

IPF team at the 10th World Biomaterials Congress in Montreal, Canada, May 17-22, 2016

With four lectures and 14 poster presentations the IPF team was highly visible at the World Biomaterials Congress 2016, the globally largest gathering of Biomaterial Researchers (> 4000 participants), that took place on May 17-22 in Montreal, Canada. As part of the conference, we co-organized two New Frontier Symposia "Cell-instructive polymer matrices to direct organogenesis in vitro" and "Glycosaminoglycan-based cell-instructive materials" with Matthias Lutolf and Kristi Anseth giving keynote lectures. Lucas Schirmer's poster "Glycosaminoglycan - biohybrid hydrogels for the immune modulation in wound healings" received the "Bioconjugate Chemistry Poster Awards" of the ACS Journal "Bioconjugate Chemistry" - Congratulations!


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