Research Group Interface Design and Interphase Characterisation

Group Members
- Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Frenzel, Chemist
- Dr. rer. nat. Astrid Drechsler, Physicist
- M. Sc. Ronja Bodesheimer, Chemist/PhD
- Dipl.-Ing. Elisabet Hauschild, Material Scientist
- Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Kobsch, Chemical Engineer
- M. Sc. Moritz Reinhardt, Chemical Engineer
- Sascha Putzke, Laboratory Assistant
- B. Sc. Christian Hoffmann, Student assistent
Research themes
We are excited by the understanding and control of material interfaces!
The interface of materials is where the concepts of physics and chemistry, materials science and process technology meet. The interface is usually only a few nanometers thick and yet decisively determines the macroscopic material properties. The combination of different materials, produced in complex processing steps, is a key to innovative, more environmentally friendly products and the composite or hybrid materials required for them.
One focus of our work is to identify bio-inspired material concepts and transfer them to the synthetic world of materials. At the same time, we challenge molecular analytics and develop new methods to build a deep understanding of interfaces and interfacial phases.