- S.B. Kotkar, R. Poling-Skutvik, M.P. Howard, A. Nikoubashman, J.C. Conrad and J.C. Palmer: Dynamics of nanoparticles in solutions of semiflexible ring polymers, J. Phys. Chem. B 128, 12586 (2024)
- J. Wang, D.S. Devarajan, K. Muthukumar, Y.C. Kim, A. Nikoubashman and J. Mittal: Sequence-dependent conformational transitions of disordered proteins during condensation, Chem. Sci. 15, 20056 (2024)
- D.J. Bauer and A. Nikoubashman: The conformations of protein chains at the interface of biomolecular condensates, Nat. Commun. 15, 9975 (2024)
- M. Trömer, A. Nikoubashman and A.H. Gröschel: Multicompartment microparticles of SBM triblock terpolymers: Morphological transitions through homopolymer blending, Colloid Polym. Sci 302, 1957 (2024)
- M. Sebastian, A. Fery, A. Nikoubashman and C. Rossner: Multicompartmentalized micellar structures by gold nanoparticles grafted with diblock-copolymer ligands, ChemPhysChem 2024, e202400747 (2024)
- M.A. Kolmangadi, Y.M. Wani, A. Schönhals and A. Nikoubashman: Coarse-grained simulations of columnar ionic liquid crystals: Comparison with experiments, J. Phys. Chem. B 128, 8215 (2024)
- C.L. Bassani, G. van Anders, U. Banin, D. Baranov, Q. Chen, M. Dijkstra, M.S. Dimitriyev, E. Efrati, J. Faraudo, O. Gang, N. Gaston, R. Golestanian, G.I. Guerrero-Garcia, M. Gruenwald, A. Haji-Akbari, M. Ibáñez, M. Karg, T. Kraus, B. Lee, R.C. Van Lehn, R.J. Macfarlane, B.M. Mognetti, A. Nikoubashman, S. Osat, O.V. Prezhdo, G.M. Rotskoff, L. Saiz, A.-C. Shi, S. Skrabalak, I.I. Smalyukh, M. Tagliazucchi, D.V. Talapin, A.V. Tkachenko, S. Tretiak, D. Vaknin, A. Widmer-Cooper, G.C.L. Wong, X. Ye, S. Zhou, E. Rabani, M. Engel and A. Travesset: Nanocrystal Assemblies: Current Advances and Open Problems, ACS Nano 18, 14791 (2024)
- Y.M. Wani, P.G. Kovakas, A. Nikoubashman and M.P. Howard: Mesoscale simulations of diffusion and sedimentation in shape-anisotropic nanoparticle suspensions, Soft Matter 20, 3942 (2024)
- G. Catalini, N.A. Garcia, D.A. Vega and A. Nikoubashman: Simulations of thin polymer films on flat and curved substrates, Macromolecules 57, 2530 (2024)
- D.S. Devarajan, J. Wang, B. Szala-Mendyk, S. Rekhi, A. Nikoubashman, Y.C. Kim and J. Mittal: Sequence-dependent material properties of biomolecular condensates and their relation to dilute phase conformations, Nat. Commun. 15, 1912 (2024)
- M. Yetkin, Y.M. Wani, K. Kritika, M.P. Howard, M. Kappl, H.-J. Butt and A. Nikoubashman: Structure formation in supraparticles composed of spherical and elongated particles, Langmuir 40, 1096 (2024)
- S.B. Kotkar, M.P. Howard, A. Nikoubashman, J.C. Conrad, R. Poling-Skutvik and J.C. Palmer: Confined dynamics in spherical polymer brushes, ACS Macro Lett. 12, 1503 (2023)
- J. Wang, D.S. Devarajan, A. Nikoubashman and J. Mittal: Conformational properties of polymers at droplet interfaces as model systems for disordered proteins, ACS Macro Lett. 12, 1472 (2023)
- Featured on the cover of ACS Macro Lett. (Volume 12, Issue 11)
- R. Datta, F. Berressem, F. Schmid, A. Nikoubashman and P. Virnau: Viscosity of flexible and semiflexible ring melts: Molecular origins and flow-induced segregation, Macromolecules 56, 7247 (2023)
- T. Yokoyama, Y. Kobayashi, N. Arai and A. Nikoubashman: Aggregation of amphiphilic nanocubes in equilibrium and under shear, Soft Matter 19, 6480 (2023)
- Y. Kanakubo, C. Watanabe, J. Yamamoto, N. Yanagisawa, H. Sakuta, A. Nikoubashman, M. Yanagisawa: Cell-sized confinements alter molecular diffusion in concentrated polymer solutions due to length-dependent wetting of polymers, ACS Materials Au 3, 442 (2023)
