Barbu-Mic, C. ; Mihai, M. ; Varganici, C.-D. ; Schwarz, S. ; Scutaru, D. ; Simionescu, B. C.
Effects of (complementar) polyelectrolytes characteristics on composite calcium carbonate microparticles properties more
Materiale Plastice 54 (2017) 708-714
Breier, A. ; Bittrich, L. ; Hahn, J. ; Spickenheuer, A.
Evaluation of optical data gained by ARAMIS-measurement of abdominal wall movements for an anisotropic pattern design of stress-adapted hernia meshes produced by embroidery technology more
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 254 (2017) ID062002
Bray, L. ; Binner, M. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Werner, C.
Hydrogel-based in vitro models of tumor angiogenesis more
Humana Press 2017 (2017) 39-63
Arjmand, M. ; Mirkhani, A. ; Pötschke, P. ; Krause, B. ; Sundararaj, U.
Impact of synthesis temperature on structure of carbon nanotubes and morphological and electrical characterization of their polymeric nanocomposites more
AIP Conference Proceedings 1914 (2017) ID030011
Krause, B. ; Cohnen, A. ; Pötschke, P. ; Hickmann, T. ; Koppler, D. ; Proksch, B. ; Kersting, T. ; Hopmann, C.
Influence of graphite and SEBS Addition on thermal and electrical conductivity and mechanical properties of polypropylene composites more
AIP Conference Proceedings 1914 (2017) ID030009
Gültner, M. ; Pötschke, P. ; Häußler, L.
Influence of matrix crystallinity on electrical percolation of multiwalled carbon nanotubes in polypropylene more
AIP Conference Proceedings 1914 (2017) ID030022
Krause, B. ; Carval, J. ; Pötschke, P.
Influence of mixing conditions on carbon nanotube shortening and curling in polycarbonate composites more
AIP Conference Proceedings 1914 (2017) ID030007
Paiva, M. C. ; Cunha, E. P. ; Voigt, O. ; Liebscher, M. ; Pionteck, J. ; Pötschke, P.
Melt mixing functionalized graphite nanoplates into PC/SAN blends more
AIP Conference Proceedings 1914 (2017) ID030019
Luo, J. ; Krause, B. ; Pötschke, P.
Polymer carbon nanotube composites for thermoelectric applications more
AIP Conference Proceedings 1914 (2017) ID030001
Krause, B. ; Predtechensky, M. ; Ilin, E. ; Pötschke, P.
PP/SWCNT composites modified with ionic liquid more
AIP Conference Proceedings 1914 (2017) ID030008
Hahn, J. ; Bittrich, L. ; Breier, A. ; Spickenheuer, A.
Stress adapted emboidered meshes with a graded pattern design for abdominal wall hernia repair more
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 254 (2017) ID062005
Müller, M. T. ; Krause, B. ; Kretzschmar, B. ; Jahn, I. ; Pötschke, P.
Thermal conductivity of hybrid filled HDPE nanocomposites more
AIP Conference Proceedings 1914 (2017) ID030006
Synytska, A.
Janus particles as novel building blocks for active functional surfaces and interfaces more
Imperial College Press, UK Gebundene Ausgabe (2017)
Mock, A. ; Korlacki, R. ; Briley, C. ; Darakchieva, V. ; Monemar, B. ; Kumagai, Y. ; Goto, K. ; Higashiwaki, M. ; Schubert, M.
Band-to-band transitions, selection rules, effective mass, and excitonic contributions in monoclinic beta-Ga2O3 more
Physical Review B 96 (2017) ID245205
Tiwari, A. ; Dorogin, L. ; Tahir, M. ; Stöckelhuber, K.W. ; Heinrich, G. ; Espallargas, N. ; Persson, B.N.J.
Rubber contact mechanics: adhesion, friction and leakage of seals more
Soft Matter 13 (2017) 9103-9121
Wendt-Potthoff, K. ; Imhof, H. K. ; Wagner, M. ; Primpke, S. ; Fischer, D. ; Scholz-Böttcher, B. ; Laforsch, C.
Mikroplastik in Binnengewässern more
Wiley-VCH (2017) Kapitel V-6
Eun, Y.-J. ; Ho, P.-Y. ; Kim, M. ; LaRussa, S. ; Robert, L. ; Renner, L. ; Schmid, A. ; Garner, E. ; Amir, A.
Archaeal cells share common size control with bacteria despite noisier growth and division more
Nature Microbiology 3 (2017) 148-154
Appelhans, D. ; Liu, X. ; Formanek, P. ; Voit, B.
Functional cellular mimics for spatiotemporal control of multiple enzymatic cascade reactions more
Angewandte Chemie 129 (2017) 16451-16456
Appelhans, D. ; Liu, X. ; Formanek, P. ; Voit, B.
Functional cellular mimics for spatiotemporal control of multiple enzymatic cascade reactions more
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 56 (2017) 16233-16238
Giebel, E. ; Herrmann, T. ; Simon, F. ; Fery, A. ; Buchmeiser, M. R.
Surface modification of carbon fibers by free radical graft-polymerization of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate for high mechanical strength fiber-matrix composites more
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 302 (2017) ID1700210
Mayer, M. ; Steiner, A. M. ; Röder, F. ; Formanek, P. ; König, T. ; Fery, A.
Aqueous gold overgrowth of silver nanoparticles: Merging the plasmonic properties of silver with the functionality of gold more
Angewandte Chemie 129 (2017) 16082-16086
Mayer, M. ; Steiner, A. M. ; Röder, F. ; Formanek, P. ; König, T. ; Fery, A.
Aqueous gold overgrowth of silver nanoparticles: Merging the plasmonic properties of silver with the functionality of gold more
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 56 (2017) 15866-15870
Paturej, J. ; Kreer, T.
Hierarchical exluded volume screening in solutions of bottlebrush polymers more
Soft Matter 13 (2017) 8534-8541
Faraguna, F. ; Pötschke, P. ; Pionteck, J.
Preparation of polystyrene nanocomposites with functionalized carbon nanotubes by melt and solution mixing: Investigation of dispersion, melt rheology, electrical and thermal properties more
Polymer 132 (2017) 325-341
Xiao, H. ; Luo, C. ; Yan, D. ; Sommer, J.-U.
Molecular dynamics simulation of crystallization cyclic polymer melts as compared to their linear counterparts more
Macromolecules 50 (2017) 9796-9806