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Reactive EB processing of polymer compounds more
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Chemical cross-linking during fires more
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Aluminium-Bleche erst pulvern, dann umformen. Effiziente Verfahrens-Kombination aus umformstabilen Pulverlacksystemen, Hochleistungs-IR-Strahlen und pistolenloser Beschichtungsanlagen more
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Impact of filler surface modification on large scale mechanics of styrene butadiene/silica rubber composites more
Macromolecules 44 (2011) 4366-4381
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Influence of the counterions on the behaviour of polyelectrolytes more
Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science 138 (2011) 45-48
Ghosh, A. ; Chatterjee, S. ; Banerjee, S. ; Komber, H. ; Voit, B.
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Journal of Macromolecular Science - A: Pure Applied Chemistry 48 (2011) 509-517
Vyalikh, A. ; Wang, De-Yi ; Wagenknecht, U. ; Heinrich, G. ; Scheler, U.
Molecular dynamics in aluminum layered double hydroxides as studied by 1H T1p NMR measurements more
Chemical Physics Letters 509 (2011) 138-142
Fan, Q. ; Qin, Z. ; Villmow, T. ; Pionteck, J. ; Pötschke, P. ; Wu, Y. ; Voit, B. ; Zhu, M.
Vapor sensing properties of thermoplastic polyurethane multifilament covered with carbon nanotube networks more
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Vogel, C. ; Komber, H. ; Quetschke, A. ; Butwilowski, W. ; Pötschke, A. ; Meier-Haack, J.
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Chemische Vernetzung im Brandfall - Chemical Cross-Linking During Fires more
Kunststoffe 101 (2011) 75-78
Ghosh, A. ; Maij, S. ; Banerjee, S. ; Voit, B.
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Polymers for Advanced Technologies 21 (2011) 794-801
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Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik 83 (2011) 767-781
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Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (2011) 5397-5412
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Böhme, U. ; Gelfert, K. ; Scheler, U.
Solid-state NMR of polymers under mechanical stress more
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Synthesis, characterization and rheological properties of multiarm stars with poly(glycidol) core and poly(methyl methacrylate) arms by AGET ATRP more
Journal of Polymer Science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry 49 (2011) 3138-3151
Stadermann, J. ; Komber, H. ; Erber, M. ; Däbritz, F. ; Ritter, H. ; Voit, B.
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Macromolecules 44 (2011) 3250-3259
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Composites Science and Technology 71 (2011) 1053-1059