
Publications Dr. Theresa Förster

  • Du, Y.; Wang, Y.; Shamraienko, V.; Pöschel, K.; Synytska, A. Donor:acceptor Janus nanoparticle-based films as photoactive layers: control of assembly and impact on performance of devices more Small 19 (2023) 2206907
  • Adepoju, F. O.; Duru, K. C.; Li, E.; Kovaleva, E. G.; Tsurkan, M. Pharmacological Potential of Betulin as a Multitarget Compound more Biomolecules 13 (2023) 1105
  • Klos, J. S.; Paturej, J. Complexation between Dendritic Polyelectrolytes and Amphiphilic Surfactants: The Impact of Surfactant Concentration and Hydrophobicity more Macromolecules 56 (2023) 5022-5032
  • Siddiqui, T.; Cosacak, M. I.; Popova, S.; Bhattarai, P.; Yilmaz, E.; Lee, A. J.; Min, Y.; Wang, X.; Allen, M.; İş, Ö.; Atasavum, Z. T.; Rodriguez-Muela, N.; Vardarajan, B. N.; Flaherty, D.; Teich, A. F.; Santa-Maria, I.; Freudenberg, U.; Werner, C. et al. Nerve growth factor receptor (Ngfr) induces neurogenic plasticity by suppressing reactive astroglial Lcn2/Slc22a17 signaling in Alzheimer’s disease more npj Regenerative Medicine 8 (2023) 33
  • Silva, D. ; Schirmer, L. ; Pinho, T. S. ; Atallah, P. ; Cibrão, J. R. ; Lima, R. ; Afonso, J. ; B-Antunes, S. ; Marques, C. R. ; Dourado, J. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Sousa, R. A. ; Werner, C. ; Salgado, A. J. Sustained release of human adipose tissue stem cell secretome from star-shaped poly(ethylene glycol) glycosaminoglycan hydrogels promotes motor improvements after complete transection in spinal cord injury rat model more Advanced Healthcare Materials 12 (2023) 2202803
  • Rossner, C.; König, T. A. F.; Fery, A. Hairy plasmonic nanoparticles more in: Hairy Nanoparticles: From Synthesis to Applications / Z. Lin, Y. Liu (Eds.). Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2023. 351-374; ISBN 978-3-527-35005-6
  • Huang, C.; Shang, X.; Zhou, X.; Zhang, Z.; Huang, X.; Lu, Y.; Wang, M.; Löffler, M.; Liao, Z.; Qi, H.; Kaiser, U.; Schwarz, D.; Fery, A.; Wang, T.; Mannsfeld, S. C. B.; Hu, G.; Feng, X.; Dong, R. Hierarchical conductive metal-organic framework films enabling efficient interfacial mass transfer more Nature Communications 14 (2023) 3850
  • Muza, U. L.; Williams, C. D.; Lederer, A. Unravelling the thermo-responsive evolution from single-chain to multiple-chain nanoparticles by thermal field-flow fractionation more Polymer Chemistry 14 (2023) 3302-3308
  • Friedrichs, J.; Helbig, R.; Hilsenbeck, J.; Pandey, P. R.; Sommer, J.-U.; Renner, L. D.; Pompe, T.; Werner, C. Entropic repulsion of cholesterol-containing layers counteracts bioadhesion more Nature 618 (2023) 733-739
  • Friedrichs, J.; Werner, C. Cholesterol can make surfaces non-stick more Nature - Research Briefings
  • Zimmermann, R. ; Nitschke, M. ; Magno, V. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Sockel, K. ; Stölzel, F. ; Wobus, M. ; Platzbecker, U. ; Werner, C. Discriminant principal component analysis of ToF-SIMS spectra for deciphering compositional differences of MSC-secreted extracellular matrices more Small Methods 7 (2023) 2201157
  • Bhatti, Q. A.; Baloch, M. K.; Schwarz, S.; Ishaq, M. Impact of mechanochemical treatment on surface chemistry and flocculation of kaolinite dispersion more Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 18 (2023) e2886
