
Publications Dr. Theresa Förster

  • Gedan-Smolka, M. ; Schubert, K. ; Taeger, A. ; Marks, H. Polymeric additives for antistatic treatment of sheet molding composites (SMC) more AIP Conference Proceedings 1713 (2016) ArticleID: 140002
  • Kroning, A. ; Furchner, A. ; Adam, S. ; Uhlmann, P. ; Hinrichs, K. Probing carbonyl-water hydrogen-bond interactions in thin polyoxazoline brushes more Biointerphases 11 (2016) ArticleID: 019005
  • Boldt, R. ; Gohs, U. ; Stamm, M. ; Heinrich, G. Process induced morphology of irradiated HD-PE more AIP Conference Proceedings 1713 (2016) ArticleID: 070002
  • Ilnytskyi, J. ; Slyusachuk, A. ; Saphiannikova, M. Photo-controllable percolation of decorated nanoparticles in a nanopore: molecular dynamics simulation study more Mathematical Modeling and Computing 3 (2016) 33-42
  • Singh, K. ; Vetharaniam, I. ; Dobson, J. ; Prewitz, M. ; Oden, K. ; Murney, R. ; Swanson, K. ; McDonald, R. ; Henderson, H. ; Stelwagen, K. Cell survival signaling in the bovine mammary gland during the transition from lactation to involution more Journal of Dairy Science 99 (2016) 7523-7543
  • Ke, K. ; Pötschke, P. ; Wiegand, N. ; Krause, B. ; Voit, B. Tuning the network structure in poly(vinylidene fluoride)/carbon nanotube nanocomposites using carbon black: Toward improvements of conductivity and piezoresistive sensitivity more ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (2016) 14190-14199
  • Iyisan, B. ; Janke, A. ; Reichenbach, P. ; Eng, L. M. ; Appelhans, D. ; Voit, B. Immobilized multifunctional polymersomes on solid surfaces: Infrared light-induced selective photochemical reactions, pH responsive behavior, and probing mechanical properties under liquid phase more ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (2016) 15788–15801
  • Sobolkina, A. ; Mechtcherine, V. ; Bergold, S. ; Neubauer, J. ; Bellmann, C. ; Khavrus, V. ; Oswald, S. ; Leonhardt, A. ; Reschetilowski, W. Effect of carbon-based materials on the early hydration of tricalcium silicate more Journal of the American Ceramic Society 99 (2016) 2181-2196
  • Roy, S. ; Srivastava, S. K. ; Pionteck, J. ; Mittal, V. Montmorillonite-multiwalled carbon nanotube nanoarchitecture reinforced thermoplastic polyurethane more Polymer Composites 37 (2016) 1775-1785
  • Helbig, R. ; Günther, D. ; Friedrichs, J. ; Rößler, F. ; Lasagni, A. ; Werner, C. The impact of structure dimensions on initial bacterial adhesion more Biomaterials Science 2016 (2016) 1074-1078
  • Mondal, S. ; Das, A. ; Bandyopadhyay, J. ; Ray, S. S. ; Heinrich, G. ; Bandyopadhyay, A. A noble additive cum compatibilizer for dispersion of nanoclay into ethylene octene elastomer more Applied Clay Science 126 (2016) 41-49
  • Atanasova, M. T. ; Vyalikh, A. ; Scheler, U. ; Focke, W. W. Characterization of rectorite from the Beatrix Gold Mine in South Africa more Applied Clay Science 126 (2016) 7-16
  • Ye, C. ; Wang, Y. ; Su, H. ; Yang, P. ; Huang, N. ; Maitz, M.F. ; Zhao, A. S. Construction of a fucoidan/laminin functional multilayer to direction vascular cell fate and promotion hemocompatibility more Materials Science and Engineering C 64 (2016) 236-242
  • Cohnen, A. ; Hopmann, C. ; Pötschke, P. ; Krause, B. ; Hickmann, T. Graphitpolarplatten werden geschmeidig - Thermoplastische Compounds mit Schlagzähmodifizierung zur Herstellung flexibler Bipolarplatten more Kunststoffe 106 (2016) 89-92
  • Zimmerer, C. ; Nagel, J. ; Steiner, G. ; Heinrich, G. Nondestructive molecular characterization of polycarbonate polyvinylamine composites after thermally induced aminolysis more Macromolecular Rapid Communications 301 (2016) 648-652
  • Sikosana, M. ; Randall, D. G. ; Petrie, D. J. ; Oelofse, M. ; Russo, V. ; Blottnitz, H. von Nutrient and energy recovery from sewag: Towardsn intergrated approach more WRC Water Research Commission (2016) WRC Report No. TT 661/16, 177 Seiten
  • Ewe, A. ; Przybylski, S. ; Burghardt, J. ; Janke, A. ; Appelhans, D. ; Aigner, A. A novel tyrosine-modified low molecular weight polyethylenimine (P10Y) for efficient siRNA delivery in vitro and in vivo more Journal of Controlled Release 230 (2016) 13-25
  • Vahidifar, A. ; Khorasani, S. N. ; Park, C. B. ; Khonakdar, H. A. ; Reuter, U. ; Naguib, H. ; Esmizadeh, E. Towards the development of uniform closed cell nanocomposite foams using natural rubber containing pristine and organo-modified nanoclays more RSC Advances 6 (2016) 53918-53990
  • Tzounis, L. ; Tzounis, A. ; Liebscher, M. ; Petinakis, E. ; Paipetis, A. S. ; Mäder, E. ; Stamm, M. CNT-grafted glass fibers as a smart tool for epoxy cure monitoring, UV-sensing and thermal energy harvesting in model composites more RSC Advances 6 (2016) 55514-55525
  • Chatterjee, T. ; Basu, D. ; Das, A. ; Wießner, S. ; Naskar, K. ; Heinrich, G. Super thermoplastic vulcanizates based on carboxylated acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (XNBR) and polyamide (PA12) more European Polymer Journal 78 (2016) 235-252
  • Uhlig, K. ; Tosch, M. ; Bittrich, L. ; Leipprand, A. ; Dey, S. ; Spickenheuer, A. ; Heinrich, G. Meso-scaled finite element analysis of fiber reinforced plastics made by tailored fiber placement more Composite Structures 143 (2016) 53-62
  • Dey, S. ; Naskar, S. ; Mukhopadhyay, T. ; Gohs, U. ; Spickenheuer, A. ; Bittrich, L. ; Sriramula, S. ; Adhikari, S. ; Heinrich, G. Uncertain natural frequency analysis of composite plates including effect of noise - A polynomial neural network approach more Composite Structures 143 (2016) 130-142
  • Naskar, K. ; Gohs, U. ; Heinrich, G. Influence of molecular structure of blend components on the performance of thermoplastic vulcanisates prepared by electron induced reactive processing more Polymer 91 (2016) 203-210
  • Tran, N. H. A. Melt spinning and characterization of biodegradable micro- and nanofibrillar structures from poly(lactic acid) and poly(vinyl alcohol) blends more TUDpress (2016) xv, 157, D-4 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
  • Krause, A. ; Zschoche, St. ; Rohn, M. ; Hempel, C. ; Richter, A. ; Appelhans, D. ; Voit, B. Swelling behavior of bisensitive interpenetrating polymer networks for microfluidics applications more Soft Matter 12 (2016) 5529-5536