Zetasizer Nano S/ZS (ZEN 1600)
(Malvern Pananalytical GmbH)
- Dynamic Light Scattering,
- scattering angle (detection): 173° (back scattering, NIBS®-Technology)
- He-Ne-laser 4 mW, 632.8 nm, movable lens, attenuator
Applicable for particles in dispersion.
Determination of:
- particle size (z average) and polydispersity index from cumulant analysis
- particle size distribution (intensity, volume, number) from NNLS in an expanded concentration range.
- Particle size -pH-analysis Particle size-temperature-analysis
Determination of:
- Zetapotential
- Zetapotential-pH-analysis
- Zetapotential-temperature-analysis
Determination of:
- the isoelectric point