
Personal Homepage

Dr. Michael Lang

Department "Material Theory and Modeling"
+49 351 4658 744 +49 351 4658 752

Research areas

Scientific background

  • Diploma in Physics at the University of Regensburg at the polymer physics group of Dietmar Göritz (2001).
  • Ph. D. in Physics at the University of Regensburg at the polymer physics group of Dietmar Göritz (2004).
  • Research fellow with Prof. Göritz until 9/2005.
  • Post-doc (9/2005-8/2007) in Chapel Hill, North Carolina with Michael Rubinstein.
  • Since 09/2007 research fellow at the Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung in the group of Jens-Uwe Sommer.
  • Since 01.01.2015 substitutional Head of Institute Theory of Polymers


  • Summer term 2011: „Polymer Physics“ as proxy for Prof. Magerle (TU Chemnitz).
  • Summer term: „Computer simulation of soft condensed matter“, every year since 2013 (TU Dresden).
  • Winter term: „The physics of polymers“, every year with even number since 2008 (TU Dresden).


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), National Science Foundation (NSF), Physical Review Letters, Physical Review E, Macromolecules, Soft Matter, Journal of Polymer Science, Journal of Chemical Physics, ...

Selected publications


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