- M. Trömer, E.M. Zirdehi, A. Nikoubashman and A.H. Gröschel: Effect of surfactant selectivity on shape and inner morphology of triblock terpolymer microparticles, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2023, 2300123 (2023)
- S. Rekhi, D.S. Devarajan, M.P. Howard, Y.C. Kim, A. Nikoubashman and J. Mittal: Role of strong localized vs. weak distributed interactions in disordered protein phase separation, J. Phys. Chem. B 127, 3829 (2023)
- A. Nikoubashman and M. Yanagisawa: Confinement-induced fractionation and liquid–liquid phase separation of polymer mixtures, Polymers 15, 511 (2023)
- D.M. Scott, A. Nikoubashman, R.A. Register, R.D. Priestley and R.K. Prud'homme: Rapid precipitation of ionomers for stabilization of polymeric colloids, Langmuir 39, 570 (2022)
- D.S. Devarajan, S. Rekhi, A. Nikoubashman, Y.C. Kim, M.P. Howard and J. Mittal: Effect of charge distribution on the dynamics of polyampholytic disordered proteins, Macromolecules 55, 8987 (2022)
- D.J. Bauer, L. Stelzl and A. Nikoubashman: Single-chain and condensed-state behavior of hnRNPA1 from molecular simulations, J. Chem. Phys. 157, 154903 (2022)
- N. Petsev, A. Nikoubashman, F. Latinwo, F. Stillinger and P. Debenedetti: Crystal prediction via genetic algorithms in a model chiral system, J. Phys. Chem. B 126, 7771 (2022)
- Y. Kobayashi and A. Nikoubashman: Self-assembly of amphiphilic cubes in suspension, Langmuir 38, 10642 (2022)
- Featured on the cover of Langmuir (Volume 38, Issue 34)
- J.H. Appeldorn, S. Lemcke, T. Speck and A. Nikoubashman: Employing artificial neural networks to identify reaction coordinates and pathways for self-assembly, J. Phys. Chem. B 126, 5007 (2022)
- C.R. Bilchak, M. Jhalaria, S. Adhikari, J. Midya, Y. Huang, Z. Abbas, A. Nikoubashman, B.C. Benicewicz, M. Rubinstein and S.K. Kumar: Understanding gas transport in polymer-grafted nanoparticle assemblies, Macromolecules 55, 3011 (2022)
- J. Midya, S.A. Egorov, K. Binder and A. Nikoubashman: Wetting transitions of polymer solutions: Effects of chain length and chain stiffness, J. Chem. Phys. 156, 044901 (2022)
- Y.M. Wani, P.G. Kovakas, A. Nikoubashman and M.P. Howard: Diffusion and sedimentation in colloidal suspensions using multiparticle collision dynamics with a discrete particle model, J. Chem. Phys. 156, 024901 (2022)
- A. Milchev, S.A. Egorov, J. Midya, K. Binder and A. Nikoubashman: Blends of Semiflexible Polymers: Interplay of Nematic Order and Phase Separation , Polymers 13, 2270 (2021)
- S. Adhikari, A. Nikoubashman, L. Leibler, M. Rubinstein, J. Midya and S.K. Kumar: Gas transport in interacting planar brushes, ACS Polymers Au 1, 39 (2021)
- R. Chen, S.B. Kotkar, R. Poling-Skutvik, M.P. Howard, A. Nikoubashman, J.C. Conrad and J.C. Palmer: Nanoparticle dynamics in semidilute polymer solutions: Rings versus linear chains, J. Rheol. 65, 745 (2021)
- F. Berressem, C. Scherer, D. Andrienko and A. Nikoubashman: Ultra-coarse-graining of homopolymers in inhomogeneous systems, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 33, 254002 (2021)
- F. Berressem and A. Nikoubashman: BoltzmaNN: Predicting effective pair potentials and equations of state using neural networks, J. Chem. Phys. 154, 124123 (2021) - webtool - git repository
- A. Nikoubashman: Ordering, phase behavior, and correlations of semiflexible polymers in confinement, J. Chem. Phys. 154, 090901 (2021)
- A. Steinhaus, D. Srivastva, X. Qiang, S. Franzka, A. Nikoubashman and A.H. Gröschel: Controlling Janus nanodiscs topology through ABC triblock terpolymer / homopolymer blending in 3D confinement, Macromolecules 54, 1224 (2021)
- S.A. Egorov, A. Milchev, A. Nikoubashman and K. Binder: Phase separation and nematic order in lyotropic solutions: Two types of polymers with different stiffness in a common solvent, J. Phys. Chem. B 125, 956 (2021)
