
Personal Homepage

Dr. Jens Gaitzsch

Bioactive and responsive Polymers
+49 351 4658 309 +49 351 4658 284

Jens Gaitzsch is Head of Department "Bioactive and responsive polymers (RP)" and a research group leader at IPF. He completed his chemistry degree in 2009 at the TU Dresden under the guidance of Prof. Peter Metz and obtained his PhD in 2013 from Prof. Brigitte Voit at IPF pioneering the field of photo cross-linked and pH sensitive polymersomes at the institute. After completing his PhD he went to University College London for a DFG-funded postdoc position in the group of Giuseppe Battaglia. He then became a senior postdoc, working with the group of Wolfgang Meier at the University of Basel from Mid-2015, starting to focus on biodegradable polymers for self-assembly with a special focus on radical ring-opening polymeristion. Dr. Gaitzsch now works on these topics at IPF.

IPF group leader for "Functional Polyesters from Radical Ring Opening Polymerisation (RROP)"

50+ Publications, h-index: 24, i-10 index: 35+

Personal homepage comprising information about research, open positions and Science Slams.

Complete List of Publications on the Personal homepage and on Google Scholar.

Twitter: @jgaitzsch

Fields of Activity

Honors and Awards

2021-2022 Guest Professor for Polymer Chemistry at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
2019 Novartis-University of Basel Fellowship for Excellence in Life Sciences
2014 DFG Posdoc Fellowship
2014 Best PhD Award of IPF Dresden
2010 Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation PhD-fellowship
2009-2013 Member of the Dresden International PhD Program
2009-2012 Multiple Poster Awards

Publications (IPF only)

