


02.10.2015 Opinion leaders from all over the world met at the Engineering Life Symposium 2015 'Synthetic Biology meets Bioinspired Materials' in Dresden.

The Engineering Life Conference 2015, jointly organized by the B CUBE Center for Molecular Bioengineering at TU Dresden and the Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials at the Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden … more »

01.10.2015 Dr. Alexander Hoppe receives Outstanding Thesis Award 2014

Dr. Alexander Hoppe receives the Outstanding Biomaterials Thesis Award 2014 for his PhD thesis 'Bioactive Glass Derived Scaffolds with Therapeutic Ion Releasing Capability for Bone Tissue Engineering' completed at the … more »

19.09.2015 Benjamin Newland receives one of the Dresden Barkhausen Young Scientist Award for his poster ‘Homopolymerization of di-vinyl monomers for new "knot" structured polymer materials’.

The Dresden Barkhausen Award is granted for outstanding scientific results in applied research and development at frontier areas between physics, materials science, and electrical engineering by the Materials Research … more »

08.09.2015 New EU project LASER4FUN started!

EU project LASER4FUN (European ESRs Network on Short Pulsed Laser Micro/Nanostructuring of Surfaces) started! more »

13.08.2015 Die Zeit reports on Tissue Engineering referring to our research.

more »

04.08.2015 René Hensel (now at INM Saarbrücken), Christoph Neinhuis (TU Dresden) and Carsten Werner discuss general design criteria for robust omniphobic surfaces in an invited article in Chemistry Society Reviews.

Chemical Society Reviews, doi:10.1039/c5cs00438a more »

10.06.2015 Lecture: Wojciech Swieszkowski, Advanced methods for design, fabrication and characterization of tissue engineered constructs

11:00 am, Conference Room, Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V., Hohe Straße 6, 01069 Dresden more »

05.06.2015 The Engineering Life Conference 2015 will take place from September 29 - October 1

Engineering Life Conference 2015, Dresden more »

04.06.2015 Lecture: George John, Functional Materials - Biomass as a Platform for Molecular Design

2:00 pm, Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials Seminar Room B1, Ground floor, Budapester Straße 27 more »

18.05.2015 New findings on the formation of 3D tissue-like structures by MSCs in vitro were published in Biomaterials.

Biomaterials 60 (2015) 121-129 more »

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