
Publications Dr. Theresa Förster

  • Damaceanu, M..D. ; Mihai, M. ; Popescu, I. ; Bruma, M. ; Schwarz, S. Synthesis and characterization of a new oxadiazole-functionalized maleic anhydride-N-vinyl-pyrrolidone copolymer and its application in CaCO3 based microparticles more Reactive & Functional Polymers 72 (2012) 635-641
  • Toshchevikov, V. ; Saphiannikova, M. ; Heinrich, G. Theory of light-induced deformation of azobenzene elastomers : Influence of network structure more Journal of Chemical Physics 137 (2012) 024903 1
  • Chassé, W. ; Saalwächter, K. ; Sommer, J.-U. Thermodynamics of swollen networks as reflected in segmental orientation correlations more Macromolecules 45 (2012) 5513-5523
  • Bon, V. ; Senkovskyy, V. ; Senkovska, I. ; Kaskel, S. Zr(IV) and Hf(IV) based metal-organic frameworks with reo-topology more Chemical Communications 48 (2012) 8407-8409
  • Kai Ke, Yu Wang, Kai Zhang, Yong Luo, Wei Yang, Bang-Hu Xie, Ming-Bo Yang Melt Viscoelasticity, Electrical Conductivity, and Crystallization of PVDF/MWCNT Composites: Effect of the Dispersion of MWCNTs more Journal of Applied Polymer Science 125 (2012) E49-E57
  • Kiriy, A. ; Stamm, M. Chain comformation and Manipulation more Elsevier (2012) 1.14, 367-386
  • Ziemba, B. ; Matuszko, G. ; Appelhans, D. ; Voit, B. ; Bryszewska, M. ; Klajnert, B. Genotoxicity of poly(propylene imine) dendrimers more Biopolymers 97 (2012) 642-648
  • Fan, Q. ; Qin, Z. ; Gao, S.-L. ; Wu, Y. ; Pionteck, J. ; Mäder, E. ; Zhu, M. The use of a carbon nanotube layer on a polyurethane multifilament substrate for monitoring strains as large as 400% more Carbon 50 (2012) 4085-4092
  • Müller, M. ; Krause, B. ; Pötschke, P. A successful approach to disperse MWCNTs in polyethylene by melt mixing using polyethylene glycol as additive more Polymer 53 (2012) 3079-3083
  • Müller, C. ; Stamov, D. ; Werner, C. ; Pompe, T. Nanoscale characterization of cell receptors and binding sites on cell-derived extracellular matrices more Ultramicroscopy 118 (2012) 44-52
  • Pompe, T. ; Prewitz, M. ; Werner, C. Polymere Biomaterialien als zelluläre Mikromilieus more Biospektrum (2012) 383-384
  • Vukicevic, R. ; Pospiech, D. ; Korwitz, A. ; Stoyanov, H. ; Kofod, G. ; Vukovic, I. ; ten Brinke, G. ; Beuermann, S. Poly(vinylidene fluoride)-functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes for the preparation of composites with improved conductivity more Polymer Chemistry 3 (2012) 2261-2265
  • Müller, M. ; Keßler, B. Release of pamidronate from poly(ethyleneimine)/cellulose sulphate complex nanoparticle films: An in-situ-ATR-FTIR study more Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis : JPBA 66 (2012) 183-190
  • Ionov, L. Biomimetic 3D self-assembling biomicroconstructs by spontaneous deformation of thin polymer films more Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (2012) 19366-19375
  • Welzel, P. ; Grimmer, M. ; Renneberg, C. ; Naujox, L. ; Zschoche, St. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Werner, C. Macroporous starPEG-heparin cryogels more Biomacromolecules 13 (2012) 2349-2358
  • Bräuer, M. ; Edelmann, M. ; Häußler, L. ; Kühnert, I. Metall-Kunststoff-Verbunde: Untersuchungen zur Wirkungsweise einer Adhäsionsschicht aus Uretdionpulverlacksystemen more Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 43 (2012) 534-543
  • Grothe, J. ; Kaskel, S. ; Leuteritz, A. Nanocomposites and hybrid mateials more Elsevier (2012) 8.08, 177-209
  • Jung, A. ; Peter, K. ; Demco, D. E. ; Jehnichen, D. ; Moeller, M. Nanocomposites based on layered silicates and epoxy resins: measurement of clay dispersion and exfoliation using TEM, solid-state NMR, and X-ray diffraction methods more Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 213 (2012) 389-400
  • Ionov, L. ; Synytska, A. Self-healing superhydrophobic materials more Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics 14 (2012) 10497-10502
  • Pakhomov, P. M. ; Khizhnyak, S. D. ; Rogova, E. A. ; Galitsyn, V. P. ; Jehnichen, D. ; Hofmann, T. ; Kulik, V. ; Chmel, E.A. Structure of the crystalline phase in gelled polyethylene and its effect on the orientational ability of gel fibers more Polymer Science / Series A 54 (2012) 437-442
  • Rajeshbabu, R. ; Gohs, U. ; Naskar, K. ; Mondal, M. ; Wagenknecht, U. ; Heinrich, G. Electron-induced reactive processing of poly(propylene)/ethylene-octene copolymer blends: A novel route to prepare thermoplastic vulcanizates more Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 297 (2012) 659-669
  • Stoychev, G. ; Zakharchenko, S. ; Turcaud, S. ; Dunlop, J. w. C. ; Ionov, L. Shape-programmed folding of stimuli-responsive polymer bilayers more ACS Nano 6 (2012) 3925-3934
  • Finn, A. ; Hensel, R. ; Hagemann, F. ; Kirchner, R. ; Jahn, A. ; Fischer, W. J. Characterization of the geometrical properties of multilayer nano-imprint-lithography molds for optical applications more Microelectronic Engineering 98 (2012) 284-287
  • Wan, G. ; Solovev, A. A. ; Huang, G. S. ; Maitz, M.F. ; Huang, N. ; Mai, Y. F. Dynamic curvature control of rolled-up metal nanomembranes activated by magnesium more Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (2012) 12983-12987
  • Liu, W. ; Herrmann, A.-K. ; Geiger, D. ; Borchardt, L. ; Simon, F. ; Kaskel, S. ; Gaponik, N. ; Eychmüller, A. High-performance electrocatalysis on palladium aerogels more Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 51 (2012) 5743-5747