Research Group Fiber-based biomaterials
The research group Fiber-based biomaterials engages in interdisciplinary research, with a specific focus on textile biomaterials, bioplastics, and biocomposites.
Head of Research Group
Staff members:
Dr.-Ing. Robert Tonndorf, Julius Petrausch, M. Sc, Rudi Reichenbächer, M. Sc. (also member of the Fibre Engineering research group), Dipl.-Ing. Leon Schild (also a member of the Complex Structural Components research group) and Dipl.-Ing. Laura Meinig (also member of the Structure Characterisation and Visualisation research group)
Students and guests:
Morgan Renard, Riya Rajayyan
Fields of research
Offers for students
We regularly offer internships, topics for theses and student assistantships.