
Publications Dr. Theresa Förster

  • Motlagh, K. L. ; Seyfi, J. ; Khonakdar, H. A. ; Mortazavi, M. Vinyl ester/silica aerogel nanocomposite coatings with enhanced hydrophobicity and corrosion protection properties more Polymers for Advanced Technologies 32 (2021) 2176-2184
  • Hilfiker, M. ; Korlacki, R. ; Jinno, R. ; Cho, Y. ; Xing, H. G. ; Jena, D. ; Kilic, U. ; Stokey, M. ; Schubert, M. Anisotropic dielectric functions, band-to-band transitions, and critical points in alpha-Ga2O3 more Applied Physics Letters 118 (2021) 062103
  • Wei, Q. ; Imbrasas, P. ; Caldera-Cruz, E. ; Cao, L. ; Fei, N. ; Thomas, H. ; Scholz, R. ; Lenk, S. ; Voit, B. ; Reineke, S. ; Ge, Z. Conjugation-induced thermally activated delayed fluorescence: photophysics of a carbazole-benzophenone monomer-to-tetramer molecular series more Journal of Physical Chemistry A 125 (2021) 1345-1354
  • Entezam, M. ; Zarei, I. ; Khonakdar, H. A. Effect of accelerator solubility on the curing characteristics and physico-mechanical properties of SBR/NBR blends: correlation with feeding sequence and blend composition more Polymer Bulletin 79 (2021) 1501-1519
  • Abdoli, I. ; Sharma, A. Stochastic resetting of active Brownian particles with Lorentz force more Soft Matter 17 (2021) 1307-1316
  • Razavi, M. ; Zhang, W. ; Khonakdar, H. A. ; Janke, A. ; Li, L. ; Wang, S.-Q. Inducing nano-confined crystallization in PLLA and PET by elastic melt stretching more Soft Matter 17 (2021) 1457-1462
  • Naas, C. ; Scheler, U. ; Lappan, U. Influence of pH on the growth and the local dynamics of polyelectrolyte multilayers more Macromolecules 54 (2021) 1043-1051
  • Ucar, B. ; Kajtez, J. ; Foidl, B.M. ; Eigel, D. ; Werner, C. ; Long, K. R. ; Emnéus, J. ; Bizeau, J. ; Lomora, M. ; Pandit, A. ; Newland, B. ; Humpel, C. Biomaterial based strategies to reconstruct the nigrostriatal pathway in organotypic slice co-cultures more Acta Biomaterialia 121 (2021) 250-262
  • Müller, M. ; Wirth, L. ; Urban, B. Determination of the carboxyl dissociation degree and pKa valute of mono and polyacid solutions by FTIR titration more Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 222 (2021) 2000334
  • Azadi, F. ; Jafari, S.H. ; Khonakdar, H. A. ; Arjmand, M. ; Wagenknecht, U. ; Altstädt, V. Influence of graphene oxide on thermally induced shape memory behavior of PLA/TPU blends: Correlation with morphology, creep behavior, crystallinity, and dynamic mechanical properties more Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 306 (2021) 2000576
  • Qiu, H. ; Tu, Q. ; Gao, P. ; Li, X. ; Maitz, M.F. ; Xiong, K. ; Yang, Z. Phenolic-amine chemistry mediated synergistic modification with polyphenols and thrombin inhibitor for combating the thrombosis and inflammation of cardiovascular stents more Biomaterials 269 (2021) 120626
  • Armakavicius, N. ; Kuhne, P. ; Eriksson, J. ; Bouhafs, C. ; Stanishev, V. ; Ivanov, I. G. ; Yakimova, R. ; Zakharov, A.A. ; Al-Temimy, A. ; Coletti, C. ; Schubert, M. ; Darakchieva, V. Resolving mobility anisotropy in quasi-free-standing epitaxial graphene by terahertz optical Hall effect more Carbon 172 (2021) 248-259
  • Wetzel, R. ; Hauser, S. ; Lin, W. ; Berg, P. ; Werner, C. ; Pietzsch, J. ; Kempermann, G. ; Zhang, Y. Screening arrays of laminin peptides on modified cellulose for promotion of adhesion of primary endothelial and neural precursor cells more Advanced Biology 5 (2021) 1900303
