
Publications Dr. Theresa Förster

  • Xu, S.Q. ; Sun, H. ; Addicoat, M. ; Biswal, B.P. ; He, F. ; Park, S. ; Paasch, S. ; Zhang, T. ; Sheng, W. ; Brunner, E. ; Hou, Y. ; Richter, M. ; Feng, X. Thiophene-bridged donor-acceptor sp(2)-carbon-linked 2D conjugated polymers as photocathodes for water reduction more Advanced Materials 33 (2020) 2006274
  • Daubian, D. ; Fillion, A. ; Gaitzsch, J. ; Meier, W. One-pot synthesis of an amphiphilic ABC triblock copolymer PEO-b-PEHOx-b-PEtOz and Its self-assembly into nanoscopic asymmetric polymersomes more Macromolecules 53 (2020) 11040-11050
  • Utech, T. ; Pötschke, P. ; Simon, F. ; Janke, A. ; Kettner, H. ; Paiva, M. C. ; Zimmerer, C. Bio-inspired deposition of electrochemically exfoliated graphene layers for electrical resistance heating applications more Nano Express 1 (2020) 030032
  • Fidyk, J. ; Waliszewski, W. ; Sieczkowski, P. ; Kiersnowski, A. ; Pisula, W. ; Marszalek, T. Switching from electron to hole transport in solution-processed organic blend field-effect transistors more Polymers 12 (2020) 2662
  • Karimpour-Motlagh, N. ; Moghaddam, A.S. ; Khonakdar, H. A. ; Jafari, S.H. ; Wagenknecht, U. ; Kasbi, S.F. ; Shojaei, S. ; Mirzaee, R. A theoretical and experimental analysis of the effect of nanoclay on gas perm-selectivity of biodegradable PLA/EVA blends in the presence and absence of compatibilizer more Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 305 (2020) 2000433
  • Naseem, S. ; Gevers, B. R. ; Labuschagne, F.J.W. ; Leuteritz, A. Catalytic degradation study of iron (Fe) containing LDH-PP composites more AIP Conference Proceedings 2289 (2020) 020041
  • Wießner, S. ; Bhagavatheswaran, E. S. ; Stöckelhuber, K.W. ; Heinrich, G. ; Das, A. Piezoresistivity - A powerful tool to monitor the behaviour of filler networks in rubber more AIP Conference Proceedings 2289 (2020) 020065
  • Zimmerer, C. ; Arnhold, K. Reactive interphase formation and molecular characterization for designing reactive processing technology more AIP Conference Proceedings 2289 (2020) 020063
  • Mostafaiyan, M. ; Wießner, S. ; Heinrich, G. The moving least square aided finite element method (MLS-FEM): A powerful means to evaluate mixing phenomena in fully filled polymer mixing devices more AIP Conference Proceedings 2289 (2020) 020067
  • Seyfi, J. ; Goodarzi, V. ; Wurm, F. ; Shojaei, S. ; Jafari-Nodoushan, M. ; Khonakdar, H. A. ; Baghersad, M.H. ; Uzun, L. Developing antibacterial superhydrophobic coatings based on polydimethylsiloxane/silver phosphate nanocomposites: Assessment of surface morphology, roughness and chemistry more Progress in Organic Coatings 149 (2020) 105944
  • Drechsler, A. ; Caspari, A. ; Synytska, A. Influence of roughness and capillary size on the zeta potential values obtained by streaming potential measurements more Surface and Interface Analysis 52 (2020) 991-995
  • Perumallapelli, G. R. ; Tsuda, T. ; Formanek, P. ; Kiriy, N. ; Bakulev, V. ; Simon, F. ; Voit, B. ; Mannsfeld, S. ; Kiriy, A. New insights into the structure of two-dimensional lead iodide-based perovskites more Organic Electronics 87 (2020) 105935
  • Bayrak, S. ; Paulkowski, D. ; Stöckelhuber, K.W. ; Staar, B. ; Mayer, B. A comprehensive study about the role of crosslink density on the tribological behavior of DLC coated rubber more Materials (Open Access) 13 (2020) 5460
  • Muniz, N.O. ; Vechietti, F.A. ; Anesi, G.R. ; Guinea., G.V. ; dos Santos, L.A.L. Blend-based fibers produced via centrifugal spinning and electrospinning processes: Physical and rheological properties more Journal of Materials Research 35 (2020) 2905.2916
  • Euchler, E. ; Bernhardt, R. ; Schneider, K. ; Heinrich, G. ; Tada, T. ; Wießner, S. ; Stommel, M. Cavitation in rubber vulcanizates subjected to constrained tensile deformation more Advances in Polymer Science (2020) 1-22
  • Dedova, S. ; Schneider, K. ; Stommel, M. ; Heinrich, G. Dissipative heating, fatigue and fracture behavior of rubber under multiaxial loading more Advances in Polymer Science (2020) 1-23
  • Kuhrt, R. ; Ho, P.Y. ; Hantusch, M. ; Lissel, F. ; Blacque, O. ; Knupfer, M. ; Buchner, B. Synthesis and charge transfer characteristics of a ruthenium-acetylide complex more RSC Advances 10 (2020) 43242-43247
  • Magno, V. ; Meinhardt, A. ; Werner, C. Polymer hydrogels to guide organotypic and organoid cultures more Advanced Functional Materials 30 (2020) 2000097
  • Studzian, M. ; Dzialak, P. ; Pulaski, L. ; Hedstrand, D.M. ; Tomalia, D. A. ; Klajnert-Maculewicz, B. Synthesis, internalization and visualization of N-(4-carbomethoxy) pyrrolidone terminated PAMAM [G5:G3-TREN] tecto(dendrimers) in mammalian cells dagger more Molecules 25 (2020) 4406
  • Fredi, G. ; Zimmerer, C. ; Scheffler, C. ; Pegoretti, A. Polydopamine-coated paraffin microcapsules as a multifunctional filler enhancing thermal and mechanical performance of a flexible epoxy resin more Journal of Composites Science 4 (2020) 174
  • Natarajan, T. S. ; Finger, S. ; Lacayo-Pineda, J. ; Bhagavatheswaran, E. S. ; Banerjee, S. S. ; Heinrich, G. ; Das, A. Robust triboelectric generators by all-in-one commercial rubbers more ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2 (2020) 4054-4064
  • Voit, B. ; Appelhans, D. Dendrimere - Polymere anders gedacht more GDCh - Faszination Chemie (2020) Online-Artikel
  • Kumar, M. ; Sharma, A. ; Hait, S. ; Wießner, S. ; Heinrich, G. ; Arief, I. ; Naskar, K. ; Stöckelhuber, K.W. ; Das, A. Effect of prestrain on the actuation characteristics of dielectric elastomers more Polymers 12 (2020) 2694
  • Prathapan, R. ; Ghosh, A. K. ; Knapp, A. ; Vijayakumar, A. ; Bogari, N.N.J. ; Abraham, B.D. ; Al-Ghabkari, A. ; Fery, A. ; Hu, J. In situ alignment of bacterial cellulose using wrinkling more ACS Applied Bio Materials 3 (2020) 7898-7907
  • Azizli, M.J. ; Mokhtary, M. ; Khonakdar, H. A. ; Goodarzi, V. Compatibilizer/graphene/carboxylated acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (XNBR)/ethylenepropylenediene monomer (EPDM) nanocomposites: Morphology, compatibility, rheology and mechanical properties more Journal of Applied Polymer Science 137 (2020) app49331