

Liquid Chromatography

High and ambient temperature size exclusion chromatography (SEC) for determination of molar mass distributions in organic and aqueous media in analytical or preparative scale.

High-Performance Liquid Chormatography (HPLC) is applied for the purification and qunatification of proteins and other substances.

Gas Chromatography

Classical, head-space and pyrolysis gas chromatography (GC) coupled with mass spectrometry is applied for qualitative determination of volatile compounds.

Field-Flow Fractionation

Asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AF4) and thermal field-flow fractionation (ThFFF) is applied as column-free technique for the separation and characterization of complex polymers and macromolecules in the range of 101– 106 kg/mol.

Detection Techniques

Multidetection techniques based on scattering, spectroscopy, spectrometry, viscosity and other properties for orthogonal structure analysis


Advanced characterization

Separation, quantification and identification of complex macromolecular samples, determination of molecular properties such as molar masses, dimensions, composition, branching, viscosity

In-situ studies

Investigation of:

  • intra- or intermolecular interactions,
  • drug-delivery studies (loading and release) of macromolecular and hybrid/conjugate structures
Conformation analysis

Scaling properties and shape information of macromolecules in solution, depending on outer environment (such as solvent, pH, salt, temperature, existence of other compounds)

Contact Separation Cluster