  • Xu, X.; Moreno, S.; Boye, S.; Wang, P.; Voit, B.; Appelhans, D. Artificial Organelles with Digesting Characteristics: Imitating Simplified Lysosome- and Macrophage-Like Functions by Trypsin-Loaded Polymersomes more Advanced Science 10 (2023) 2207214
  • Pulikkalparambil, H.; Parameswaranpillai, J.; Pionteck, J.; Nandi, D.; Siengchin, S. Autonomous self-healing in green epoxy thermosets for flexible functional coatings more Construction and Building Materials 393 (2023) 132090
  • Zhang, K.; Moreno, S.; Wang, X.; Zhou, Y.; Boye, S.; Voigt, D.; Voit, B.; Appelhans, D. Biomimetic Cell Structures: Probing Induced pH-Feedback Loops and pH Self-Monitoring in Cytosol Using Binary Enzyme-Loaded Polymersomes in Proteinosome more Biomacromolecules 24 (2023) 2489-2500
  • Paleo, A. J.; Krause, B.; Cerqueira, M. F.; González-Domínguez, J. M.; Munoz, E.; Pötschke, P.; Rocha, A. M. Thermoelectric properties of cotton fabrics dip-coated in pyrolytically stripped Pyrograf® III carbon nanofiber based aqueous inks more Materials 16 (2023) 4335
  • Li, J.; Hübner, R.; Deconinck, M.; Bora, A.; Göbel, M.; Schwarz, D.; Chen, G.; Wang, G.; Yang, S. A.; Vaynzof, Y.; Lesnyak, V. Alloyed RexMo1 – xS2 nanoflakes with enlarged interlayer distances for hydrogen evolution more ACS Applied Nano Materials 6 (2023) 9475–9483
  • Freudenberg, U.; Atallah, P.; Sommer, J.-U.; Werner, C.; Ballauff, M. Analysis of the Binding of Cytokines to Highly Charged Polymer Networks more Macromolecular Bioscience 23 (2023) 2200561
  • Kast, V.; Nadernezhad, A.; Pette, D.; Fusenig, M.; Gabrielyan, A.; Honselmann, K. C.; Stange, D. E.; Werner, C.; Loessner, D. A multicellular organoid approach to model the tumour microenvironment of pancreatic cancer more Molecular Oncology 17 (2023) EACR23-0370
  • Brandt, J.; Kanaki, E.; Fischer, D.; Herm, C. Evaluation of the composition, thermal and mechanical behavior, and color changes of artificially and naturally aged polymers for the conservation of stained glass windows more Polymers 15 (2023) 2595
  • Bautista-Quijano, J.R.; Brünig, H.; Pötschke, P. Improved sensitivity of liquid sensing melt-spun polymer fibers filled with carbon nanoparticles by considering solvent-polymer solubility parameters more Materials Research Express 10 (2023) 055307
  • Muzzeddu, P. L.; Roldán, É.; Gambassi, A.; Sharma, A. Taxis of cargo-carrying microswimmers in traveling activity waves more EPL (Europhysics Letters) 142 (2023) 67001
  • Gögele, C.; Hahn, J.; Schulze-Tanzil, G. Anatomical Tissue Engineering of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Entheses more International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (2023) 9745
  • Ghosh, A.K. ; Sarkar, S. ; Tsuda, T. ; Chae, S. ; Knapp, A. ; Nitschke, M. ; Das, A. ; Wießner, S. ; König, T.A.F. ; Fery, A. Plasmonic photoresistor based on interconnected metal-semiconductor grating more Advanced Functional Materials 33 (2023) 2210172
  • Kast, V. ; Nadernezhad, A. ; Pette, D. ; Gabrielyan, A. ; Fusenig, M. ; Honselmann, K.C. ; Stange, D.E. ; Werner, C. ; Loessner, D. A tumor microenvironment model of pancreatic cancer to elucidate responses toward immunotherapy more Advanced Healthcare Materials 12 (2023) 2201907