
Physico-Chemical Investigation of Reverse Osmosis Membranes

Investitionsbank Sachsen-Anhalt, project "Development and improvement of membranes and membrane elements for water purification“ with IAB Ionenaustauscher GmbH Bitterfeld (subsidiary of LANXESS Deutschland GmbH)

Contact persons:
Prof. Dr. Manfred Stamm
Dr. Karina Grundke
Dr. Astrid Drechsler


Within the funded LANXESS project, the IPF as subcontractor performed the physico-chemical characterization of membanes developed and improved by LANXESS. A broad spectrum of investigation methods was applied:

  • Scanning Electron Microscopy: imaging of surface and cross-section of the membranes in dried state
  • Scanning Force Microscopy: imaging of the topography of the membranes in air and in water; quantitative determination of the roughness on nanometre scale
  • Confocal Mikroscopy: quantitative determination of the roughness on micrometre scale
  • X-ray photoelectron and infrared spectroscopy: investigation of the chemical composition
  • Electrokinetic measurements: determination of the electric surface potential

  • Contact angle measurements: quantification of wettability and liquid absorption
  • Low temperature gas adsorption: measurement of pore size distribution

The application of these complementary methods allowed a deeper understanding of properties and performance of the membranes.