
Publications Dr. Theresa Förster

  • Besford, Q.A. ; Schubotz, S. ; Chae, S. ; Özdabak Sert, A.B. ; Weiss, A.C.G. ; Auernhammer, G. ; Uhlmann, P. ; Farinha, J.P.S. ; Fery, A. Molecular transport within polymer brushes: a FRET view at aqueous interfaces more Molecules 27 (2022) 3043
  • Staudinger, U. ; Janke, A. ; Steinbach, C. ; Reuter, U. ; Ganß, M. ; Voigt, O. Influence of CNT length on dispersion, localization, and electrical percolation in a styrene-butadiene-based star block copolymer more Polymers 14 (2022) 2715
  • Huang, J. ; Martin, A. ; Urbanski, A. ; et al., ; Uhlmann, P. One-pot synthesis of high-capacity silicon anodes via on-copper growth of a semiconducting, porous polymer more Natural Science 2 (2022) e20210105
  • Tayouri, M.I. ; Mousavi, S.R. ; Estaji, S. ; Mahand, S.N. ; Jahanmardi, R. ; Arjmand, M. ; Arnhold, K. ; Khonakdar, H.A. Polystyrene/polyolefin elastomer/halloysite nanotubes blend nanocomposites: Morphology-thermal degradation kinetics relationship more Polymers for Advanced Technologies 33 (2022) 2149-2165
  • Ambilkar, S.C. ; Dhakar, G.L. ; Kapgate, B.P. ; Das, A. ; Hait, S. ; Gedam, R.S. ; Kasilingam, R. ; Das, C. Enhancing the material performance of chloroprene rubber (CR) by strategic incorporation of zirconia more Materials Advances 3 (2022) 2434-2446
  • Ivaneiko, D. ; Domurath, J. ; Heinrich, G. ; Saphiannikova, M. Intrinsic modulus and strain coefficients in dilute composites with a Neo-Hookean elastic matrix more Applications in Engineering Science 10 (2022) 100100
  • Hagmann, K. ; Bunk, C. ; Böhme, F. ; von Klitzing, R. Amphiphilic polymer conetwork gel films based on tetra-poly(ethylene glycol) and tetra-poly(e-caprolactone) more Polymers 14 (2022) 2555
  • Shekari, M. ; Mousavi, S. R. ; Golriz, M. ; Bolourian, A. ; Grivani, G.H. ; Wagenknecht, U. ; Jafari, S.H. ; Khonakdar, H.A. Effect of re-modified nanoclays on the extent of transesterification in poly (ethylene terephthalate)/poly (ethylene 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylate) blend nanocomposites more Materials Today Communications 32 (2022) 103872
  • Wang, G. ; Zhu, M. ; Chen, G. ; Qu, Z. ; Kohn, B. ; Scheler, U. ; Chu, X. ; Fu, Y. ; Schmidt, O. G. ; Feng, X. An anode-free Zn-graphite battery more Advanced Materials 34 (2022) 2201957
  • Xiao, D. ; Zheng, M.-T. ; Gohs, U. ; Wagenknecht, U. ; Voit, B. ; Wang, De-Yi Highly efficient flame retardant and smoke suppression mechanism of polypropylene nanocomposites based on clay and allylamine polyphosphate more Journal of Applied Polymer Science 139 (2022) e52311
  • Kao, T.-H. ; Qiao, Z. ; Ho, P.Y. ; Ditzer, O. ; Sun, N. ; Voit, B. ; Lissel, F. Synthesis of linear unsubstituted poly(4,4'-triphenylamine) via Suzuki-Miyaura coupling of an asymmetric AB monomer more Journal of Polymer Science 60 (2022) 1899-1911
  • Schirmer, U. ; Ludolph, J. ; Rothe, H. ; Hauptmann, N. ; Behrens, C. ; Bittrich, E. ; Schliephake, H. ; Liefeith, K. Tailored polyelectrolyte multilayer systems by variation of polyelectrolyte composition and EDC/NHS cross-linking: Physicochemical characterization and in vitro evaluation more Nanomaterials 12 (2022) Article Number: 2054
  • Krishnan, V.G. ; Rosely, C. V. S. ; Leuteritz, A. ; Gowd, E.B. High-strength, flexible, hydrophobic, sound-absorbing, and flame-retardant poly(vinyl alcohol)/polyelectrolyte complex aerogels more ACS Applied Polymer Materials 4 (2022) 5113-5124
