
Publications Dr. Theresa Förster

  • Stocek, R. ; Heinrich, G. ; Gehde, M. The influence of the test properties on dynamic crack propagation in filled rubbers by simultaneous tensile- and pure-shear-mode testing more CRC Press (2009) 345-352
  • Dlubek, G. ; Shaikh, M. Q. ; Raetzke, K. ; Faupel, F. ; Pionteck, J. ; Paluch, M. The temperature dependence of free volume in phenyl salicylate and its relation to structural dynamics: A positron annihilation lifetime and pressure-volume-temperature study more Journal of Chemical Physics 130 (2009) 144906 (9 pages)
  • Veer, P. U. ; Pietsch, U. ; Saphiannikova, M. Time and temperature dependence of surface relief grating formation in polymers containing azobenzene groups with different dipole moment more Journal of Applied Physics 106 (2009) 014909 (7 pages)
  • Nandan, B. ; Gowd, E. B. ; Bigall, N. C. ; Eychmüller, A. ; Formanek, P. ; Simon, P. ; Stamm, M. Arrays of inorganic nanodots and nanowires using nanotemplates based on switchable block copolymer supramolecular assemblies more Advanced Functional Materials 19 (2009) 2805-2811
  • Komar, L. A. ; Svistkov, A. ; Heinrich, G. ; Lauke, B. Changes in the orientation state of polymer molecules in the space between filler particles more CRC Press (2009) 413-416
  • Dal, H. ; Kaliske, M. ; Nasdala, L. A micro-continuum-mechanical material model for failure of rubber-like materials more CRC Press (2009) 401-407
  • Lorenz, H.; Klüppel, M. A Microstructure-Based Model of the Stress-Strain Behaviour of Filled Elastomers more A. A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo (2009)
  • Morgner, C. ; Kaliske, M. ; Geißler, G. Discrete modelling of fracture processes in rubber material more CRC Press (2009) 337-343
  • Lanfer, B. ; Seib, P. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Stamov, D. ; Bley, Th. ; Bornhäuser, M. ; Werner, C. The growth and differentiation of mesemchymal stem and progenitor cells cultured on aligned collagen matrices more Biomaterials 30 (2009) 5950-5958
  • Klüppel, M.; Fritzsche, J. Viscoelastic Properties of Filler Reinforced Elastomers more A. A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo (2009)
  • Busse, L.; Klüppel, M. Wet and Dry Friction of Elastomers in Advanced Simulation Compared to Experiment more A. A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo (2009)
  • Toshchevikov, V. P. ; Saphiannikova, M. ; Heinrich, G. Theory of light-induced deformations in azobenzene polymers: structure-property relationship more Proceedings of SPIE 7487 (2009) 74870B 1-12
  • Müller, M. ; Starchenko, V. ; Lebovka, N. ; Ouyang, W. ; Keßler, B. Nanoparticles of polyelectrolyte complexes with narrow size distribution: Preparation and life science applications more Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering 101 (2009) 1514-1515
  • Burkert, S. ; Gohs, U. ; Uhlmann, P. ; Stamm, M. Tuning of biocompatible thermo-sensitive polymer brushes by e-beam irradiation more Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering 101 (2009) 1162
  • Khan, M. Sohail ; Lehmann, D. ; Heinrich, G. Newly developed chloroprene rubber composites based on electron-modified polytetrafluoroethylene powder more Acta Materialia 57 (2009) 4882-4890
  • Lappan, U. ; Geißler, U. ; Gohs, U. ; Uhlmann, St. Influence of irradiation temperature on grafting of styrene into poly(tetrafluoroethylene-co-hexafluoropropylene) films more Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 294 (2009) 510-515
  • Höhne, S. ; Blank, C. ; Mensch, A. ; Thieme, M. ; Frenzel, R. ; Worch, H. ; Müller, M. ; Simon, F. Superhydrophobic alumina surfaces based on polymer-stabilized oxide layers more Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 210 (2009) 1263-1271
  • Freudenberg, U. ; Hermann, A. ; Welzel, P. ; Stirl, K. ; Schwarz, S. ; Grimmer, M. ; Zieris, A. ; Panyanuwat, W. ; Zschoche, St. ; Meinhold, D. ; Storch, A. ; Werner, C. A starPEG-heparin hydrogel platform to aid cell replacement therapies for neurodegenerative diseases more Biomaterials 30 (2009) 5049-5060
  • Petzold, G. ; Rojas, R. ; Mende, M. ; Schwarz, S. Application relevant characterization of aqueous silica nanodispersions more Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 30 (2009) 1216-1222
  • Bose, S. ; Bhattacharyya, A.R. ; Häußler, L. ; Pötschke, P. Influence of multiwall carbon nanotubes on the mechanical properties and unusual crystallization behavior in melt mixed co-continuous blends of polyamide6 and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene more Polymer Engineering and Science 49 (2009) 1533-1543
  • Vilgis, T. A. ; Heinrich, G. ; Klüppel, M. Reinforcement of Polymer Nano-Composites: Theory, Experiments and Applications more Cambridge University Press (2009) 222 Seiten
  • Bahners, T. ; Häßler, R. ; Gao, S.-L. ; Mäder, E. ; Wego, A. ; Schollmeyer, E. Photochemical surface modification of PP for abrasion resistance more Applied Surface Science 255 (2009) 9139-9145
  • Peter, J. ; Khalyavina, A. ; Kriz, J. ; Bleha, M. Synthesis and gas transport properties of ODPA-TAP-ODA hyperbranched polyimides with various comonomer ratios more European Polymer Journal 45 (2009) 1716-1727
  • Piasta, D. ; Bellmann, C. ; Spange, St. ; Simon, F. Endowing carbon black pigment particles with primary amino groups more Langmuir 25 (2009) 9071-9077
  • Jafari, S.H. ; Khonakdar, H. A. ; Asadinezhad, A. ; Häußler, L. ; Böhme, F. ; Komber, H. On the interrelationship of transreactions with thermal Properties and dynamic mechanical analysis of PTT/PEN blends more Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 210 (2009) 1291-1302