- C.R. Bilchak, M. Jhalaria, Y. Huang, Z. Abbas, J. Midya, F.M. Benedetti, D. Parisi, W. Egger, M. Dickmann, M. Minelli, F. Doghieri, A. Nikoubashman, C.J. Durning, D. Vlassopoulos, J. Jestin, Z.P. Smith, B.C. Benicewicz, M. Rubinstein, L. Leibler and S.K. Kumar: Tuning selectivities in gas separation membranes based on polymer-grafted nanoparticles, ACS Nano 14, 17174 (2020)
- Y. Kobayashi, N. Arai and A. Nikoubashman: Structure and shear response of Janus colloid-polymer mixtures in solution, Langmuir 36, 14214 (2020)
- A. Milchev, S.A. Egorov, J. Midya, K. Binder and A. Nikoubashman: Entropic unmixing in nematic blends of semiflexible polymers, ACS Macro Lett. 9, 1779 (2020)
- J. Midya, M. Rubinstein, S.K. Kumar and A. Nikoubashman: Structure of polymer-grafted nanoparticle melts, ACS Nano 14, 15505 (2020)
- M.P Howard and A. Nikoubashman: Stratification of polymer mixtures in drying droplets: Hydrodynamics and diffusion, J. Chem. Phys. 153, 054901 (2020)
- K. Binder, S.A. Egorov, A. Milchev and A. Nikoubashman: Understanding the properties of liquid-crystalline polymers by computational modeling, J. Phys. Mater. 3, 032008 (2020)
- T.I. Morozova, V.E. Lee, N. Bizmark, S.S. Datta, R.K. Prud'homme, A. Nikoubashman and R.D. Priestley: In silico design enables the rapid production of surface-active colloidal amphiphiles, ACS Central Science 6, 166 (2020)
- Y. Kobayashi, N. Arai and A. Nikoubashman: Structure and dynamics of amphiphilic Janus spheres and spherocylinders under shear, Soft Matter 16, 476 (2020)
- T.I. Morozova and A. Nikoubashman: Surface activity of soft polymer colloids, Langmuir 35, 16907 (2019)
- L.B. Weiss, C.N. Likos and A. Nikoubashman: Spatial demixing of ring and chain polymers in pressure-driven flow, Macromolecules 52, 7858 (2019)
- A. Nikoubashman and T. Ihle: Transport coefficients of self-propelled particles: Reverse perturbations and transverse current correlations, Phys. Rev. E 100, 042603 (2019)
- A. Steinhaus, D. Srivastva, A. Nikoubashman and A.H. Gröschel: Janus nanostructures from ABC/B triblock terpolymer blends, Polymers 11, 1107 (2019)
- J. Midya, S.A. Egorov, K. Binder and A. Nikoubashman: Phase behavior of flexible and semiflexible polymers in solvents of varying quality, J. Chem. Phys. 151, 034902 (2019)
- 2019 Editor's Choice award of The Journal of Chemical Physics
- A. Milchev, A. Nikoubashman and K. Binder: The smectic phase in semiflexible polymer materials: A large scale molecular dynamics study, Comput. Mater. Sci. 166, 230 (2019)
- M.P. Howard, A. Nikoubashman and J.C. Palmer: Modeling hydrodynamic interactions in soft materials with multiparticle collision dynamics, Curr. Opin. Chem. Eng. 23, 34 (2019)
- A. Nikoubashman and F. Schmid: The molecular Lego movie, Nature Chemistry (News and Views) 11, 298 (2019)
- J. Midya, Y. Cang, S.A. Egorov, K. Matyjaszewski, M.R. Bockstaller, A. Nikoubashman and G. Fytas: Disentangling the role of chain conformation on the mechanics of polymer tethered particle materials, Nano Lett. 19, 2715 (2019)
- W. Liu, J. Midya, M. Kappl, H.-J. Butt and A. Nikoubashman: Segregation in drying binary colloidal droplets, ACS Nano 13, 4972 (2019)
- M.P. Howard, T.M. Truskett and A. Nikoubashman: Cross-stream migration of a Brownian droplet in a polymer solution under Poiseuille flow, Soft Matter 15, 3168 (2019)
- N. Li, A. Nikoubashman and A.Z. Panagiotopoulos: Self-assembly of polymer blends and nanoparticles through rapid solvent exchange, Langmuir 35, 3780 (2019)
