Hannes Gumz
Within the scope of his dissertation Hannes Gumz is working on the synthesis of amphiphilic block copolymers for the formation of responsive polymersomes. These polymersomes should be applied as nanocarriers for the guided transport of substances and information. The project is part of the "Chemical Information Processing"-path of the cfAED (center for advancing electronics Dresden).
Fields of Activity
- Controlled radical polymerisation techniques for the synthesis of functional amphiphilic blockcopolymers
- Polymer characterisation by NMR and SEC
- Polymersome formation by self-assembly methods and characterisation by DLS, CryoTEM and UV/Vis-Spectroscopy
Personal Data
since 03/2014 | PhD student at Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V. and the Dresden University of Technology (supervisors: Prof. Dr. B. Voit, Dr. D. Appelhans) | |
10/2008 - 12/2013 | Studies in chemistry at the Dresden University of Technology | |
2013 | Master's Thesis: Cu(0)-mediated controlled radical polymerisation of methacrylic acid and sodium methacrylate, supervisors: Prof. Dr. B. Voit, Dr. S. Fleischmann (BASF SE) | |
07/2013 -08/2013 | Internship within the Masters Thesis at BASF SE in Ludwigshafen, department: Polymers for Performance and Paper Chemicals (GMV/P) | |
2011 | Bachelor's Thesis: Modification of hyperbranched Polyphenylen with regard to the development of core-shell-materials for organic electronics, supervisors: Prof. Dr. B. Voit, DC Robert Pötzsch |
- Methodische Fortschritte in der Folien- und Elastomerdiagnostik Prüfmethoden und Anwendungsbeispiele more 12. Problemseminar "Deformation und Bruchverhalten von Kunststoffen" (2009) 126-134
- Dielectric properties of nanocomposites based on polyethylene and layered double hydroxide more Macromolecules 42 (2009) 4165-4174
- Morphology and deformation mechanisms and tensile properties of tetrafunctional multigraft copolymers more Macromolecules 42 (2009) 4155-4164
- Single chain dynamics in polymer networks: A Monte Carlo study more Journal of Chemical Physics 130 (2009) 204902 1-10
- Development of SBR-nanoclay composites with epoxidized natural rubber as compatibilizer more Research Letters in Nanotechnology 2009 (2009) ID 405153, 5 Seiten
- A stack of functional nanolayers for simultaneous emulsion separation and sensing more Advanced Materials 21 (2009) 3601-3604
- Blends of different linear polyamides with hyperbranched aromatic AB2 and A2+B3 polyesters more Journal of Polymer Science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry 47 (2009) 3558-3572
- End-functionalized polystyrene by ATRP: a facile approach to primary amino and carboxylic acid terminal groups more Journal of Polymer Science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry 47 (2009) 3845-3859
- Oligosaccharide-modified dendrimers for templating gold nanoparticles: Tailoring the particle size as a function of dendrimer generation and -molecular structure more Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 341 (2009) 93-102
- Synthesis and characterization of fluorinated poly(imide siloxane) block copolymers more European Polymer Journal 45 (2009) 1561-1569
- Complex nanoparticles based on chitosan and ionic/nonionic strong polyanions: formation, stability, and application more ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 1 (2009) 12311240
- In situ investigation of structural changes during deformation and fracture of polymers by synchrotron-SAXS and WAXS more Advanced Engineering Materials 11 (2009) 502-506
- Differential constitutive equations of incompressible media with finite deformations more Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics 50 (2009) 493-503
- Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in adhesive microcavities more Integrative Biology 1 (2009) 427-434
- Structure-property relationships in polyamide 6/multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites more Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics 47 (2009) 764-774
- Surface endotoxin contamination and hemocompatibiliy evaluation of materials more Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 90B (2009) 18-25
- Water ion adsorption dominates charging at nonpolar polymer surfaces in multivalent electrolytes more Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics 11 (2009) 4360-4364
- Development of nitrile butadiene rubber-nanoclay composites with epoxidized natural rubber as compatibilizer more Materials and Design 30 (2009) 3839-3845
- Controlled wrinkling as a novel method for the fabrication of patterned surfaces more Microchimica Acta 165 (2009) 249-263
- Fracture Mechanical Behaviour of Visco-Elastic Materials: Application to the So-Called Dwell-Effect more Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 89 (2009) 677-686
- Antifouling potential of substilisin a immobilized onto maleic anhydride copolymer thin films more Biofouling 25 (2009) 505-516
- A comparative study on the electrical and mechanical behaviour of multi-walled carbon nanotube composites prepared by diluting a masterbatch with various types of polypropylenes more Journal of Applied Polymer Science 113 (2009) 2536-2551
- Investigation of stress relaxation in filled elastomers by XPCS with heterodyne detection more American Institute of Physics, AIP Press 1092 (2009) 29-33
- Polymer brushes for surface tuning more Macromolecular Rapid Communications 30 (2009) 732-740
- Shear Dynamic modulus of nematic elastomers: Modified rouse model more Macromolecules 42 (2009) 3417-3429