
Publications Dr. Theresa Förster

  • Häußler, L. ; Pompe, G. ; Lehmann, D. ; Lappan, U. Fractionated crystallization in blends of functionalized poly(tetrafluoroethylene) and polyamide more Macromolecular Symposia 164 (2001) 411-419
  • Pich, A. ; Richter, S. ; Adler, H. J. ; Datsyuk, V. ; Voronov, S. Functionalization of Latex Particle Surface by Using Polymeric Inisurfs more Macromolecular Symposia 164 (2001) 11-24
  • Müller, M. ; MacDowell, L.G. ; Müller-Buschbaum, P. ; Wunnicke, O. ; Stamm, M. Nano-dewetting: Interplay between van der Waals- and short-ranged interactions more Journal of Chemical Physics 115 (2001) 9960-9969
  • Datsyuk, V. ; Häußler, L. ; Wagenknecht, U. ; Voronov, S. ; Tokarev, V. ; Bednarska, O. Polypropylene/Polyperoxide Interaction in the Melt Phase more Macromolecular Symposia 164 (2001) 357-367
  • Beyerlein, D. ; Belge, G. ; Eichhorn, K.-J. ; Grundke, K. ; Gauglitz, G. ; Voit, B. Preparation and Properties of Thin Films of Hyperbranched Polyesters with Different Endgroups more Macromolecular Symposia 164 (2001) 117-131
  • Shybanova, O. ; Voronov, S. ; Bednarska, O. ; Medvedevskikh, Y. ; Stamm, M. ; Tokarev, V. Preparation of Thin Surface Layers by Grafting of PEO more Macromolecular Symposia 164 (2001) 211-218
  • Wieringa, R.H. ; Siesling, E.A. ; Geurts, P.F.M. ; Werkman, P.J. ; Vorenkamp, E.J. ; Erb, V. ; Stamm, M. ; Schouten, A.J. Surface Grafting of Poly(L-glutamates). 1. Synthesis and Characterization more Langmuir 17 (2001) 6477-6484
  • Haberstroh, E. ; Lettowsky, C. ; Nagel, J. Chemische Haftung: Grenzflächenreaktives 2-Komponentenspritzgießen more Plastverarbeiter 52 (2001) 22-23
  • Talaie, A. ; Lee, J.Y. ; Lee, Y.K. ; Adachi, K. ; Taguchi, T. ; Mäder, E. ; Jang, J. ; Romagnoli, J.A. Dynamic modeling of a polymeric composite interface: An introduction to in-situ neurocomputing in composite-based PH sensors more Composite Interfaces 8 (2001) 127-134
  • Thieme, M. ; Frenzel, R. ; Schmidt, S. ; Worch, H. ; Simon, ; Lunkwitz, K. Generation of ultrahydrophobic properties of aluminium - A first step to self-cleaning transparently coated metal surfaces more Advanced Engineering Materials 3 (2001) 691-695
  • Mäder, E. ; Gao, S.-L. Prospect of nanoscale interphase evaluation to predict composite properties more Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 15 (2001) 1015-1037
  • Dutschk, V. ; Mäder, E. ; Rudoy, V. Determination of polarity parameters for glass fibres by inverse gas chromatography: Some results and remarks more Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 15 (2001) 1373-1389
  • Wong, S. ; Scheler, U. Electrophoresis of macromolecules in solution detected by electrophoresis-NMR more Colloids and Surfaces / A 195 (2001) 253-257
  • Schneider, K. ; Herrmann, V. Semi-quantitative mechanical characterization of fibre composites in the sub-micron-range by SFM more Composites / Part A 32 (2001) 1679-1687
  • G. Reiter, G. Castelein, J.-U. Sommer, Andreas Röttele, Thomas Thurn-Albrecht Direct Visualization of Random Crystallization and Melting in Arrays of Nanometer-Size Polymer Crystals more Physical Review Letters 87 (2001) 226101, 4 Pages
  • Dukhin, S.S. ; Zimmermann, R. ; Werner, C. A concept for the generalization of the standard electrokinetic model more Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 195 (2001) 103-112
  • Dragan, S. ; Schwarz, S. ; Eichhorn, K.-J. ; Lunkwitz, K. Electrostatic self-assembled nanoarchitectures between polycations of integral type and azo dyes more Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 195 (2001) 243-251
  • Beck, R. ; zur Linden, B. ; Stave, J.. ; Werner, C. ; Nitschke, M. ; Guthoff, R. In-vitro-Kapselsackmodell zur Testung des Einflusses des Linsendesigns auf die Entstehung einer posterioren Kapselfibrose- eine In-vitro-Studie more Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 218 (2001) 111-115
  • Schweiß, R. ; Welzel, P. ; Werner, C. ; Knoll, W. Interfacial charge of organic thin films characterized by streaming potential and streaming current measurements more Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 195 (2001) 97-102
  • Hartmann, L. ; Kratzmüller, Th. ; Braun, H.-G. ; Kremer, F. Molecular dynamics of grafted PBLG in the swollen and in the dried state more IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Isulation 8 (2001) 390-394
  • Chiellini, F. ; Bizzarri, R. ; Ober, C.K. ; Schmaljohann, D. ; Yu, T. ; Solaro, R. Patterning of Polymeric Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications more Macromolecular Rapid Communications 22 (2001) 1284-1287
  • Dragan, S. ; Schwarz, S. ; Ghimici, L. Polycation/Azo Dye Multilayers Builtup in the Presence of Neutral Salts more Annals of West University of Timisoara / Series Chemistry 10 (2001)
  • Tusek, L. ; Nitschke, M. ; Werner, C. ; Stana-Kleinschek, K. ; Ribitsch, V. Surface characterization of NH3 plasma treated polyamide 6 foils more Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 195 (2001) 81-95
  • Miller, A.C. ; Minko, S. ; Berg, J.C. Application of Acoustic Emission Measurements to Investigate Adhesion in Filled Polymeric Composites more Journal of Adhesion 75 (2001) 257-266
  • Mahltig, B. ; Jérome, R. ; Stamm, M. Diblock polyampholytes at the silicon/water interface: Adsorption at various modified silicon substrates more Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics 3 (2001) 4371-4375