Research Funding and Projects
Advice and support concerning research funding, project acquisition and all accompanying topics is given by the staff of the Research Planning and Coordination Department - detailed information and contact
Major Research Networks
See here for a list of major research networks and projects with participation of the IPF sponsored by different organizations and bodies (selection)
Publically funded projects listed according to sponsoring organization or body....
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)/ German Academic Exchange Service

Experimental and numerical characterization methods for variable-axial reinforce, 1/2023 - 12/2024
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Spickenheuer, Dept. Materials Engineering
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft/German Research Council (DFG)
3DRP-AML: 3D hydrogel-based ex vivo drug response profiling platform to personalize therapy in high-risk acute myeloid leukemia, 4/2025 - 3/2028
Dr. Maximilian Fusenig, Polymer Biomaterials Science
Multiscale hybrid modeling of magneto-active elastomers for enhanced understanding of tunable performance, 1/2025 - 12/2027
Dr. Dirk Romeis, Inst. Theory of Polymers
Electrochemical Switching of Functional Polymer Brushes and Coronas ("E-Brush"), 1/2025 - 12/2027
Dr. Alexander Münch, Dept. Nanostructured Materials
Dr. Petra Uhlmann, Dept. Nanostructured Materials
Reengineering thermal field-flow fractionation for biocompatibility: A novel approach for characterizing binding affinity and microstructural dynamics between biopharmaceutical nanostructures and active pharmaceutical ingredients, 1/2025 - 12/2027
Dr. Upenyu Muza, Center Macromolecular Structure Analysis
NSF-DFG MISSION: Imaging interfacial mass; change, and energy transfer in nanoparticle/conductive polymer hybrids, 8/2024 - 7/2027
Prof. Dr. Andreas Fery, Dept. Functional Colloidal Materials
Subµ- to nano-scaled strategies to control initial bacterial colonization in the oral cavity and ex vivo - efficacy and mode of action, 7/2024 - 6/2027
Dr. Ralf Helbig, Inst. of Biofunctional Polymer Materials
Structurally Anisotropic Functional Nanocomposite Thin Films from Cellulose Nanocrystals and Gold Nanoparticles, 3/2025 - 2/2027
Prof. Dr. Andreas Fery, Dept. Nanostructured Materials
Dr. Christian Roßner, Dept. Nanostructured Materials
Self-assembly of polymer-decorated nanorods: General principles and molecular dynamics simulation, 3/2024 - 2/2027
Dr. Cheng-Wu Li, Inst. Theory of Polymers
Exploring the Physics of Polymer-Assisted Condensation: A Polymer Physics Concept for Biomolecular Condensates, 9/2023 - 2/2027
Prof. Dr. Jens-Uwe Sommer, Inst. Theory of Polymers
Probing Molecular Transport through Polymer Brushes: A Fluorescence View of Brush Functionalised Microfluidics, 3/2025 - 2/2027
Dr. László Mérai, Dept. Nanostructured Materials
Modeling of azopolymer surface restructuring under complex irradiation patterns, 10/2023 - 9/2026
PD Dr. Marina Grenzer, Inst. Theory of Polymers
Conductive polymer hydrogels combining tunable electrical conductivity and biomolecular affinity for multimodal in vitro stimulation, 4/2023 - 3/2026
Dr. Christoph Tondera, Inst. of Biofunctional Polymer Materials
Novel responsive and biodegradable hydrogels from radical ring-opening polymerisation and their in-depth characterisation using advanced light scattering, 2/2023 - 1/2026
Dr. Jens Gaitzsch, Dept. Bioactive and responsive Polymers
Beyond uni-directional hierarchical wrinkle formation, 1/2023 - 12/2025
Prof. Dr. Andreas Fery, Dept. Polymer Interfaces
Impact of co-nonsolvency effects on dynamic wetting, 6/2019 - 8/2025
Dr. Günter K. Auernhammer, Dept. Polymer Interfaces
Prof. Dr. Andreas Fery, Dept. Nanostructured Materials
Dr. Petra Uhlmann, Dept. Nanostructured Materials
Viscoelastic microbead stress sensors and validation based on organoid mechanobiology, 7/2022 - 6/2025
Dr. Nicole Träger, Institute of Biofunctinal Polymer Materials
Self-Powered, Hybrid Triboelectric-Piezoresistive Tactile Sensor array-based Artificial Skin for Soft Robots, 6/2022 - 5/2025
Dr. Amit Das, Reseach Division Elastomers
Prof. Dr. Andreas Fery, Dept. Nanostructured Materials
MUSE: Mechanics of polymers using sensitive molecular force sensors, 2/2022 - 4/2025
Dr.-Ing. Eric Euchler, Dept. Elastomers
Bacteriophage loaded polyelectrolyte coatings for the reduction of implant-associated infections, 4/2022 - 3/2025
Dr. Martin Müller, Dept. Functional Colloidal Materials
Plasmonic-Organic Microcavity Lasers, 2/2021 - 3/2025
