Personal Homepage

Head of Ellipsometry of organic thin films group
Research interests
Smart biointerfaces
- In-situ ellipsometry in aqueous solutions for the study of swelling and adhesion behavior of polymer brushes and thin hydrogel films
- Tailoring of multi-responsive surfaces
- Antifouling
Morphology of thin films for organic solar cells
- Anisotropy and molecular orientation
- Nanophase separation
- Optical properties
X-ray and IR methods on thin films:
- IR: IRRAS, Multi-reflection ATR-FTIR
Current project
EFRE: Erforschung von Technologien zur effizienten Dünnschichtverkapselung flexibler elektronischer Bauelemente (TFE40PV)
Teilprojekt: Charakterisierung von Grenzflächenprozessen in neuartigen Verbunden zur Dünnschichtverkapselung
8/2019 - 10/2022
Past projects
BMBF: Bioinspired molecular self-assembly of donor-acceptor networks of organic solar cells (InspirA)
Subproject: Intermolecular interaction, molecular ordering and nanophase separation in thin films for OPV 8/2017 - 4/2020
Partners: Heliatek GmbH, SYNTHON Chemicals GmbH & CoKG, University Jena