
TUD Young Investigators

The "TUD Young Investigator" status strengthens excellent, independent junior research group leaders by fostering their integration into the faculties of the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) and offering a qualification program tailored to their particular needs. Details

So far, six junior group leaders of the IPF have been appointed TUD Young Investigators.



Dr. Tobias König

Head of the Working Group "Plasmonic Functional Surfaces"

PD Dr. Tobias König
+49 351 4658 676 +49 351 4658 281
Dr. Elisha Krieg

Head of working group "Programmable Nanomaterials and Devices based on DNA"

Dr. Elisha Krieg
+49 351 4658-1106 +49 351 4658-533
Dr. Franziska Lissel

Head of working group "Functional Electronic Materials"

Dr. Franziska Lissel
+49 351 4658 552 +49 351 4658 565
Dr. Christian Rossner

Head of the Working Group "Hybrid Nanomaterials"

Dr. Christian Rossner
+49 351 4658 561 +49 351 4658 1326