

IR Spectroscopy

Molecular structure analysis of polymers and materials

Raman Spectroscopy

Molecular structure analysis of polymers and materials

EPR Spectroscopy

Selective measurements of molecular dynamics based on spin labels

Solution NMR Spectroscopy

1D and 2D NMR techniques for the structural characterization of small molecules, polymers and swellable materials as well as for the investigation of reaction kinetics, intermolecular interactions and thermoresponsive behavior.

Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy

Molecular structure, packing, molecular dynamics from multi-nuclear and multi-dimensional experiments

Pulse-field-gradient NMR

Displacements related to hydrodynamic size and charge


Advanced characterization

Qualitative and quantitative characterization of structures, multi-component analysis

In-situ studies

Molecular dynamics under external shear

Dedicated in-house developed instrumentation

Special NMR probehead for rheological, high-temperature and electrophoretic NMR.

Particulate Identification

By FTIR- and Raman microscopy in environmental, biological, medical and food samples with emphasis to micro- and nanoplastic particles, mostly as correlative microscopy in combination with optical and fluorescence microscopy, see also cluster microscop.

Contact Spectroscopy Cluster

Ulrich Scheler
49 351 4658 275