
Publications Dr. Theresa Förster

  • Saphiannikova, M. ; Toshchevikov, V. ; Ilnytskyi, J. ; Heinrich, G. Photo-induced deformation of azobenzene polymers: theory and simulations more Proceedings of SPIE 8189 (2011) 818910 (15 pages)
  • Uhlmann, P. ; Frenzel, R. ; Messerschmidt, M. ; Stamm, M. Selbstreinigung more Galvanotechnik 102 (2011) 2206-2210
  • Zimmerer, C. ; Nagel, J. ; Steiner, G. ; Heinrich, G. Conductive polymers for elevated temperature applications based on sodium sulfosuccinate coupled poly(ethylene glycol)s more Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 212 (2011) 2641-2647
  • Klementieva, O. ; Benseny-Cases, N. ; Gella, A. ; Appelhans, D. ; Voit, B. ; Cladera, J. Dense shell glycodendrimers as potential nontoxic anti-amyloidogenic agents in alzheimer's disease - amyloid-dendrimer aggregates morphology and cell toxicity more Biomacromolecules 12 (2011) 3903-3909
  • Huang, X. ; Appelhans, D. ; Formanek, P. ; Simon, F. ; Voit, B. Synthesis of well-defined photo-cross-linked polymeric nanocapsules by surface-initiated RAFT polymerization more Macromolecules 44 (2011) 8351-8360
  • Köth, A. ; Appelhans, D. ; Tiersch, B. ; Koetz, J. Use of weakly cationic dendritic glycopolymer for morphological transformation of phospholipid vesicles into tube-like networks more Soft Matter 7 (2011) 10581-10584
  • Trey, S. M. ; Gamstedt, K. ; Mäder, E. ; Jönsson, S. ; Johansson, M. Glass fiber reinforced high glass transition temperature thiol-ene networks more Composites / Part A 42 (2011) 1800-1808
  • Böhme, U. ; Scheler, U. An NMR investigation of a polymer melt under shear more ACS Publisher 1077 (2011) Chapter 26, 431-438
  • Menzer, K. ; Krause, B. ; Boldt, R. ; Kretzschmar, B. ; Weidisch, R. ; Pötschke, P. Percolation behaviour of multiwalled carbon nanotubes of altered length and primary agglomerate morphology in melt mixed isotactic polypropylene-based composites more Composites Science and Technology 71 (2011) 1936-1943
  • Tasso, M. ; Conlan, S. L. ; Clare, A. S. ; Werner, C. Active enzyme nanocoatings affect settlement of balanus amphitrite barnacle cyprids more Advanced Functional Materials 22 (2011) 39-47
  • Jehnichen, D. ; Pospiech, D. ; Friedel, P. ; Funari, S. Semifluorinated PMMA / PSFMA diblock copolymers with multiple phase separation more Zeitschrift für Kristallographie : Proceedings issue 1 (2011) 487-492
  • Helbig, R. ; Nickerl, J. ; Neinhuis, C. : Werner, C. Smart skin patterns protect springtails more PLoS ONE 6 (2011) e25105 (6 pages)
  • Chwalek, K. ; Levental, K. ; Tsurkan, M. ; Zieris, A. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Werner, C. Two-tier hydrogel degradation to boost endothelial cell morphogenesis more Biomaterials 32 (2011) 9649-9657
  • Kiriy, A. ; Senkovsky, V. ; Sommer, M. Kumada catalyst-transfer polycondensation: Mechanism, opportunities, and challenges more Macromolecular Rapid Communications 32 (2011) 1503-1517
  • Oppermann, W. ; Johannsmann, D. ; Langhoff, A. ; Heinrich, G. Macromolecular Symposia more Wiley 306-307 (2011) Pages v-ix, 1-165
  • Pionteck, J. ; Müller, Y. ; Häußler, L. Reactive epoxy-CTBN rubber blends: Reflection of changed curing mechanism in cure shrinkage and phase separation behaviour more Macromolecular Symposia 306-307 (2011) 126-140
  • Jyotishkumar, P. ; Pionteck, J. ; Özdilek, C. ; Moldenears, P. ; Cvelbar, U. ; Mozetic, M. ; Thomas, S. Rheology and pressure-volume-temperature behavior of thermoplastic poly(acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene)-modified epoxy-DDS-system during reaction induced phase separation more Soft Matter 7 (2011) 7248-7256
  • Richter, S. ; Kreyenschulte, H. ; Saphiannikova, M. ; Götze, T. ; Heinrich, G. Studies of the so-called jamming phenomenon in filled rubbers using dynamical-mechanical experiments more Macromolecular Symposia 306-307 (2011) 141-149
  • Horecha, M. Synthesis,characterization and potential applications more LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2011) 160 Seiten
  • Semeriyanov, F. ; Heinrich, G. Bethe-Peierls approximation for linear monodisperse polymers re-examined more European Physical Journal / E 34 (2011) 89-97
  • Muhuri, S. ; Shagolsem, L. ; Rao, M. Bidirectional transport in a multispecies totally asymmetric exclusion-process model more Physical Review / E 84 (2011) 031921 (8)
  • Ziemba, B. ; Janaszewska, A. ; Ciepluch, K. ; Krotewicz, M. ; Fogel, W. A. ; Appelhans, D. ; Voit, B. ; Bryszewska, M. ; Klajnert, B. In vivo toxicity of poly(propyleneimine) dendrimers more Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 99 (2011) 261-268
  • Mende, M. ; Schwarz, S. ; Zschoche, St. ; Petzold, G. ; Janke, A. Influence of the hydrophobicity of polyelectrolytes on polyelectrolyte complex formation and complex particle structure and shape more Polymers [Open Access] 3 (2011) 1363-1376
  • Uhlmann, P. ; Oleschko, K. ; Laber, N. ; Hüttner, G. ; Lehmann, B. Smarte Nanobeschichtungen more Farbe und Lack 117 (2011) 17-20
  • Gedan-Smolka, M. ; Strohbeck, U. ; Demmler, M. ; Cudazzo, M. ; Vogelsang, H. ; Tuschla, M. Automobilteile aus vorbeschichtetem Blech more Metalloberfläche 65 (2011) 28-30