
Technology Platform: Polymer & Materials Analysis


Make the best of IPF's state of the art equipment and abundance of scientific expertise


combine the scientific advantages of decentralized equipment and a virtually centralized hub of expertise

streamline operations of current analytical centers by synchronizing their activities with other analytical activities at IPF


establishment of an advanced e-booking system for all instruments, excluding only the most highly specialized equipment

creation of an instrument database to facilitate the seamless registration of all analytical equipment, tracking of new equipment acquisitions, service and utilization

implementation of a sample database to serve as an interface to Big Data Science

Clusters of PMA


Analysis of molecular structure, order and dynamics based on the interaction with electromagnetic waves.


Analysis of morphology and structure, measurement of spatially resolved elemental and chemical composition, mechanical, electrical and thermal properties.


Analysis of macromolecules based on their distributions in molar mass, size, shape, architecture, chemical composition.

Scattering and interface analysis

Analysis of particle/macromolecule size and shape, thin film properties, and electrochemical characterization.

Material Testing and Analysis

Analysis of advanced material testing includes mechanical, thermal, and dynamic tests, leveraging our expertise in custom test rig development.

Surface analysis

Analysis of surfaces with regard to their chemical composition and functional groups.

Molecular and Cell Analysis

Analysis of techniques and equipment for cell health, proliferation, and molecular components, including DNA, RNA, and proteins.


We develop and apply advanced molecular modeling methods and data-science approaches for investigating the properties and processes in soft and biomaterials.