  • Zoupi, L. ; Booker, S.A. ; Eigel, D. ; Werner, C. ; Kind, P.C. ; Spires-Jones, T.L. ; Newland, B. ; Williams, A. Selective vulnerability of inhibitory networks in multiple sclerosis more Acta Neuropathologica 141 (2021) 415-429
  • Aftenieva, O. ; Schnepf, M. J. ; Mehlhorn, B. ; König, T. Tunable circular dichroism by photoluminescent moire gratings more Advanced Optical Materials 9 (2021) 2001280
  • Zhao, B. ; Jia, Y. ; Xu, Y. ; Bonaccurso, E. ; Deng, X. ; Auernhammer, G. ; Chen, L. What can probing liquid-air menisci inside nanopores teach us about macroscopic wetting phenomena? more ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (2021) 6897-6905
  • Schmidt, H. ; Straub, B. ; Sindersberger, D. ; Bröckel, U. ; Monkman, G.J. ; Auernhammer, G. Collision and separation of nickel particles embedded in a polydimethylsiloxan matrix under a rotating magnetic field: A strong magneto active function more Colloid and Polymer Science 299 (2021) 955-967
  • Ferreira, I. ; Brünig, H. ; Focke, W. W. ; Boldt, R. ; Androsch, R. ; Leuteritz, A. Melt-spun poly(D,L-lactic acid) monofilaments containing N,N-Diethyl-3-methylbenzamide as mosquito repellent more Materials (Open Access) 14 (2021) 638
  • Chowdhury, S.G. ; Chanda, J. ; Ghosh, S. ; Pal, A. ; Ghosh, P. ; Bhattacharyya, S.K. ; Mukhopadhyay, R. ; Banerjee, S. S. ; Das, A. Morphology and physico-mechanical treshold of a-cellulose as filler in an E-SBR composite more Molecules 26 (2021) 694
  • Singh, S. ; Horechyy, A. ; Yadav, S. ; Formanek, P. ; Hübner, R. ; Srivastava, R. ; Sapra, S. ; Fery, A. ; Nandan, B. Nanoparticle-stabilized perforated lamellar morphology in block copolymer/quantum dot hybrids more Macromolecules 54 (2021) 1216-1223
  • Fei, Y. ; Fu, Y. ; Bai, X. ; Du, L. ; Li, Z. ; Komber, H. ; Low, K.-H. ; Zhou, S. ; Phillips, D.L. ; Feng, X. ; Liu, J. Defective nanographenes containing seven-five-seven (7-5-7)-membered rings more Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (2021) 2353-2360
  • Uribe-Gomez, J. ; Posada-Murcia, A. ; Shukla, A. ; Ergin, M. ; Constante, G. ; Apsite, I. ; Dulle, M. ; Schwarzer, M. ; Caspari, A. ; Synytska, A. ; Salehi, S. ; Ionov, L. Shape-morphing fibrous hydrogel/elastomer bilayers fabricated by a combination of 3D printing and melt electrowriting for muscle tissue regeneration more ACS Applied Bio Materials 4 (2021) 1720-1730
  • Ganß, M. ; Staudinger, U. ; Satapathy, B. K. ; Leuteritz, A. ; Weidisch, R. Mechanism of strengthening and toughening of a nanostructured styrene-butadiene based block copolymer by oligostyrene-modified montmorillonites more Polymer 213 (2021) 123328
  • Kafetzi, M. ; Borchert, K. ; Steinbach, C. ; Schwarz, D. ; Pispas, S. ; Schwarz, S. Thermoresponsive PNIPAM-b-PAA block copolymers as "smart" adsorbents of Cu(II) for water restore treatments more Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 614 (2021) 126049
  • Steiner, A. M. ; Lissel, F. ; Fery, A. ; Lauth, J. ; Scheele, M. Prospects of coupled organic-inorganic nanostructures for charge and energy transfer applications more Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 60 (2021) 1152-1175