Prof. Dr. Andreas Fery, Dept. Functional Colloidal Materials
Dr. Tobias König, Dept. Functional Colloidal Materials
3D structure and dynamics of plasma-treated polymer materials, 10/2020 - 3/2025
Dr. Mirko Nitschke, Inst. of Biofunctional Polymer Materials
Mechanofluorescent Surfaces for Investigating Microscopic Contact Forces at Aqueous Interfaces, 3/2022 - 2/2025
Dr. Quinn Alexander Besford, Dept. Nanostructured Materials
Solid Lubrication of Worm Gears based on PTFE, 10/2018 - 2/2025
Dr. Michaela Gedan-Smolka, Dept. Reactive Processing
Verifying the precision of complex polyolefin structures, 2/2022 - 1/2025
-Weave Lead Agency Inititative, Cooperation with GACR (Czech Republic)-
Prof. Dr. Albena Lederer, Center Macromolecular Structure Analysis
Tailored Hybrid Nanomaterials for Plasmon-Mediated Photocatalysis, 1/2022 - 12/2024
Dr. Christian Roßner, Dept. Nanostructured Materials
Enzymatic cross-linking of casein nanoparticles across the scales: Fundamental mechanisms and technological potentials, 8/2021 - 7/2024
Prof. Dr. Albena Lederer, Center Macromolecular Structure Analysis
Theory and Simulations of Active Brownian Systems, 5/2020 - 4/2024
Dr. Abhinav Sharma, Inst. Theory of Polymers
Expanding the matrix space - modulating growth factor signals by cell instructive GAG-peptide hydrogels with customizable viscoelastic properties, 4/2021 - 3/2024
Prof. Dr. Carsten Werner, Inst. of Biofunctional Polymer Materials
Air cushioning in drop impact on nonwetting nanoporous surfaces: formation of a novel air film and its influencing factors, 4/2021 - 3/2024
Dr. Günter K. Auernhammer, Dept Polymer Interfaces
Nanoparticle translocation through polymer brush decorated nanochannels: General principles, 10/2020 - 2/2024
Dr. Holger Merlitz, Inst. Theory of Polymers
DFG Colloborative Research Centre (CRC)
CRC 1415
Chemistry of Synthetic Two-Dimensional Materials
subproject: Effect of extended defects on optoelectronic properties in novel 2D materials, 7/2024 - 6/2028
Dr. Ilka Hermes, Dept. Polymer Interfaces
subproject: Converting 1D Conjugated Polymers into Functional 2D Materials, 7/2024 - 6/2028
subproject: 2D Organic/Metal Halide Materials, 7/2020 - 6/2024
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Voit, Dept. Polymer Structures
subproject: Wrinkle-Based Strain Engineering of 2D Materials, 7/2024 - 6/2028
subproject: Wrinkling Metrology and Strain Engineering of 2D Materials, 7/2020 - 6/2024
Prof. Dr. Andreas Fery, Dept. Polymer Interfaces
SFB Transregio 280
Design Strategies for Material-Minimized Carbon-Reinforced Concrete Structures;
TP: Interface structuring for improved toughness according to biological principles, 7/2024 - 6/2028
Dr.-Ing. Christina Scheffler, Abt. Verarbeitungsprozesse
DFG SFB Transregio 127
Biology of xenogeneic cell, tissue and organ transplantation - from bench to bedside;
subproject (with TUD): Porcine islet macroencapsulation - a concept for xenogeneic islet transplantation, 1/2021 - 6/2024
Dr. Petra Welzel, Institut Biofunktionelle Polymermaterialien
DFG Graduate College
Supracolloidal Structures: From Materials to Optical and Electronic Devices, 4/2022 - 9/2026
TP: Understanding charge transport in hybrid colloidal nanowires
Prof. Dr. Andreas Fery, Dept. Functional Colloidal Materials
TP: Defined conjugated polymer nanostructures through self-assembly
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Voit, Dept Polymer Structures
Mineral-bonded composites for enhanced structural impact safety, 5/2017 - 4/2026
subproject: Strain-rate dependent composite behavior of fiber reinforcement in mineral-based matrices,
subproject: Fiber and interphase modification for energy adsorption at high strain rates
Dr.-Ing. Christina Scheffler, Dept. Processing Technology
Interactive fiber rubber composites, 11/2018 - 10/2027
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Wießner, Dept. Elastomers
PD Dr. Marina Grenzer, Inst. Theory of Polymers
Heisenberg professorship
In silico - From theoretical models to bio-inspired materials, 8/2023 - 5/2027
Prof. Dr. Arash Nikoubashman, Inst. Theory of Polymers
European Union
ERC Consolidator Grant
GELECTRO - Hydrogel Machines for Seamless Living System Interfaces, 7/2024 - 6/2029
Prof. Dr. Ivan Minev, Inst. of Biofunctional Polymer Materials
ERC Consolidator Grant
CHIPIN - Tissue-engineering the tumour microenvironment to improve treatment of pancreatic cancer, 4/2021 - 3/2026
Prof. Dr. Daniela Lössner, (currently Monash University, Melbourne, Australia)
Inst. of Biofunctional Polymer Materials
ERC Starting Grant
