Dr. Beate Krause
Dept. Functional Nanocomposites and Blends
+49 (0)351 4658 736
+49 (0)351 4658 565
Dept. Functional Nanocomposites and Blends
+49 (0)351 4658 736
+49 (0)351 4658 565
HORIZON-EIC-2023-PATHFINDEROPEN-01: Single-Atom Photocatalysts Enhanced by a Self-Powered Photonic Glass Reactor to Produce Advanced Biofuels (GlaS-A-Fuels), Project number: 101130717, Duration: 03/2024-08/2027
BiPoLiS - Development of lithium-sulphur bipolar batteries, TP: Material development and production of the conducting film, BMWK, Special Fund "Climate and Transformation Fund", joint project: LioVolt GmbH, Eisenhuth GmbH & Co. KG, Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS, IPF Dresden e.V., Duration: 1/2023 - 12/2025
Planare Materialien für Batteriekomponenten für Automobile Anwendungen (PLANAR MABAT)TP: Materialentwicklung für elektrisch leitfähige Durchleiterfolien zur Anwendung in Batterien, 3/2019 - 6/2021
BMBF-Projekt 03XP00068-E „EMBATT2.0 - Material- und Prozessentwicklung für die effiziente Fertigung der großformatigen Bipolarbatterie EMBATT“, Kooperationsprojekt: Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH , IAV GmbH, Fraunhofer IKTS Dresden, IPF Dresden, Isocoll Chemie GmbH, KMS Technology Center GmbH , Litarion GmbH, thyssenkrupp System Engineering GmbH, ULT AG, Laufzeit: 7/2016 - 6/2019
BMBF project (01LY1512C) "Development of electrically and thermally conductive plastic compounds with functionalities for use in heat exchangers and fuel cells. subproject: 2-component-injection moulding, development and characterisation of material" Cooperative project: Fa. Eisenhuth GmbH & Co.KG, Allod Werkstoff GmbH & Co.KG, Carloplast Wärmetechnik GmbH, PROTECH GmbH, Kessen Maschinenbau GmbH, IPF Dresden e.V. und RTWH Aachen duration: 3/2016 - 8/2018
BMBF 01LY1307C "Entwicklung von leitfähigen Kunststoffcomposites mit verbesserter Verarbeitbarkeit und erhöhter Schlagzähigkeit/Biegefestigkeit (ImpactBlend)", Kooperationsprojekt uner Leitung der Fa. Eisenhuth GmbH & Co.KG, Mitarbeit von Allod Werkstoff GmbH & Co.KG, Carloplast Wärmetechnik GmbH, PROTECH GmbH, Kessen Maschinenbau GmbH, IPF Dresden e.V. und RTWH Aachen, Laufzeit 8/2014 - 7/2016
BMBF 03X0206F, Project "CarboAktiv - Conductive laser modified polymer blends filled with carbon nanotubes for three dimensional integrated housing applications", Innovation Allicance Carbon nanotubes: Innovation for industry and society (Inno.CNT), Cooperative project: Fachhochschule Jena, contributed by pp mid GmbH, IPF Dresden e.V., LCP-Laser-Cut-Processing GmbH, Scansonic MI GmbH, 3D Schilling Prototypen GmbH, Lüberg Elektronik, L3D GmbH, duration 04/2011-03/2014
Develop tailored dispersion technologies for CNTs in thermoset, thermoplastic and elastomeric sytems (CarboDis) within the Innovationallianz CNT - Carbon Nanomaterials Conquer Markets (Inno.CNT) of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany (BMBF), 04/2009-03/2012, BMBF 03X0042M
Develop CNT-based injection moulding and extrusion applications, such as thermally conductive tubing, electrically conductive cable sheating, rocker npanels, electronic housing (CarboTube) within the Innovationallianz CNT - Carbon Nanomaterials Conquer Markets (Inno.CNT) of the Federal Ministry of Eduction and Research of Germany (BMBF), 02/2009-01/2012
Light weight construction with thermoplastic nanocomposites: Material development and characterization, 06/05-05/08, Federal Ministry and Education and Research of Germany (BMBF)
Modification of the molecular structure of polypropylene by means of electron beam irradiation and its influence on rheological properties and crystallisation behaviour, 04/01-03/05, German Research Foundation (DFG)