
News of the Division "Theory of Polymers"

December 2024

Prof. Dr. Jens-Uwe Sommer has been re-electedas member of the Committee of the School of Science (Bereichsrat Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften) of the TU Dresden

November 2024

"Nucleation Patterns of Polymer Crystals Analyzed by Machine Learning Models" by Atmika Bhardwaj, Jens-Uwe Sommer, and Marco Werner was highlighted as Front Cover in Macromolecules 2024, 57 (20).

October 2024

The Nikoubashman group received funding from the Klaus-Tschira-Foundation tosupport two PhD students for three years. The goal of the project PROTACELL ("Protein Ordering and Transport in Artificial Cells") is to deepen our understanding of biomolecular condensates within cells through advanced computer simulations.

December 2023

New DFG-Grant "Self-Organization of Brush-Decorated Nanorods" obtained by Chengwu Li.

August 2023

Prof. Dr. Arash Nikoubashman is appointed as Heisenberg-Professor for "Theory of Bioinspired Polymers" at the TU Dresden.

June 2023

Iman Abdoli defended his thesis: "Odd Dynamics in Diffusion Systems " Summa Cum Laude.

April 2023

Prof. Dr. Abhinav Sharma is appointed as professor for Theoretical Physics at the University of Augsburg.

December 2022

Master thesis of Erik Kalz "Diffusion under the Effect of Lorentz Force" published in "BestMasters" (Springer, 2022)

November 2022

Toni Müller defended his thesis: "Theory and simulation of Tendomers" Summa Cum Laude

Hidde Derk Vuijk defended his thesis: "Self-Propelled Particles with Inhomogeneous Activity" Summa Cum Laude

DFG approved the second phase of the Research Training Group 2430 “Interactive Fiber-Elastomer-Composites” at the TU Dresden in cooperation with Prof. Sven Wießner and PD Dr. Marina Grenzer from IPF Dresden. 22 doctoral students in 11 interdisciplinary sub-projects will be supported till October 2027.

"Charge-compensated n-doped π-conjugated polymers: Toward both thermodynamic stability of n-doped states in water and high electron conductivity" by F. Borrmann, T. Tsuda, O. Guskova, N. Kiriy, et al. has been published in Adv. Sci. 9 (31) 2203530.

Dr. Olga Guskova is a guest editor of Processes (MDPI) for Special Issue "Photosensitive Molecular Switches: From Isolated Molecules to Processes".

October 2022

DFG research network "Adaptive Polymergele mit kontrollierter Netzwerkstruktur" successfully evaluated and funding extended until 2025.
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Seiffert (Mainz), Co-Speaker: Dr. Michael Lang

September 2022

"Collisions Enhance Self-Diffusion in Odd-Diffusive Systems" by Erik Kalz, Hidde Derk Vuijk, Iman Abdoli et al. received the Editor's Suggestion of Physical Review Letters 129.

December 2021

Prof. Dr. Jens-Uwe Sommer, Leiter des IPF-Instituts Theorie der Polymere und Professor für Theorie der Polymere an der Fakultät Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften der Technischen Universität Dresden wurde für jeweils eine weitere Amtsperiode in den Bereichsrat Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften sowie in den Fakultätsrat Physik wiedergewählt.

July 2021

"Multimolecular Structure Formation with Linear Dendritic Copolymers" by Martin Wengenmayr, Ron Dockhorn, and Jens-Uwe Sommer was highlighted as Front Cover in Macromolecules 2021, 54 (14).

June 2021

"How a Virus Rolls Itself Across a Cell Surface" Focus Story in Physics 14, 82 highlights the recent PRL "How Influenza’s Spike Motor Works" by Falko Ziebert and Igor M. Kulić.

May 2021

"Regulating the Translocation of DNA through Poly(N‐isopropylacrylamide)-Decorated Switchable Nanopores by Cononsolvency Effect" by Huaisong Yong et al. was highlighted as Front Cover in Macromolecules 2021, 54 (9).

January 2021

September 2020

"End-Adsorbing Chains in Polymer Brushes: Pathway to Highly Metastable Switchable Surfaces" by Markus Koch, Dirk Romeis, and Jens-Uwe Sommer was highlighted as Front Cover in Macromolecules 2020, 53 (17).

