
Primerless Coatings: Material- and Process-Technological Basis for Reliable Adhesion on PP Automotive Parts

AiF-IGF, grant 21123 BG

Funded project partners:

- Fraunhofer IPA, Stuttgart
- FILK Freiberg Institute
- Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V.

Contact persons:
Dr. Astrid Drechsler
Dipl.-Ing. Anne Marschner

09/2020 – 02/2023

Goal of the project is a reduction of coating steps and thus costs for the varnishing of external automotive parts. Basing on a comprehensive characterization of the polymer surfaces, substrate composition and injection molding parameters as well as cleaning and activation processes are adapted and optimized for a better understanding of varnish adhesion and the creation of optimal conditions for primerless coatings. Failure analyses reveal connections between substrate morphology and adhesion and improve the reliability of the coating process.