- T.I. Morozova, V.E. Lee, A.Z. Panagiotopoulos, R.K. Prud'homme, R.D. Priestley and A. Nikoubashman: On the stability of polymeric nanoparticles fabricated through rapid solvent mixing, Langmuir 35, 709 (2019)
- R. Chen, R. Poling-Skutvik, M.P. Howard, A. Nikoubashman, S.A. Egorov, J.C. Conrad and J.C. Palmer: Influence of polymer flexibility on nanoparticle dynamics in semidilute solutions, Soft Matter 15, 1260 (2018)
- A. Milchev, S.A. Egorov, K. Binder and A. Nikoubashman: Nematic order in solutions of semiflexible polymers: Hairpins, elastic constants, and the nematic-smectic transition, J. Chem. Phys. 149, 174909 (2018)
- 2018 Editor's Choice award of The Journal of Chemical Physics
- M.P. Howard, W.F. Reinhart, T. Sanyal, M.S. Shell, A. Nikoubashman and A.Z. Panagiotopoulos: Evaporation-induced assembly of colloidal crystals, J. Chem. Phys. 149, 094901 (2018)
- 2018 Editor's Choice award of The Journal of Chemical Physics
- N. Li, A. Nikoubashman and A.Z. Panagiotopoulos: Multi-scale simulations of polymeric nanoparticle aggregation during rapid solvent exchange, J. Chem. Phys. 149, 084904 (2018)
- 2018 Editor's Choice award of The Journal of Chemical Physics
- M.R. Khadilkar and A. Nikoubashman: Self-assembly of semiflexible polymers confined to thin spherical shells, Soft Matter 14, 6903 (2018)
- D. Srivastva and A. Nikoubashman: Flow Behavior of Chain and Star Polymers and Their Mixtures, Polymers 10, 599 (2018)
- L.S. Grundy, V.E. Lee, N. Li, C. Sosa, W.D. Mulhearn, R. Liu, R.A. Register, A. Nikoubashman, R.K. Prud'homme, A.Z. Panagiotopoulos and R.D. Priestley: Rapid Production of Internally Structured Colloids by Flash Nanoprecipitation of Block Copolymer Blends, ACS Nano 12, 4660 (2018)
- M.P. Howard, A.Z. Panagiotopoulos and A. Nikoubashman: Efficient mesoscale hydrodynamics: Multiparticle collision dynamics with massively parallel GPU acceleration, Comput. Phys. Commun. 230, 10 (2018)
- A. Milchev, S.A. Egorov, A. Nikoubashman and K. Binder: Adsorption and structure formation of semiflexible polymers on spherical surfaces, Polymer 145. 463 (2018)
- A. Milchev, S.A. Egorov, D.A. Vega, K. Binder and A. Nikoubashman: Densely packed semiflexible macromolecules in a rigid spherical capsule, Macromolecules 51, 2002 (2018)
- R. Chen, R. Poling-Skutvik, A. Nikoubashman, M.P. Howard, J.C. Conrad and J.C. Palmer: Coupling of nanoparticle dynamics to polymer center-of-mass motion in semidilute polymer solutions, Macromolecules 51, 1865 (2018)
- T.I. Morozova and A. Nikoubashman: Coil-globule collapse of polystyrene chains in tetrahydrofuran-water mixtures, J. Phys. Chem. B 122, 2130 (2018)
- L. Weiss, A. Nikoubashman and C.N. Likos: Topology-sensitive microfluidic filter for polymers of varying stiffness, ACS Macro Lett. 6, 1426 (2017)
- N. Li, A. Nikoubashman and A.Z. Panagiotopoulos: Controlled production of patchy particles from the combined effects of nanoprecipitation and vitrification, Soft Matter 13, 8433 (2017)
- A. Nikoubashman and M.P. Howard: Equilibrium dynamics and shear rheology of semiflexible polymers in solution, Macromolecules 50, 8279 (2017)
- O. Nikoubashman, A. Nikoubashman, M. Büsen and M. Wiesmann: Necessary catheter diameters for mechanical thrombectomy with ADAPT, Am. J. Neuroradiol. 38, 2277 (2017)
- M.P. Howard, A. Nikoubashman and A.Z. Panagiotopoulos: Stratification in drying polymer-polymer and colloid-polymer mixtures, Langmuir 33, 11390 (2017)
- A. Nikoubashman, D.A. Vega, K. Binder and A. Milchev: Semiflexible polymers in spherical confinement: bipolar orientational order versus tennis ball states, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 217803 (2017)
