
Publications Dr. Theresa Förster

  • Calvimontes, A. A thermodynamic approach to predict apparent contact angles on microstructures using surface polygonal maps more Soft Matter 10 (2014) 8308-8323
  • Barani, H. ; Calvimontes, A. Effects of oxygen plasma treatment on the physical and chemical properties of wool fiber surface more Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 34 (2014) 1291-1302
  • Tzounis, L. ; Gärtner, T. ; Liebscher, M. ; Pötschke, P. ; Stamm, M. ; Voit, B. ; Heinrich, G. Influence of a cyclic butylene terephthalate oligomer on the processability and thermoelectric properties of polycarbonate/MWCNT nanocomposites more Polymer 55 (2014) 5381-5388
  • Kiss, T. ; Sija, É. ; Jakusch, T. ; Appelhans, D. Synergesic effects of dendrimers on metal ion chelators with potential use in the therapy of Alzheimer's disease more Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 19 (2014) Suppl. 2, S737
  • Zhang, H. ; Bré, L. ; Zhao, T. ; Newland, B. ; Da Costa, M. ; Wang, W. A biomimetic hyperbranched poly(amino ester)-based nanocomposite as a tunable bone adhesive for sternal closure more Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2 (2014) 4067-4071
  • Zhang, Y. ; Ionov, L. Actuating porous polyimide films more ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6 (2014) 10072-10077
  • Stawski, D. ; Polowinski, S. ; Simon, F. ; Puchalski, M. ; Zielinska, D. Application of the layer-by-layer technique for knitted fabrics more Industria Textila 65 (2014) 190-199
  • Papageorgiou, D. G. ; Tzounis, L. ; Papageorgiou, G. Z. ; Bibkiaris, D. N. ; Chrissafis, K. b-nucleated propylene-ethylene random copolymer filled with multi-walled carbon nanotubes: Mechanical, thermal and rheological properties more Polymer 55 (2014) 3758-3769
  • Khonakdar, H. A. Branching degree and rheological response correlation in peroxide-modified linear low-density polyethylene more Polymers for Advanced Technologies 25 (2014) 835-841
  • Tremel, K. ; Fischer, F. ; Kayunkid, N. ; Di Pietro, R. ; Tkachov, R. ; Kiriy, A. ; Neher, D. ; Ludwigs, S. ; Brinkmann, M. Charge transport anisotropy in highly oriented thin films of the acceptor polymer P(NDI2OD-T2) more Advanced Energy Materials 4 (2014) ID1301659
  • Saeb, M. R. ; Khonakdar, H. A. ; Moghri, M. ; Razban, M. ; Jazani, O. M. ; Alorizi, A. E. Identifying morphological changes in immiscible polyolefin ternary blends more Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering 53 (2014) 1142-1149
  • Chen, J. ; Schneider, K. ; Kretzschmar, B. ; Heinrich, G. Nucleation and growth behavior of ß-nucleated iPP during shear induced crystallization investigated by in-situ synchrotron WAXS and SAXS more Polymer 55 (2014) 5477-5487
  • Zhao, T. ; Zhang, H. ; Newland, B. ; Aied, A. ; Zhou, D. ; Wang, W. Significance of branching for transfection: Synthesis of highly branched degradable functional poly(dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) by vinyl oligomer combination more Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 53 (2014) 6095-6100
  • Zhao, T. ; Zhang, H. ; Newland, B. ; Aied, A. ; Zhou, D. ; Wang, W. Significance of branching for transfection: Synthesis of highly branched degradable functional poly(dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) by vinyl oligomer combination more Angewandte Chemie 126 (2014) 6209-6214
  • Li, Q. ; Guo, Y. ; Liu, W. ; Qiu, S. ; Zhu, C. ; Wei, X. ; Chen, M. ; Liu, C. ; Liao, S. ; Gong, Y. ; Mishra, A. K. ; Liu, L. Ultrahigh thermal conductivity of assembled aligned multilayer graphene/epoxy composite more Chemistry of Materials 26 (2014) 4459-4465
  • Chen, L. ; Yang, S. ; Mäder, E. ; Ma, P.-C. Controlled synthesis of hierarchical TiO2 nanoparticles on glass fibres and their photocatalytic performance more Dalton Transactions 43 (2014) 12743-12753
  • Sharma, M. ; Gao, S.-L. ; Mäder, E. ; Bijwe, J. Carbon fiber surfaces and composite interphases more Composites Science and Technology 102 (2014) 35-50
  • Duryagina, R. ; Anastassiadis, K. ; Maitz, M.F. ; Gramm, S. ; Schneider, S. ; Wobus, M. ; Thieme, S. ; Brenner, S. ; Werner, C. ; Bornhäuser, M. Cellular reporter systems for high-throughput-screening of interactions between bioactive matrices and human mesenchymal stromal cells more Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods 20 (2014) 828-837
  • de Francisco, R. ; Tiemblo, P. ; Hoyos, M. ; González-Caballero, F. ; García, N. ; Berglund, L. ; Synytska, A. Multipurose ultra and superhydrophobic surfaces based on oligodimethylsiloxane-modified nanosilica more ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6 (2014) 18998-19010
  • Tripathi, B. P. ; Dubey, N. C. ; Stamm, M. Hollow microgel based ultrathin thermoresponsive membranes for separation, synthesis and catalytic applications more ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6 (2014) 17702-17712
  • Bartusch, M. ; Hetti, M. ; Pospiech, D. ; Riedel, M. ; Meyer, J. ; Toher, C. ; Neu, V. ; Gazuz, I. ; Shagolsem, L. ; Sommer, J.-U. ; Hund, R.-D. ; Cherif, C. ; Moresco, F. ; Cuniberti, G. ; Voit, B. Innovative molecular design for a volume oriented component diagnostic: Modified magnetic nanoparticles on high performance yarns for smart textiles more Advanced Engineering Materials 16 (2014) 1276-1283
  • Tsurkan, M. ; Chwalek, K. ; Schoder, M. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Werner, C. Chemoselective peptide functionalization of starPEG-GAG hydrogels more Bioconjugate Chemistry 25 (2014) 1942-1950
  • Satpathi, H. ; Pospiech, D. ; Banerjee, S. ; Voit, B. Decomposition and combustion studies of phosphine oxide containing aromatic polyethers more Polymer Degradation and Stability 107 (2014) 53-63
  • Müller, M. T. Einflussgrößen auf die Dispersion von CNTs in schmelzegemischten LLDPE-Kompositen more Verlag Dr. Hut (2014) VIII, 133 S.
  • Le, Hai Hong ; Abhijeet, S. ; Ilisch, S. ; Klehm, J. ; Henning, S. ; Beiner, M. ; Sarkawi, S. S. ; Dierkes, W. ; Das, A. ; Fischer, D. ; Stöckelhuber, K.W. ; Wießner, S. ; Khatiwada, S. P. ; Adhikari, R. ; Pham, T. ; Heinrich, G. ; Radusch, H. J. The role of linked phospholipids in the rubber-filler interaction in carbon nanotube (CNT) filled natural rubber (NR) composites more Polymer 55 (2014) 4738-4747