Xiao, D. ; Zheng, M.-T. ; Gohs, U. ; Wagenknecht, U. ; Voit, B. ; Xiao, X.-Q. ; Wang, De-Yi
A sustainable green electron reactive processing for fire safety of polypropylene nanocomposites more
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Lissel, F.
Direkte (Hetero-)Arylierung - konjugierte Polymere in Grün more
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Multiscale approach to determine the anisotropic mechanical properties of polyisocyanurate metal panels using FEM simulations more
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Polyethylene glycol as additive to achieve n-conductive melt-mixed polymer/carbon nanotube composites for thermoelectric application more
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Encapsulation of nanoparticles into preformed block copolymer micelles driven by competitive solvation: experimental studies and molecular dynamic simulations more
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Co-nonsolvency transition in polymer solutions: A simulation study more
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Charge-compensated n-doped p-conjugated polymers: toward both thermodynamic stability of n-doped states in water and high electron conductivity more
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Redox- and pH-responsive polymersomes with ferrocene moieties exhibiting peroxidase-like, chemoenzymatic activity and H2O2-responsive release behavior more
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