
Publications Dr. Theresa Förster

  • Grombe, R. ; Gouzy, M.-F. ; Maitz, M.F. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Zschoche, St. ; Simon, F. ; Pompe, T. ; Sperling, C. ; Werner, C. Sulfated glycopolymer thin films - preparation, characterization, and biological activity more Macromolecular Bioscience 7 (2007) 195-200
  • Alig, I. ; Lellinger, D. ; Dudkin, S.M. ; Pötschke, P. Conductivity spectroscopy on melt processed polypropylene - multiwalled carbon nanotube composites: Recovery after shear and crystallization more Polymer 48 (2007) 1020-1029
  • Liu, J. ; Gao, S.-L. ; Mäder, E. ; Bianchi, A. D. ; Herrmannsdoerfer, T. ; Zherlitsyn, S. ; Zvyagin, S. A. ; Wosnitza, J. Adhesion Issues in PBO/Epoxy Composites more Key Engineering Materials 334-335 (2007) 233-236
  • Synytska, A. ; Appelhans, D. ; Wang, Z. G. ; Simon, F. ; Lehmann , F. ; Stamm, M. ; Grundke, K. Perfluoroalkyl end-functionalized oligoesters: Correlation between wettability and end-group segregation more Macromolecules 40 (2007) 297-305
  • Gao, S.-L. ; Mäder, E. ; Plonka, R. Surface Defects Repairing by Polymer Coating with Low Fraction of Nano-reinforcements more Key Engineering Materials 334-335 (2007) 757-760
  • Uhlmann, P. ; Houbenov, N. ; Brenner, N. ; Grundke, K. ; Stamm, M. In-situ investigation of the adsorption of globular model proteins on stimuli-responsive binary polyelectrolyte brushes more Langmuir 23 (2007) 57-64
  • Mäder, E. ; Rothe, C. ; Brünig, H. ; Leopold, T. Online spinning of commingled yarns - equipment and yarn modification by tailored fibre surfaces more Key Engineering Materials 334-335 (2007) 229-232
  • Schneider, K. Determination of compressive properties of fibre composites in the in-plane direction according to ISO 14126. Part 1: A round robin test round robin test more Applied Composite Materials 14 (2007) 1-15
  • Di Gianni, A. ; Tabelsi, S. ; Rizza, G. ; Sangermano, M. ; Althues, H. ; Kaskel, S. ; Voit, B. Hyperbranched polymer/TiO2 hybrid nanoparticles synthesized via in situ sol-gel process more Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 208 (2007) 76-86
  • Gao, S.-L. ; Mäder, E. ; Plonka, R. Nanostructured coatings of glass fibers: Improvement of alkali reistance and mechanical properties more Acta Materialia 55 (2007) 1043-1052
  • Petzold, G. ; Mende, M. ; Kochurova, N. Polymer-surfactant complexes as flocculants more Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 298 (2007) 139-144
  • Gupta, S. ; Kuckling, D. ; Kretschmer, K. ; Choudhary, V. ; Adler, H. J. Synthesis and characterization of stimuli-sensitive micro- and nanohydrogels based on photocrosslinkable poly(dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) more Journal of Polymer Science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry 45 (2007) 669-679
  • Zafeiropoulos, N.E. ; Dijon, G.G. ; Baillie, C.A. A study of the effect of surface treatments on the tensile strength of flax fibres: Part 1. Application of gaussian statistics more Composites / Part A 38 (2007) 621-628
  • Zafeiropoulos, N.E. ; Baillie, C.A. A study of the effect of surface treatments on the tensile strength of flax fibres: Part 2. Application of weibull statistics more Composites / Part A 38 (2007) 629-638
  • Franke, K. ; Bornhäuser, M. ; Pompe, T. ; Werner, C. Engineered matrix coatings to modulate the adhesion of CD133+ human hematopoietic progenitor cells more Biomaterials 28 (2007) 836-843
  • Pionteck, J. ; Wypych, G. Handbook of Antistatics more ChemTech Publishing (2007) 331 Seiten
  • Z. Usatenko and J.-U. Sommer Influence of long-range correlated surface and near the surface disorder on the process of adsorption of long-flexible polymer chains more Journal of Chemical Physics (2007)
  • Pionteck, J. Introduction more ChemTech Publishing (2007) 1-14
  • Nitschke, M. ; König, U. ; Lappan, U. ; Minko, S. ; Simon, F. ; Zschoche, St. ; Werner, C. Low pressure plasma-based approaches to fluorocarbon polymer surface modification more Journal of Applied Polymer Science 103 (2007) 100-109
  • Pötschke, P. ; Pionteck, J. Mechanisms of Action of Antistatic Agents more ChemTech Publishing Chapter 6 (2007) 71-86
  • Stephan, M. ; Große, S. ; Stintz, M. ; Blankschein, U. Microphotometric Inline Determination of Polymer Blend Morphologies during Extrusion Processing more Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2003 (2007) 258-262
  • Pötschke, P. Rheological Properties more ChemTech Publishing Chapter 12 (2007) 136-139
  • Mäder, E. ; Gao, S.-L. ; Plonka, R. Static and dynamic properties of single and multi-fiber/epoxy composites modified by sizings more Composites Science and Technology 67 (2007) 1105-1115
  • Pompe, T. ; Mothes, M. ; Mothes, G. ; Nitschke, M. ; Teese, M. ; Zimmermann, R. ; Werner, C. Surface modification of poly(hydroxybutyrate) films to control cell-matrix adhesion more Biomaterials 28 (2007) 28-37
  • Edelmann, M. ; Gedan-Smolka, M. ; Heinrich, G. ; Lehmann, D. Thermokinetic analysis of two-step curing reactions in melt - Part I. Investigation of low molecular model systems more Thermochimica Acta 452 (2007) 59-64