
Hannes Gumz

PhD student

Hannes Gumz
+49 (0)351 4658 306 +49 (0)351 4658 565

Within the scope of his dissertation Hannes Gumz is working on the synthesis of amphiphilic block copolymers for the formation of responsive polymersomes. These polymersomes should be applied as nanocarriers for the guided transport of substances and information. The project is part of the "Chemical Information Processing"-path of the cfAED (center for advancing electronics Dresden).

Fields of Activity

  • Controlled radical polymerisation techniques for the synthesis of functional amphiphilic blockcopolymers
  • Polymer characterisation by NMR and SEC
  • Polymersome formation by self-assembly methods and characterisation by DLS, CryoTEM and UV/Vis-Spectroscopy

Personal Data

since 03/2014 PhD student at Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V. and the Dresden University of Technology (supervisors: Prof. Dr. B. Voit, Dr. D. Appelhans)
10/2008 - 12/2013 Studies in chemistry at the Dresden University of Technology
2013 Master's Thesis: Cu(0)-mediated controlled radical polymerisation of methacrylic acid and sodium methacrylate, supervisors: Prof. Dr. B. Voit, Dr. S. Fleischmann (BASF SE)
07/2013 -08/2013 Internship within the Master’s Thesis at BASF SE in Ludwigshafen, department: Polymers for Performance and Paper Chemicals (GMV/P)
2011 Bachelor's Thesis: Modification of hyperbranched Polyphenylen with regard to the development of core-shell-materials for organic electronics, supervisors: Prof. Dr. B. Voit, DC Robert Pötzsch


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