Annual Report 2003
- Articles on selected research projects
- Single Polyelectrolyte Molecules: Visualization, Reconformation and Mineralization
- Thermo-Responsive Hydrogel Coatings on Polymer Surfaces for Controlled Cell Adhesion and Detachment
- Neue Polypropylencopolymere mit polaren Comonomeren
- Poly(tetrafluorethylen)/Polyamid (PTFE/PA)-Compounds - Charakterisierung der dispersen PTFE-Phase und der In-situ-Reaktion zwischen PTFE und Polyamid
- Coatings for Fibre and Interphase Modification in a Cementitious Matrix
- Protonen leitende Membranen für die Direkt-Methanol-Brennstoffzelle
- Short reports on selected results