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Precipitated calcium carbonate as reagent carriers for crosslinking reactions more
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Reverse-engineered silk hydrogels for cell and drug delivery more
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Polymer chain mobility under shear - a rheo-NMR investigation more
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Enhanced interfacial shear strength and critical energy release rate in single glass fiber-crosslinked polypropylene model microcomposites more
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Enthalpy of formation and disordering temperature of transient monotropic liquid crystals of poly(butylene 2,6-naphthalate) more
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A defect-free naphthalene diimide bithiazole copolymer via regio-selective direct arylation polycondensation more
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Why should the "alternative" method of estimating local interfacial shear Strength in a pull-out test be preferred to other methods? more
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A comparative analysis of symmetric diketopyrrolopyrrole-cored small conjugated molecules with aromatic flanks: From geometry to charge transport more
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