The non-profit association was founded in 1992 to connect friends, staff and partners of the institute. It provides members with information on current IPF research, honors outstanding achievements by scientists of the institute and supports scientific exchange in various formats.
"IPF is a fantastic place to perform good scientific research - I’m honored to receive the Innovation Award for my research at IPF, which in many ways
comes from making exciting multi-disciplinary links between outstanding scientists."
Dr. Quinn A. Besford
"I would like to express my gratitude for the efforts of the Support Association, which has consistently championed excellence in IPF research for
many years. The Professor Franz Brandstetter Award has served as a beacon of recognition for outstanding master's theses. As an early career researcher, this award has encouraged me in many aspects until today. Their belief in the value of our work and continued investment provide the necessary fuel for innovation, shaping the careers of young scientists."
Yu-Hsuan Peng
"At the IPF, I have received a lot of support over the past 20 years to build my own research profile, establish a research group, and develop to
where I am now. During this time, my students, PostDocs and I have repeatedly received support for organizing symposia, traveling to conferences, and several times, our efforts were recognized with the Doctoral Thesis Award or Innovation Award - a wonderful tradition that celebrates creativity and inspires young scientists. It is my mission, together with the Support Association, to support young talented researchers in their academic careers and to deliver impactful results both at IPF and Stellenbosch University."
Prof. Dr. Albena Lederer
"From the very beginning, I have been struck by the passion for science at the IPF. During my PhD phase, the Support Association (Förderverein) aided
some of my conference visits and also honored my work with the Doctoral Thesis Award in 2014. It was hence a logical choice to join the support association. Supporting new and upcoming talents at IPF is a mission very dear to my heart. I am hence more than happy to support this cause in every single aspect, making the work of the Support Association a crucial part of this endeavor."
Dr. Jens Gaitzsch
"The appreciation of my work with the Doctoral Thesis Award 2023 by the Support Association (Förderverein) is a great honor for me. My doctoral period
at the IPF was very versatile and exciting. Thanks to the interdisciplinary character and the good networking of the institute, I had many exciting opportunities to develop as a scientist."
Dr. Sebastian Kühn
Aims of the association
Supporting exchange of information and professional networking in the field of polymer research
Awarding of top achievements of IPF scientists: Innovation Award, Doctoral Thesis Award and Professor Franz Brandstetter Award
Support of research and conference stays of IPF scientists abroad as well as guest stays of foreign scientists at the IPF
Award winners 2024 (from left to right): Dr. Jens Friedrichs (Innovation Award); Dr. Hidde Vuijk (Doctoral Thesis Award)
Not in picture: Valentine Comoy (Professor Franz Brandstetter Award)
The association membership offers
first-hand information on current trends in polymer research and activities of the IPF,
personal contacts with IPF staff and members of the Association of Supporters,
privileged access to inspiring events,
former IPF team members a way to stay connected to the institute and each other.