  • Meissner, T.; Friedel, P.; Carroll, J. A.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Gaitzsch, J. Photochemical action plots evidence UV-promoted radical ring-opening polymerisation of cyclic ketene acetals more Polymer Chemistry 16 (2025) 704-711
  • Moreno, S.; Obst, F.; Gaitzsch, J. Design and production of nanoparticles more in: Nanotechnology Tools for Infection Control / A. Poma, L. Rizzello (Eds.). Amsterdam, London, Cambridge, MA : Elsevier, 2025. 27-70 (A volume in Micro and Nano Technologies); ISBN 978-0-12-823994-0
  • Jiao, C.; Appelhans, D.; Voit, B.; Bruns, N.; Gaitzsch, J. Enzymatic synthesis of semi-IPNs within hydrogel-based microfluidics more Polymer Chemistry 16 (2025) 742-750
  • Palivan, C. G.; Heuberger, L.; Gaitzsch, J.; Voit, B.; Appelhans, D.; Fernandes, B. B.; Battaglia, G.; Du, J.; Abdelmohsen, L.; van Hest, J. C. M.; Hu, J.; Liu, S.; Zhong, Z.; Sun, H.; Mutschler, A.; Lecommandoux, S. Advancing artificial cells with functional compartmentalized polymeric systems - in honor of Wolfgang Meier more Biomacromolecules 25 (2024) 5454-5467
  • Mehner, F.; Hopkins, B.; Reynolds-Green, M.; Keddie, D. J.; Howdle, S. M.; Gaitzsch, J. Supercritical RROP: Exploring the radical ring-opening polymerisation of 2-methylene-1,3,6-trioxocane in supercritical CO2 as a green solvent more Polymer 309 (2024) 127373
  • Koball, A.; Obst, F.; Gaitzsch, J.; Voit, B.; Appelhans, D. Boosting microfluidic enzymatic cascade reactions with pH-responsive polymersomes by spatio-chemical activity control more Small Methods 8 (2024) 2400282
  • Hawel, M.; Angerjärv, J.; Gaitzsch, J. Wege und Wirkungen - 25 Jahre Studienwerk der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung more in: Wege und Wirkungen - 25 Jahre Studienwerk der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung / P. Ullrich, J. Angerjärv (Eds.). Berlin : Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, 2024. 73; ISBN 978-3-948250-75-1
  • Effenberg, C.; Gaitzsch, J. Stretched or wrinkled? Looking into the polymer conformation within polymersome membranes more Soft Matter 20 (2024) 4127-4135
  • Hofmann, D.; Sychev, D.; Zagradska-Paromova, Z.; Bittrich, E.; Auernhammer, G. K.; Gaitzsch, J. Surface topology of redox- and thermoresponsive nanogel droplets more Macromolecular Rapid Communications 45 (2024) 2400049
  • Obst, F.; Appelhans, D.; Gaitzsch, J. Funktionale Hydrogele in mikrofluidischen Nanoreaktoren more Biospektrum 30 (2024) 189-191
  • Deng, Y.; Schäfer, S.; Kronstein, D.; Atabay, A.; Susewind, M.; Krieg, E.; Seiffert, S.; Gaitzsch, J. Amphiphilic block copolymers PEG-b-PMTCs: Synthesis, self-assembly, degradation properties and biocompatibility more Biomacromolecules 25 (2024) 303-314
  • Deng, Y.; Frezel, A.; Mehner, F.; Friedel, P.; Gaitzsch, J. Amine-bearing cyclic ketene acetals for pH-responsive and degradable polyesters through radical ring-opening polymerisation more Polymer Chemistry 14 (2023) 4275-4281
  • Mehner, F.; Meissner, T.; Seifert, A.; Lederer, A.; Gaitzsch, J. Kinetic studies on the radical ring-opening polymerization of 2-methylene-1,3,6-trioxocane more Journal of Polymer Science 61 (2023) 1882-1892
  • Deng, Y. ; Mehner, F. ; Gaitzsch, J. Current standing on radical ring-opening polymerisations of cyclic ketene acetals as homopolymers and copolymers with one another more Macromolecular Rapid Communications 44 (2023) 2200941
  • Jiao, C. ; Liubimtsev, N. ; Zagradska-Paromova, Z. ; Appelhans, D. ; Gaitzsch, J. ; Voit, B. Reversible molecular capture and release in microfluidics by host-guest interactions in hydrogel microdots more Macromolecular Rapid Communications 44 (2023) 2200869
  • Garcia-Guerra, A.; Ellerington, R.; Gaitzsch, J.; Bath, J.; Kye, M.; Varela, M. A.; Battaglia, G.; Wood, M. J. A.; Manzano, R.; Rinaldi, C.; Turberfield, A. J. A modular RNA delivery system comprising spherical nucleic acids built on endosome-escaping polymeric nanoparticles more RSC Nanoscale Advances 5 (2023) 2941-2949
  • Stanvliet, Z.; Deng, Y.; Appelhans, D.; Moreno, S.; Boye, S.; Gaitzsch, J.; Lederer, A. Responsive tertiary amine methacrylate block copolymers: uncovering temperature-induced shape-shifting behaviour more Polymer Chemistry 14 (2023) 2022-2026
  • Liubimtsev, N. ; Zagradska-Paromova, Z. ; Appelhans, D. ; Gaitzsch, J. ; Voit, B. Photoresponsive double cross-linked supramolecular hydrogels based on A-cyclodextrin/azobenzene host-guest complex more Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 224 (2023) 2200372
  • Mehner, F. ; Geisler, M. ; Arnhold, K. ; Komber, H. ; Gaitzsch, J. Structure-property relationships in polyesters from UV-initiated radical ring-opening polymerization of 2-methylene-1,3-dioxepane (MDO) more ACS Applied Polymer Materials 4 (2022) 7891-7902
  • Jiao, C. ; Obst, F. ; Geisler, M. ; Che, Y. ; Richter, A. ; Appelhans, D. ; Gaitzsch, J. ; Voit, B. Reversible protein capture and release by redox-responsive hydrogel in microfluidics more Polymers 14 (2022) 267
  • Liubimtsev, N. ; Kösterke, T. ; Che, Y. ; Appelhans, D. ; Gaitzsch, J. ; Voit, B. Redox-sensitive ferrocene functionalised double cross-linked supramolecuar hydrogels more Polymer Chemistry 13 (2022) 427-438
  • Wehr, R. ; dos Santos, E. C. ; Muthwill, M. ; Chimisso, V. ; Gaitzsch, J. ; Meier, W. Fully amorphous atactic and isotactic block copolymers and their self-assembly into nano- and microscopic vesicles more Polymer Chemistry 12 (2021) 5377-5389
  • Moreno, S. ; Voit, B. ; Gaitzsch, J. The chemistry of cross-linked polymeric vesicles and their functionalisation towards biocatalytic nanoreactors more Colloid and Polymer Science 299 (2021) 309-324
  • Daubian, D. ; Fillion, A. ; Gaitzsch, J. ; Meier, W. One-pot synthesis of an amphiphilic ABC triblock copolymer PEO-b-PEHOx-b-PEtOz and Its self-assembly into nanoscopic asymmetric polymersomes more Macromolecules 53 (2020) 11040-11050
  • Wehr, R. ; Gaitzsch, J. ; Daubian, D. ; Fodor, C. ; Meier, W. Deepening the insight into poly(butylene oxide)-block-poly(glycidol) synthesis and self-assemblies: micelles, worms and vesicles more RSC Advances 10 (2020) 22701-22711