- A. Milchev, S.A. Egorov, A. Nikoubashman and K. Binder: Conformations and orientational ordering of semiflexible polymers in spherical confinement, J. Chem. Phys. 146, 194907 (2017)
- M.P. Howard, A. Nikoubashman and A.Z. Panagiotopoulos: Stratification dynamics in drying colloidal mixtures, Langmuir 33, 3685 (2017)
- N. Li, A.Z. Panagiotopoulos and A. Nikoubashman: Structured nanoparticles from the self-assembly of polymer blends through rapid solvent exchange, Langmuir 33, 6021 (2017)
- Featured on the cover of Langmuir (Volume 33, Issue 24)
- M. Montes-Saralegui, G. Kahl and A. Nikoubashman: On the applicability of density dependent effective interactions in cluster-forming systems, J. Chem. Phys. 146, 054904 (2017)
- A. Nikoubashman, A. Milchev and K. Binder: Dynamics of single semiflexible polymers in dilute solution, J. Chem. Phys. 145, 234903 (2016)
- M.P. Howard, A. Gautam, A.Z. Panagiotopoulos and A. Nikoubashman: Axial dispersion of Brownian colloids in microfluidic channels, Phys. Rev. Fluids 1, 044203 (2016)
- A. Nikoubashman: Self-assembly of colloidal micelles in microfluidic channels, Soft Matter 13, 222 (2017)
- O. Nikoubashman, J.P. Alt, A. Nikoubashman, M. Büsen, S. Heringer, C. Brockmann, M.-A. Brockmann, M. Müller, A. Reich and M. Wiesmann: Optimizing endovascular stroke treatment: removing the microcatheter before clot retrieval with stent-retrievers increases aspiration flow, J. NeuroIntervent. Surg. (2016)
- M.P. Howard, J.A. Anderson, A. Nikoubashman, S.C. Glotzer and A.Z. Panagiotopoulos: Efficient neighbor list calculation for molecular simulation of colloidal systems using graphics processing units, Comput. Phys. Commun. 203, 45 (2016)
- A. Nikoubashman, V.E. Lee, C. Sosa, R.K. Prud'homme, R.D. Priestley and A.Z. Panagiotopoulos: Directed assembly of soft colloids through rapid solvent exchange, ACS Nano 10, 1425 (2016)
- A. Nikoubashman, N.A. Mahynski, B. Capone, A.Z. Panagiotopoulos and C.N. Likos: Coarse-graining and phase behavior of model star polymer-colloid mixtures in solvents of varying quality, J. Chem. Phys. 143, 243108 (2015)
- M. P. Howard, A.Z. Panagiotopoulos and A. Nikoubashman: Inertial and viscoelastic forces on rigid colloids in microfluidic channels, J. Chem. Phys. 142, 224908 (2015)
- A. Nikoubashman, E. Bianchi and A. Z. Panagiotopoulos: Self-assembly of Janus particles under shear, Soft Matter 11, 3767 (2015)
- Featured on the cover of Soft Matter (Volume 11, Issue 19)
- Selected as a 2015 Soft Matter Hot Paper
- M. Montes-Saralegui, A. Nikoubashman and G. Kahl: Merging and hopping processes in systems of ultrasoft, cluster forming particles under compression, J. Chem. Phys. 141, 124908 (2014)
- A. Nikoubashman, R.L. Davis, B.T. Michal, P.M. Chaikin, R.A. Register and A.Z. Panagiotopoulos: Thin Films of Homopolymers and Cylinder-Forming Diblock Copolymers under Shear, ACS Nano 8, 8015 (2014)
- A. Nikoubashman and A.Z. Panagiotopoulos: Effect of solvophobic block length on critical micelle concentration in model surfactant systems, J. Chem. Phys. 141, 041101 (2014)
- K. Mueller, N. Osterman, D. Babic, C.N. Likos, J. Dobnikar and A. Nikoubashman: Pattern formation and coarse-graining in 2D colloids driven by multiaxial magnetic fields, Langmuir 30, 5088 (2014)
- A. Nikoubashman, N.A. Mahynski, A.H. Pirayandeh and A.Z. Panagiotopoulos: Flow-Induced Demixing of Polymer-Colloid Mixtures in Microfluidic Channels, J. Chem. Phys. 140, 094903 (2014)
- 2014 Editor's Choice award of The Journal of Chemical Physics
- A. Nikoubashman, R.A. Register and A.Z. Panagiotopoulos: Sequential domain realignment driven by conformational asymmetry in block copolymer thin films, Macromolecules 47, 1193 (2014)
