Completed Projects
DFG Eigene Stelle
- „Optically reconfigurable nanoscale junctions for organic electronics“
1st funding period 03/2019 - 09/2023
Dr. Olga Guskova, Mr. Vladyslav Savchenko
DFG Research Training Group 2430
- "Interactive Fiber Rubber Composites” (GRK 2430)
- Subproject 4 „Model development of actoric action mechanisms in magneto-sensitive fiber rubber composites
1st funding period 11/2018 - 04/2023
PD Dr. Marina Grenzer, PI: Dr. Sanket Chougale, Mr. Mehran Roghani, Dr. Dirk Romeis
DFG Research support in the frame of GRK 2430
- "Linking the physical and engineering description of field-active elastomers "
01/2022 - 04/2022
PD Dr. Marina Grenzer, PI: Dr. Dirk Romeis
DFG Priority Program 1713
- “Strong Coupling of Thermo-chemical and Thermo-mechanical States in Applied Materials”
- Subproject P3 with Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Markus Kästner (TU Dresden)
- “Modeling of strongly coupled magneto-mechanical behavior in magneto-sensitive elastomers
1st funding period 09/2014 – 09/2017, 2nd funding period 10/2017 - 11/2021
PD Dr. Marina Grenzer, PI: Dr. Dirk Romeis
DFG research project
- “Hydrodynamic reinforcement in filled polymer systems: numerical simulations and non-linear modeling”
01/2017 - 12/2019
PD Dr. Marina Grenzer, PI: Dr.-Ing. Jan Domurath
DFG Research Grant with Prof. Svetlana Santer (Potsdam University)
- „Bridging molecular orientation and isomerization state with macro-deformation in photoactive azobenzene-containing materials“
03/2016 - 12/2019
Dr. Olga Guskova, PI: Mr. Markus Koch
Research project with the firm Goodyear S.A.
- “Nanoscopic structure and dynamics modeling of reinforced rubber networks based on polymer blends of different miscibility”
02/2017 – 03/2019
PD Dr. Marina Grenzer, PI: Dr. Vladimir Toshchevikov
European Regional Development Fund and the Free State of Saxony, ESF project 100231947 (Young Investigators Group “Computer Simulations for Materials Design—CoSiMa”) at TU Dresden
- Subproject AG10 “Boosting functional design of ambipolarer organic semiconductors for advanced flexible electronics ”
1st phase 09/2015 – 09/2018
2nd phase 10/2018 – 02/2019
Prof. Jens-Uwe Sommer, Prof. Gotthard Seifert, Dr. Olga Guskova, PI: Deyan Raychev
DFG research project
- “Dynamic mechanical behaviour of the magneto-sensitive elastomers in a homogeneous magnetic field”
funding period 10/2013 – 01/2017
PD Dr. Marina Grenzer, PIs: Dr. Dmytro Ivaneiko, Dr. Vladimir Toshchevikov
DFG research project
- Theory of photo-mechanical properties of azobenzene polymers: light-induced deformation dynamics
2nd funding period 12/2012 - 12/2016
PD Dr. Marina Grenzer, PI: Dr. Vladimir Toshchevikov
Ministry of Education of Region Perm, Russia
- „Development of principles of optimum composition of polymer nanocomposites”
funding period 12/2012 – 12/2015
PD Dr. Marina Grenzer, Prof. Alexander L. Svistkov (Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences)