
Publications Dr. Theresa Förster

  • Yazdaninia, A. ; Jafari, S.H. ; Ehsani, M. ; Khajavi, R. ; Khonakdar, H. A. Solid state viscoelastic properties, morphological and melt rheological studies on PLA/TPU/POSS nanocomposites more Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials 58 (2019) 1036-1045
  • Ciepluch, K. ; Maciejewski, H. ; Galczynska, K. ; Kuc-Ciepluch, D. ; Bryszewska, M. ; Appelhans, D. ; Drulis-Kawa, Z. ; Arabski, M. The influence of cationic dendrimers on antibacterial activity of phage endolysin against P. aeruginosa cells more Bioorganic Chemistry 91 (2019) 103121
  • Wang, J. J. ; Zheng, Y. ; Li, L. ; Liu, E. ; Zong, C. Y. ; Zhao, J. X. ; Xie, J. ; Xu, F. ; König, T. ; Saphiannikova, M. ; Cao, Y. P. ; Fery, A. ; Lu, C. H. All-optical reversible azo-based wrinkling patterns with high aspect ratio and polarization-independent orientation for light responsive soft photonics more ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (2019) 25595-25604
  • Sun, N. ; Su, K. X. ; Zhou, Z. ; Tian, X. ; Zhao, J. ; Chao, D. ; Wang, D.M. ; Lissel, F. ; Zhao, X. G. ; Chen, C. H. High-performance emission/color dual-switchable polymer-bearing pendant tetraphenylethylene (TPE) and triphenylamine (TPA) moieties more Macromolecules 52 (2019) 5131-5139
  • Puentes-Parodi, A. ; Santoro, L. A. ; Ferreira, I. ; Leuteritz, A. ; Kühnert, I. Influence of annealing on the permeation properties of a thermoplastic elastomer more Polymer Engineering and Science 59 (2019) 1810-1817
  • Neubauer, J. ; Hauck, N. ; Männel, M. J. ; Fery, A. ; Thiele, J. Mechanoresponsive hydrogel particles as a platform for three-dimensional force sensing more ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (2019) 26307-26313
  • Gupta, V. ; Probst, P. T. ; Goßler, F. ; Steiner, A. M. ; Schubert, J. ; Brasse, Y. ; König, T. ; Fery, A. Mechanotunable Surface Lattice Resonances in the Visible Optical Range by Soft Lithography Templates and Directed Self-Assembly more ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (2019) 28189-21196
  • Basu, D. ; Agasty, A. ; Das, A. ; Chattopadhyay, S. ; Sahu, P. ; Heinrich, G. Phase changing stearate ions as active fillers in multifunctional carboxylated acrylonitrile-butadiene composite: Exploring the role of zinc stearate more Journal of Applied Polymer Science 136 (2019) 48271
  • Sztandera, K. ; Dzialak, P. ; Marcinkowska, M. ; Stanczyk, M. ; Gorzkiewicz, M. ; Janaszewska, A. ; Klajnert-Maculewicz, B. Sugar modification enhances cytotoxic activity of PAMAM-doxorubicin conjugate in glucose-deprived MCF-7 cells - possible role of GLUT1 transporter more Pharmaceutical Research 36 (2019) UNSP 140
  • Sun, N. ; Su, K. X. ; Zhou, Z. ; Tian, X. ; Wang, D.M. ; Vilbrandt, N. ; Fery, A. ; Lissel, F. ; Zhao, X. G. ; Chen, C. H. Synergistic effect between electroactive tetraphenyl-p-phenylenediamine and AIE-active tetraphenylethylene for highly integrated electrochromic/electrofluorochromic performances more Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7 (2019) 9308-9315
  • Banerjee, S. S. ; Natarajan, T. S. ; Subramani Bhagavateshwaran, E. ; Wießner, S. ; Janke, A. ; Heinrich, G. ; Das, A. Temperature scanning stress relaxation behavior of water responsive and mechanically adaptive elastomer nanocomposites more Journal of Applied Polymer Science 136 (2019) 48344
  • Aram, E. ; Ehsani, M. ; Khonakdar, H. A. ; Abdollahi, S. Improvement of electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties of poly(methyl methacrylate)/poly(ethylene oxide) blend using graphene nanosheets more Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 32 (2019) 1176-1189
  • Uhlig, K. ; Bittrich, L. ; Spickenheuer, A. ; Almeida Jr., J.H.S. Waviness and fiber volume content analysis in continuous carbon fiber reinforced plastics made by tailored fiber placement more Composite Structures 222 (2019) ID110910
  • Yong, H. ; Bittrich, E. ; Uhlmann, P. ; Fery, A. ; Sommer, J.-U. Co-nonsolvency transition of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) brushes in a series of binary mixtures more Macromolecules 52 (2019) 6285-6293
  • Xu, Y. ; Patsis, P.A. ; Hauser, S. ; Akbar, T.F. ; et al., Cytocompatible, injectable, and electroconductive soft adhesives with hybrid covalent/noncovalent dynamic network more Advanced Science 6 (2019) 1802077
  • Cao, X.-Z. ; Merlitz, H. ; Forest, M.G. Nanoparticle loading of unentangled polymers induces entanglement-like relaxation modes and a broad sol-gel transition more Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 (2019) 4968-4973
  • Gilson, L. ; Wenzl, J. ; Paven, M. ; Kappl, M. ; Butt, H.-J. ; Vollmer, D. ; Auernhammer, G. Formation, deformation, rolling and sliding of particles and particle aggregates: Mechanisms and applications more Springer 2019 (2019) 89-114
  • Naji, A. ; Pötschke, P. ; Ameli, A. Hybrid conductive filler/polycarbonate composites with enhanced electrical and thermal conductivities for bipolar plate applications more Polymer Composites 40 (2019) 3189-3198
  • Ferrari, F. ; Paturej, J. ; Piatek, M. ; Zhao, Y. Knots, links, anyons and statistical mechanics of entangled polymer rings more Nuclear Physics B 945 (2019) 114673
  • Haase, E. ; Krause, R. ; Krzywinski, S. ; Landgraf, B. ; Rogge, R. ; Rosenbaum, H. ; Simon, F. ; Zimmermann, P. Entwicklung eines strahlungsadaptiven Markisengewebes mit erhöhter Durchsichtigkeit bei gleichzeitig erhöhten Blend- und Wärmeschutzeigenschaften für Senkrechtmarkisen an Nichtwohngebäuden more Fraunhofer IRB Verlag (2019) 131 Seiten : Illustrationen
  • Zimmermann, R. ; Hentschel, C. ; Schrön, F. ; Moedder, D. ; Büttner, T. ; Atallah, P. ; Wegener, T. ; Howitz, S. ; Werner, C. High resolution bioprinting of multi-component hydrogels more Biofabrication 11 (2019) 045008
  • Tzounis, L. ; Dona, M. ; Lopez-Romero, J. M. ; Fery, A. ; Contreras-Caceres, R. Temperature controlled catalysis by core-shell-satellites AuAg@pNIPAM@Ag hybrid microgels: A highly efficient catalytic thermo-responsive nanoreactor more ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (2019) 29360-29372
  • Jehnichen, D. ; Pospiech, D. ; Berndt, A. ; Gomoll, S. ; Natkowski, E. ; Plötner, M. X-ray characterization of crosslinked methacrylate copolymers for application as dielectric layers in organic electronics more Powder Diffraction 34 (2019) 71-81 (Supplement S1)
  • Pospiech, D. ; Korwitz, A. ; Eckstein, K. ; Komber, H. ; Jehnichen, D. ; Lederer, A. ; Arnhold, K. ; Göbel, M. ; Bremer, M. ; Hoffmann, A. ; Fischer, S. ; Werner, A. ; Walther, T. ; Brünig, H. ; Voit, B. Fiber formation and properties of polyester/Lignin blends more Journal of Applied Polymer Science 136 (2019) 48257
  • Müller, M. T. ; Eichhorn, K. ; Gohs, U. ; Heinrich, G. In-line nanostructuring of glass fibres using different carbon allotropes for structural health monitoring application more Fibers 7 (2019) 61