Completed Projects
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
- ProSysEasy - Innovative Werkstoffe zur Prozess- und Systemvereinfachung der Li-Ionen-Batterie
- Lightweight constructions employing nano-composites Development of materials and their characterization
- Development of a modular master-batch system and a novel film architecture for durable agricultural films with an improved resistance against agricultural chemicals
- Carbon Concrete Composite C3 (Twenty20)
Coatings, Building with Reinforcing Carbon Structures for Concrete Subproject: C3-B1-VI: Alkali and thermal resistant epoxy and PU coatings for texile reinforcing structures term
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi)
- EnEff: Wärme - Qualitätssicherung für zukünftige Kunststoffmantelrohrsysteme in der Fernwärmeversorgung - Alterungsprüfmethoden, Diffusionshemmung
- Cornet-Projekt TAILCOMP
Development of a manufacturing process for load adapted thermoplastic fibre reinforced composite (FRP) parts with three-dimensional shape by applying new material and tooling concepts
Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi)/ German Federation of Industrial Cooperative Research Associations "Otto von Guericke" (AiF) / Industrielle Gemeinschaftsforschung (IGF)
- PreFiHy - Prefinished metal polymer hybrid parts
- Long term use of plastic jacket pipes - Part: polymer material aspects of ageing of plastic jacket pipes
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft/German Research Council (DFG)
- High-performance and lightweight Graphene-CFRP-CFRP compressed Hydrogen storage tank for aerospace applications Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Wagenknecht
- Entwicklung eines neuartigen Filamentgarnes auf der Basis von Kollagenpräparationen zur Anwendung als Scaffoldmaterial für das Tissue Engineering von Ligamenten
European Union
- FLARETPOL Development of an innovative, cost-effective technology to produce halogen-free, high-performance flame retarded poliolefins (Specific Targeted Research Project)
- WOOD-FLARETCOAT - Flame retardant coatings based on nano-magnesium hydroxide, huntite and hydro-magnesite for wood applications
DFG Collaborative Research Centres
- On-line hybrid yarn spinning
Scholarship Colombia
- Ageing behavior of polymers and ist influence in polymer-metal joints