3DPartForm - 3D-printing of Particulate Formulations utilizing polymer microparticle-based voxels, 4/2020 - 3/2025
Prof. Dr. Julian Thiele, Dept. Nanostructured Materials
ERC Starting Grant
IntegraBrain - Integrated Implant Technology for Multi-modal Brain Interfaces, 6/2023 - 6/2024
Prof. Dr. Ivan Minev, Inst. of Biofunctional Polymer Materials
GlaS-A-Fuels - Single-Atom Photocatalysts Enhanced by a Self-Powered Photonic Glass Reactor to Produce Advanced Biofuels, 3/2024 - 8/2027
Dr. Beate Krause, Dept. Functional Nanocomposites and Blends
DELIGHT - Designing of multifunctional nanomaterials for light-driven innovation technologies, 1/2024 - 12/2027
Prof. Andreas Fery, Dept. Functional Colloidal Materials
FITNESS - Flexible IntelligenT NEar-field Sensing Skins, 4/2023 - 3/2027
Dr. Franziska Lissel, Dept. Polymer Structures
ESiM - Energy Storage in Molecules, 4/2022 - 3/2026
Dr. Franziska Lissel, Dept. Polymer Structures
PEPSA-Mate: Nanopeptides and Nanosaccharides for Advanced and Sustainable Materials, 3/2020 - 8/2025
Prof. Dr. Andreas Fery, Dept. Nanostructured Materials
Design2Guide - Cell-instructive matrices to reconstruct tumour tissues, 1/2024 - 6/2025
Prof. Daniela Lössner, (currently Monash University, Melbourne, Australia)
Inst. of Biofunctional Polymer Materials
InComEss: Innovative polymer-based Composite systems for high-efficient energy scavenging and storage, 3/2020 - 2/2024
Dr.-Ing. Petra Pötschke, Dept. Functional Nanocomposite and Blends
Other Organisations
VolkswagenStiftung - Volkswagen Foundation
Unidirectional Light Propagation in Macroscopic Self-Assembled Gain-Loss Nanomaterials, 8/2017 - 12/2025
Dr. Tobias Anton F. König, Dept. Nanostructured Materials
Self Organization of Cell shape - an essential prerequisite for complex cellular life, 12/2016 - 1/2023
Dr. Lars Renner, Inst. of Biofunfunctional Polymer Materials
Cell-free enzymatic functionalization of synthetic polymers, 1/2020 - 8/2023
Dr. Julian Thiele, Dept. Nanostructured Materials
Alexander v. Humboldt Stiftung
Optical detection of protein targets via controlled clustering of patchy gold nanoparticle aptasensors, 12/2024 - 11/2026
Prof. Dr. Andreas Fery, Dept. Nanostructured Materials
Design of Anti(bio-Fouling) Block Copolymer Membranes by Molecular functionalization for Clean Water Generation, 7/2019 - 6/2024
Prof. Dr. Andreas Fery, Dept. Nanostructured Materials
Hybrid Cholesteric Hydrogels with Stimulus-Responsive Chiral Plasmonic Structure, 6/2021 - 5/2023
Dept. Nanostructured Materials
Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation
Exploration Grant: Toward Point-of-Action Diagnostics: Consistent Colorimetric Biosensing with Plasmonic Nanoparticles, 10/2022 - 3/2024
Dr. Christian Roßner, Dept. Nanostructured Materials
Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Digital Health (EKFZ)/Technische Universität Dresden
VirChip - Point-of-Care/Need Isothermal RNA/DNA Detection, 7/2020 - 6/2023
Prof. Dr. Carsten Werner, Inst. of Biofunfunctional Polymer Materials
Projects supported by the Leibniz Association - Leibniz Competition
uTissueFab - Multiphasic hydrogels for high throughput human in vitro tissue and disease models, 1/2022 - 5/2026
Prof. Dr. Carsten Werner, Inst. of Biofunctional Polymer Materials
LIKAT - Leibniz-Institute for Catalysis Research, Rostock
SUSTAIN - From waste to value - concepts for the depolymerization and upcycling of bio-based polymers, 5/2024 - 4/2027
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Voit, Dept. Polymer Structures
IFW - Leibniz-Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden
TESSERAE - Towards Efficient and Stable Semi-transparent pERovskite photovoltaics by plAsmonic Enhancement, 1/2024 - 12/2026
Dr. Franziska Lissel, Dept. Polymer Structures
Dr. Ilka Hermes, Dept. Polymer Interfaces
TROPOS - Leibniz-Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig
AirPlast - Abundance and Fate of Synthetic Materials in Atmospheric sub-10 m Particles, 5/2022 - 4/2025
Dr. Dieter Fischer, Center Macromelecular Structure Analysis
IVW - Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH, Kaiserslautern
ML4ProcessSimulation - Machine Learning for Simulation Intelligence in Composite Process Design, 1/2022 - 12/2024
Dr.-Ing. Christina Scheffler, Dept. Processing Technology
Dr. Günter K. Auernhammer, Dept. Polymer Interfaces
FLI - Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute, Jena
XpandHSC - Ex vivo expansion of functional human HSCs to improve therapies of age-associated diseases, 5/2020 - 4/2024
Prof. Dr. Carsten Werner, Inst. of Biofunctional Polymer Materials