reports an investigation on the structures and properties of a series of low-dimensional hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites, based on naphthalene ammonium cations.
Hybrid organic-inorganic halide perovskites have become promising next-generation semiconducting materials for many applications due to their prominent optoelectronic properties and ease of manufacturing. These materials are widely tailorable in composition, which allows the incorporation of various organic cations. In recent works devoted to the low-dimensional metal halide perovskites, significant attention has been paid to the molecular engineering of the functionalized cations. It makes possible the design of a variety of new organic-inorganic hybrid materials, in which semiconducting organic and inorganic layers are assembled at the molecular scale. In this regard, several low-dimensional hybrid perovskites, based on naphthalene aromatic ammonium cations and lead iodide were fabricated with a strong focus on structural and optoelectronic investigation. The configurations of naphthalene derivatives significantly influence the structures of the inorganic framework in metal halide perovskites, causing the transformation of the inorganic network from 2D to 1D corner- or face-sharing structures. Highly distorted 1D perovskites show broadband emissions originating from self-trapped excitons. This work expands the library of underexplored low-dimensional hybrid perovskites and serves as a fundamental tool to explore the structure-property relationships of organic-inorganic hybrid lead halides.
Organic cations used for the perovskite fabrication along with the resulted crystal structures of low-dimensional perovskites are featured as the front cover of the Issue 15 in Journal of Materials Chemistry C.
Contact: Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden (IPF), Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (IMC), Prof. Dr. Brigitte Voit