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Dr. Uwe Freudenberg

Institute of Biofunctional Polymer Materials
+49 351 4658 408/ 573 +49 351 4658 533

Personal data

  • 2010-present: Speaker of the research area Matrix Engineering
  • 2007-present: Responsible for the division Biohybrid-Hydrogels at the Institut Biofunktionelle Polymermaterialien of the IPF
  • 2007: Doctoral thesis (Dr.-Ing.) in material science, Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Technische Universität Dresden
  • 2003-present: Scientific co-worker at Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V. (IPF)/ Institut Biofunktionelle Polymermaterialien
  • 2001-2003: Process engineer, Advanced Micro Devices Saxony LLC & Co. KG, Dresden

Fields of work

  • multifunctional polymer materials for biomedical applications with special emphasis on glycosaminoglycan(GAG)-based hydrogels
  • synthetic and biohybrid matrices for tissue engineering applications
  • cell-instructive polymer coatings
  • cellulose thin films


  • Kühn, S.; Magno, V.; Zimmermann, R.; Limasale, Y. D. P.; Atallah, P. M.; Stoppa, A.; Männel, M. J.; Thiele, J.; Friedrichs, J.; Freudenberg, U.; Werner, C. Microgels with electrostatically controlled molecular affinity to direct morphogenesis more Advanced Materials 37 (2025) 2409731
  • Seth, P.; Friedrichs, J.; Limasale, Y. D. P.; Fertala, N.; Freudenberg, U.; Zhang, Y.; Lampel, A.; Werner, C. Interpenetrating polymer network hydrogels with tunable viscoelasticity and proteolytic cleavability to direct stem cells in vitro more Advanced Healthcare Materials (2024) 2402656
  • Limasale, Y. D. P.; Fusenig, M.; Samulowitz, M.; Atallah, P. M.; Sievers, J.; Dennison, N.; Freudenberg, U.; Friedrichs, J.; Werner, C. Glycosaminoglycan concentration and sulfation patterns of biohybrid polymer matrices direct microvascular network formation and stability more Advanced Functional Materials 34 (2024) 2411475
  • Ullm, F.; Renner, A.; Freudenberg, U.; Werner, C.; Pompe, T. The influence of sulfation degree of glycosaminoglycan-functionalized 3D collagen I networks on cytokine profiles of in vitro macrophage–fibroblast cocultures more Gels 10 (2024) 450
  • Ludwig-Husemann, A.; Schertl, P.; Shrivastava, A.; Geckle, U.; Hafner, J.; Schaarschmidt, F.; Willenbacher, N.; Freudenberg, U.; Werner, C.; Lee-Thedieck, C. A multifunctional nanostructured hydrogel as a platform for deciphering niche interactions of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells more Advanced Healthcare Materials 13 (2024) 2304157
  • Dennison, N. R.; Fusenig, M.; Grönnert, L.; Maitz, M. F.; Ramirez Martinez, M. A.; Wobus, M.; Freudenberg, U.; Bornhäuser, M.; Friedrichs, J.; Westenskow, P. D.; Werner, C. Precision culture scaling to establish high-throughput vasculogenesis models more Advanced Healthcare Materials 13 (2024) 2400388
  • Behera, D. P.; Subadini, S.; Freudenberg, U.; Sahoo, H. Sulfation of hyaluronic acid reconfigures the mechanistic pathway of bone morphogenetic protein-2 aggregation more International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 263 (2024) 130128
  • Siddiqui, T.; Celikkaya, H.; Atasavum, Z. T.; Popova, S.; Freudenberg, U.; Werner, C.; Kizil, C. Three-dimensional biohybrid starPEG-heparin hydrogel cultures for modeling human neuronal development and Alzheimer's disease pathology more in: Alzheimer's Disease: Methods and Protocols / J. Chun (Ed.). New York: Humana Press, 2023. 159-170 (Methods in Molecular Biology; 2561); ISBN 978-1-0716-2654-2
  • Siddiqui, T.; Cosacak, M. I.; Popova, S.; Bhattarai, P.; Yilmaz, E.; Lee, A. J.; Min, Y.; Wang, X.; Allen, M.; İş, Ö.; Atasavum, Z. T.; Rodriguez-Muela, N.; Vardarajan, B. N.; Flaherty, D.; Teich, A. F.; Santa-Maria, I.; Freudenberg, U.; Werner, C. et al. Nerve growth factor receptor (Ngfr) induces neurogenic plasticity by suppressing reactive astroglial Lcn2/Slc22a17 signaling in Alzheimer’s disease more npj Regenerative Medicine 8 (2023) 33
  • Silva, D. ; Schirmer, L. ; Pinho, T. S. ; Atallah, P. ; Cibrão, J. R. ; Lima, R. ; Afonso, J. ; B-Antunes, S. ; Marques, C. R. ; Dourado, J. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Sousa, R. A. ; Werner, C. ; Salgado, A. J. Sustained release of human adipose tissue stem cell secretome from star-shaped poly(ethylene glycol) glycosaminoglycan hydrogels promotes motor improvements after complete transection in spinal cord injury rat model more Advanced Healthcare Materials 12 (2023) 2202803
