Networking and Co-operations
Solidly anchored at the Dresden research site and closely networked with research groups worldwide this is how the position of the IPF may be aptly described in the global research landscape.
... in Dresden

The capital of Saxony possesses an extraordinarily high density of research facilities which have made Dresden a leading research site, particularly in the fields of material research, microelectronics, and biotechnology.
The Technische Universität Dresden , institutes of the Leibniz Association, the Max Planck Society, the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, the Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft as well as leading cultural institutions have merged together in the Network DRESDEN concept. Thus the strive to further intensy their cooperation and to create new synergies in the fields of education, research, infrastructure and administration.
Together with its partners within DRESDEN concept, the university gained the status 'excellence university' (within the Excellence Initiative of federal and land governments) in 2012 and defended it in 2019.
The IPF is a member of DRESDEN concept and closely linked to the university... DETAILS
... in Germany
As an institute of the Leibniz Association, the IPF is committed to carrying out application-oriented basic research. The aim of bridging the gap between fundamental research and applications distinguishes the IPF from polymer institutes of Max Planck Society, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, and Helmholtz Association.
With its application-oriented research based on a broad understanding of fundamentals, the IPF is a sought-after partner in projects with industry. Third-party funding, in the amount of about 1,1 million Euro, is obtained directly from industry annually. This is more than 36 per cent of third-party funding of the institute. Currently, nine technology enterprises have already been established for the direct commercial exploitation of research results obtained at the IPF. The institute also offers advice to the polymer-producing and plastics-processing industry, and its efforts in establishing these contacts and transfer of know-how are supported by regional and nationwide networks.
Research at the IPF is characterized by international teams. Co-operation with facilities around the globe have resulted in the fact that guest scientists from up to 30 countries are working at the institute at any given time for various periods and that IPF staff members travel abroad for appointments as guest scientists.
The participation in several research projects promoted by the European Union serves as an evidence of the international recognition of the institute and helps to open up new forms of co-operation in Europe. From the network of excellence Nanostructured and Functional Polymer Based Materials and Nanocomposites(NANOFUN-POLY), the European Centre for Nanostructured Polymers (ECNP) was founded in order to allow beginning research networking in this field to continue on a permanent and sustainable basis.
Renowned scientists of leading international sections are connected to the IPF as Fellows.
Professorships at universities
In addition to the joint professorships with TU Dresden, some IPF scientists hold professorships at universities wordwide.