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Journal of Applied Polymer Science 130 (2013) 749-758
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Scaling theory for compressed polymer-brush bilayers more
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Simulations of neutral and charged dendrimers in solvents of varying quality more
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Applied Surface Science 273 (2013) 24-31
Böhm, S. ; Häntzschel, N. ; Heinrich, G. ; Mäder, E. ; Thiede, H. ; Wiegand, N.
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Flexibility and performance of phosphorus FRs more
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Temperature-dependent size exclusion chromatography for the in situ investigation of dynamic bonding/debonding reactions more
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 405 (2013) 8981-8993
Liebscher, M. ; Blais, M.-O. ; Pötschke, P. ; Heinrich, G.
A morphological study on the dispersion and selective localization behavior of graphene nanoplatelets in immiscible polymer blends of PC and SAN more
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Biophysical characterization of glycodendrimers as nano-carriers for HIV peptides more
Current Medicinal Chemistry 20 (2013) 3935-3943
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Journal of Applied Crystallography 46 (2013) 1455-1466
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Influence of shear deformation on the electrical and rheological properties of combined filler networks in polymer melts: Carbon nanotubes and carbon black in polycarbonate more
Polymer 54 (2013) 5865-5874
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Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 214 (2013) 2301-2311
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Torger, B. ; Vehlow, D. ; Urban, B. ; Salem, S. ; Appelhans, D. ; Müller, M.
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Biointerphaces 8 (2013) 25 pages