  • Zimmermann, R. ; Nitschke, M. ; Magno, V. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Sockel, K. ; Stölzel, F. ; Wobus, M. ; Platzbecker, U. ; Werner, C. Discriminant principal component analysis of ToF-SIMS spectra for deciphering compositional differences of MSC-secreted extracellular matrices more Small Methods 7 (2023) 2201157
  • Freudenberg, U.; Atallah, P.; Sommer, J.-U.; Werner, C.; Ballauff, M. Analysis of the Binding of Cytokines to Highly Charged Polymer Networks more Macromolecular Bioscience 23 (2023) 2200561
  • Wang, R. ; Schirmer, L. ; Wieduwilt, T. ; Förster, R. ; Schmidt, M. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Werner, C. ; Fery, A. ; Rossner, C. Colorimetric biosensors based on polymer/gold hybrid nanoparticles: topological effects of the polymer coating more Langmuir 38 (2022) 12325-12332
  • Kühn, S. ; Freyse, J. ; Attalah, P. ; Rademann, J. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Werner, C. Tuning the network charge of biohybrid hydrogel matrices to modulate the release of SDF-1 more Biological Chemistry 402 (2021) 1453-1464
  • Hahn, D. ; Sonntag, J. M. ; Lück, S. ; Maitz, M.F. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Jordan, R. ; Werner, C. Poly(2-alkyl-2-oxazoline)-heparin hydrogels - expanding the physicochemical parameter space of biohybrid materials more Advanced Healthcare Materials 10 (2021) 2101327
  • Schirmer, L. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Werner, C. Chemokin-bindende Wundauflagen - neue Optionen zur Behandlung chronischer Wunden more Spitzenforschung in der onkologischen Dermatologie - Innovationen und Auszeichnungen 2021 (2021) 22-32
  • Ruland, A. ; Schenker, S. ; Schirmer, L. ; Friedrichs, J. ; Meinhardt, A. ; Schwartz, V. B. ; Kaiser, N. ; Konradi, R. ; MacDonald, W. ; Helmecke, T. ; Sikosana, M. ; Valtin, J. ; Hahn, D. ; Renner, L. ; Werner, C. ; Freudenberg, U. Amphiphilic copolymers for versatile, facile, and in situ tunable surface biofunctionalization more Advanced Materials 33 (2021) 2102489
  • Schirmer, L. ; Atallah, P. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Werner, C. Chemokine-capturing wound contact layer rescues dermal healing more Advanced Science 8 (2021) 2100293
  • Millican, J. ; Bittrich, E. ; Caspari, A. ; Pöschel, K. ; Drechsler, A. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Ryan, T. G. ; Thompson, R. L. ; Pospiech, D. ; Hutchings, L. Synthesis and characterisation of a mussel-inspired hydrogel film coating for biosensors more European Polymer Journal 153 (2021) 110503
  • Newland, B. ; Newland, H. ; Lorenzi, F. ; Eigel, D. ; Welzel, P. ; Fischer, D. ; Wang, W. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Rosser, A. ; Werner, C. Injectable glycosaminoglycan-based cryogels from well-defined microscale templates for local growth factor delivery more ACS Chemical Neuroscience 12 (2021) 1178-1188
  • Walkowiak, J.J. ; Ballauff, M. ; Zimmermann, R. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Werner, C. Thermodynamic Analysis of the Interaction of Heparin with Lysozyme more Biomacromolecules 21 (2020) 4615-4625
  • Limasale, Y. D. P. ; Atallah, P. ; Werner, C. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Zimmermann, R. Tuning the local availability of VEGF within glycosaminoglycan-based hydrogels to modulate vascular endothelial cell morphogenesis more Advanced Functional Materials 30 (2020) 2000068
  • Schirmer, L. ; Chwalek, K. ; Tsurkan, M. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Werner, C. Glycosaminoglycan-based hydrogels with programmable host reactions more Biomaterials 228 (2020) 119557
  • Husman, D. ; Welzel, P. ; Vogler, S. ; Bray, L. ; Träber, N. ; Friedrichs, J. ; Körber, V. ; Tsurkan, M. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Thiele, J. ; Werner, C. Multiphasic microgel-in-gel materials to recapitulate cellular mesoevironments in vitro more Biomaterials Science 2020 (2020) 101-108
  • Sievers, J. ; Zschoche, St. ; Dockhorn, R. ; Friedrichs, J. ; Werner, C. ; Freudenberg, U. Temperature-Induced mechanomodulation of interpenetrating networks of star poly(ethylene glycol)-heparin and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) more ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (2019) 41862-41874