- A. Chremos, A. Nikoubashman and A.Z. Panagiotopoulos: Flory-Huggins parameter, from binary mixtures of Lennard-Jones particles to block copolymer melts, J. Chem. Phys. 140, 054909 (2014)
- A. Nikoubashman, R.A. Register and A.Z. Panagiotopoulos: Simulations of shear-induced morphological transitions in block copolymers, Soft Matter 9, 9960 (2013)
- A. Nikoubashman, R.A. Register and A.Z. Panagiotopoulos: Self-Assembly of Cylinder-Forming Diblock Copolymer Thin Films, Macromolecules 46, 6651 (2013)
- M. Montes-Saralegui, A. Nikoubashman and G. Kahl: Hopping and diffusion of ultrasoft particles in cluster crystals in the explicit presence of a solvent, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25, 195101 (2013)
- A. Nikoubashman, C.N. Likos and G. Kahl: Computer simulations of colloidal particles under flow in microfluidic channels, Soft Matter 9, 2603 (2013)
- Featured on the cover of Soft Matter (Volume 9, Issue 9)
- A. Nikoubashman, J.-P. Hansen and G. Kahl: Mean-field theory of the phase diagram of ultrasoft, oppositely charged polyions in solution, J. Chem. Phys. 137, 094905 (2012)
- A. Nikoubashman, G. Kahl and C. N. Likos: Flow quantization and nonequilibrium nucleation of soft crystals, Soft Matter 8, 4121 (2012)
- A. Nikoubashman, G. Kahl and C. N. Likos: Cluster Crystals under Shear, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 068302 (2011)
- Press release by the Vienna University of Technology and the University of Vienna: Flowing Structures in Soft Crystals
- Featured in the online edition of the Austrian newspaper Der Standard
- R. Raccis, A. Nikoubashman, M. Retsch, U. Jonas, K. Koynov, H.-J. Butt, C.N. Likos and G. Fytas: Confined Diffusion in Periodic Porous Nanostructures, ACS Nano 5, 4607 (2011)
- A. Nikoubashman and C.N. Likos: Flow-induced polymer translocation through narrow and patterned channels, J. Chem. Phys. 133, 074901 (2010)
- Featured on the cover of The Journal of Chemical Physics (Volume 133, Issue 7)
- Selected as a research-highlight of The Journal of Chemical Physics
- Press release by The Journal of Chemical Physics: Molecules delivering drugs as they walk
- A. Nikoubashman and C.N. Likos: Branched polymers under shear, Macromolecules 43, 1610-1620 (2010)
- A. Nikoubashman and C.N. Likos: Self-assembled structures of Gaussian nematic particles, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22, 104107 (2010)
- V. Dicken, B. Lindow, L. Bornemann, J. Drexl, A. Nikoubashman and H.O. Peitgen: Realtime image recognition of body parts scanned in computed tomography datasets, IJCARS 5, 527 (2010)
- Featured on the cover of ACS Macro Lett. (Volume 12, Issue 11)
- Featured on the cover of Langmuir (Volume 38, Issue 34)
- 2019 Editor's Choice award of The Journal of Chemical Physics
- 2018 Editor's Choice award of The Journal of Chemical Physics
- 2018 Editor's Choice award of The Journal of Chemical Physics
- 2018 Editor's Choice award of The Journal of Chemical Physics
- Featured on the cover of Langmuir (Volume 33, Issue 24)
- Featured on the cover of Soft Matter (Volume 11, Issue 19)
- Selected as a 2015 Soft Matter Hot Paper
- 2014 Editor's Choice award of The Journal of Chemical Physics
- Featured on the cover of Soft Matter (Volume 9, Issue 9)
- Press release by the Vienna University of Technology and the University of Vienna: Flowing Structures in Soft Crystals
- Featured in the online edition of the Austrian newspaper Der Standard
- Featured on the cover of The Journal of Chemical Physics (Volume 133, Issue 7)
- Selected as a research-highlight of The Journal of Chemical Physics
- Press release by The Journal of Chemical Physics: Molecules delivering drugs as they walk