  • Faghih, M. ; Karnaushenko, D. ; Besford, Q.A. ; Becker, C. ; Ravishankar, R. ; Karnaushenko, D.D. ; Cuniberti, G. ; Fery, A. ; Schmidt, O. G. Membranotronics: Bioinspired nonlinear ion transport with negative differential resistance based on elastomeric membrane system more Advanced Functional Materials 32 (2022) 2200233
  • Rizvi, M.H. ; Wang, R. ; Schubert, J. ; Crumpler, W.D. ; Rossner, C. ; Oldenburg, A.L. ; Fery, A. ; Tracy, J.B. Magnetic alignment for plasmonic control of gold nanorods coated with iron oxide nanoparticles more Advanced Materials 34 (2022) 2203366
  • Zimmermann, P. ; Schlenstedt, K. ; Schwarz, S. ; Vehlow, D. ; Blanke, M. ; Fery, A. ; Nagel, J. Green approach for manufacturing of polymer surface structures with micro cavities having robust chemical functionalized inner surfaces more ACS Applied Polymer Materials 4 (2022) 5189-5198
  • Shivhare, R. ; Moore, G. J. ; Hofacker, A. ; Hutsch, S. ; Zhong, Y. ; Hambsch, M. ; Erdmann, V. ; Kiriy, A. ; Mannsfeld, S. ; Ortmann, F. ; Banerji, N. Short excited-state lifetimes mediate charge-recombination losses in organic solar cell blends with low charge-transfer driving force more Advanced Materials 34 (2022) 2101784
  • Gahlen, P. ; Stommel, M. Modeling of the local anisotropic mechanical foam properties in polyisocyanurate metal panels using mesoscale FEM simulations more International Journal of Solids and Structures 244-245 (2022) 111595
  • Kumar, A. ; Nayak, K. ; Münch, A.S. ; Uhlmann, P. ; Fery, A. ; Tripathi, B.P. Mussel primed grafted zwitterionic phosphorylcholine based superhydrophilic/underwater superoleophobic antifouling membranes for oil-water separation more Separation and Purifaction Technology 290 (2022) 120887
  • Bains, A.K. ; Behrens Wu, L. ; Richter, M. ; Magno, V. ; Rother, S. ; Cross, M. ; Werner, C. ; Wobus, M. ; Platzbecker, U. P724: The bone marrow mesenchymal cell-derived extracellular matrix is significantly altered in patients with melodysplastic syndromes more HemaSphere 6 (2022) 619-620
  • Zimmermann, R. ; Duval, J.F.L. ; Werner, C. ; Sterling, J.D. Quantitative insights into electrostatics and structure of polymer brushes from microslit electrokinetic experiments and advanced modelling of interfacial electrohydrodynamics more Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science 59 (2022) 101590
  • Du, M. ; Jariyavidyanont, K. ; Boldt, R. ; Tariq, M. ; Fischer, M. ; Spörer, Y. ; Kühnert, I. ; Androsch, R. Crystal-nuclei formation during injection-molding of poly (l-lactic acid) more Polymer 250 (2022) 124897
  • Sommer, J.-U. ; Merlitz, H. ; Schiessel, H. Polymer-assisted condensation: a mechanism for hetero-chromatin formation and epigenetic memory more Macromolecules 55 (2022) 4841-4851
  • Praße, F. ; Kornhuber, S. ; Voit, B. ; Weber, J. Impact of the network density of rough poly(dimethylsiloxane)-model systems on the hydrophobicity assessment and dynamic wetting behavior more ACS Applied Polymer Materials 4 (2022) 4109-4118
  • Park, H. ; Wiesing, M. ; Zimmermann, P. ; Janke, A. ; Schwarz, S. ; Nagel, J. Laser-assisted direct grafting of poly(ethyleneimine) on poly(methyl methacrylate) more Polymers 14 (2022) 2041