July 2020

New DFG project of Dr. Holger Merlitz: Nanoparticle translocation through polymer brush decorated nanochannels: General principles" with funding period 10/2020 - 9/2023. Day of approval: 14.07.2020.

March 2020

Prof. Dr. Sommer re-elected to the DFG Review Board

Prof. Dr. Jens-Uwe Sommer has been re-elected as a member of the DFG Review Bord "Polymer Research" for a period of 4 years.

Feburary 2020

New DFG project of Dr. Abhinav Sharma: "Theory and simulation of active Brownian particles" with funding period 05/2020 - 4/2023. Day of approval: 26.02.2020.

October 2019

ITP Scientists on Conference Trip in St. Petersburg

The ITP was strongly represented at the 15th International Saint Petersburg Conference of Young Scientists “Modern Problems of Polymer Science”, which took place from 28th to 31st October 2019. Marina Saphiannikova gave a plenary lecture and contributed talks were held by Bharti Yadav, Martin Wengenmayr, Jan Domurath and Markus Koch in the „Theory and Simulations“ section of the conference. A prize was awarded to Markus Koch for his talk and poster presentation.

October 2019

The talk of Jan Domurath excelled in the sommer semester 2019

Jan Domurath received Certificate of Merit and Best Talk Award in recognition of the exellence of his presentation “Simulation of particulate suspensions: meshless methods” given at the ITP seminar on July, 9th 2019.

October 2019

"Polyolefins Formed by Chain Walking Catalysis-A Matter of Branching Density Only?" by Ron Dockhorn, Laura Plüschke, Martin Geisler, Johanna Zessin, Peter Lindner, Robert Mundil, Jan Merna, Jens-Uwe Sommer, and Albena Lederer was highlighted as Front Cover in JACS 2019, 141 (39), 15586-15596.

September 2019

Invited talk at EASTMAG 2019 for Dirk Romeis

At Euro-Asian Symposium on Trends in Magnetism, which took place from 8th to 13th of September 2019 in Ekaterinburg, Dirk Romeis hold his first invited talk.

New DFG research unit examines the micro structure of stimuli-responsive polymer gels

The group "Adaptive Polmyergele mit kontrollierter Netzwerkstruktur" is closing a gap in Germany's research landscape and combines the expertise of six research facilities. 

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Seiffert
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Fachbereich Chemie, Pharmazie und Geowissenschaften
Institut für Physikalische Chemie

Co-Speaker: Dr. Michael Lang
Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V.
Institut: Theorie der Polymere

Front Cover in Soft Matter 15 (18) 2019

"Tendomers – force sensitive bis-rotaxanes with jump-like deformation behavior"

by T. Müller, J.-U. Sommer and M. Lang was highlighted as Front Cover in Soft Matter 15 (18) 2019

April 2019

The talk of Toni Müller excelled in the winter semester 2019

Toni Müller received Certificate of Merit and Best Talk Award in recognition of the exellence of his presentation given at the ITP seminar on January, 22nd 2019.

11th April 2019

PhD thesis of Jan Domurath is awarded a prize by the Association of Supporters of the IPF

In his thesis, Jan Domurath developed a new method for the calculation of material properties to characterize the flow behaviour of polymer melts filled with hard particles.

March 2019

New project (Eigene Stelle) of Dr. Olga Guskova funded by DFG

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) will support Dr. Olga Guskova and her PhD student over the next three years through her project „Optically Reconfigurable Nanoscale Junctions for Organic Electronics“.

February 2019

Marina Grenzer is elected into the excutive board of RTG 2430

The first general assembly of DFG Research Training Group 2430 "Interactive Fiber Rubber Composites" took place on 22th of February.
Subproject leaders Prof. Martina Zimmermann and PD Dr. Marina Grenzer were elected into the excutive board.

January 2019

TUD Young Investigators Award

Dr. Abhinav Sharma is going to recieve the TUD Young Investigators award in March 2019 in Dresden.

November 2018

Jan Domurath and Markus Koch receive Best Talk Awards in St. Petersburg

From 12th to 14th November 2018 the Institute of Macromolecular Compounds of the Russian Academy of Sciences hosted the 14th International Saint Petersburg Conference of Young Scientists “Modern Problems of Polymer Science”. In the sessions „composite materials“ as well as „theory and simulations“ Dr. Jan Domurath and Markus Koch won an award for the best talk, respectively.