
Publications Dr. Theresa Förster

  • Samanta, K. ; Sarkar, S. ; Acuna, S. ; Joseph, J. ; Ahluwalia, B. S. ; Agarwal, K. Blind super-resolution approach for exploiting illumination variety in optical-lattice illumination microscopy more ACS Photonics 8 (2021) 2626-2634
  • Wang, D. ; Moreno, S. ; Boye, S. ; Voit, B. ; Appelhans, D. Detection of subtle extracellular glucose changes by artificial organelles in protocells more Chemical Communications 57 (2021) 8019-8022
  • Mytafides, C.K. ; Tzounis, L. ; Karalis, G. ; Formanek, P. ; Paipetis, A. S. Fully printed and flexible carbon nanotube-based thermoelectric generator capable for high-temperature applications more Journal of Power Sources 507 (2021) 230323
  • Aftenieva, O. ; Schletz, D. ; Meyer, A. ; Kühne, T. ; Schmalzriedt, S. ; Niethammer, M. ; König, T. A. F. Development of a teaching platform about plasmonics based on the color perception of colloidal gold more Journal of Chemical Education 98 (2021) 2566-2573
  • Candido, J.B. ; Maiques, O. ; Boxberg, M. ; Kast, V. ; Peerani, E. ; Tomás-Bort, E. ; Weichert, W. ; Sananes, A. ; Papo, N. ; Magdolen, V. ; Sanz-Moreno, V. ; Lössner, D. Kallikrein-related peptidase 6 is associated with the tumour microenvironment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma more Cancers 13 (2021) 3969
  • Kurkowski, M. ; Michel, S. ; Summa, J. Selbstdämpfendes Bohrwerkzeug - Prozessschwingungen durch Composite-Einsatz reduzieren und überwachen more CU reports - Internationales Mitgliedermagazin der Composites United (2021) 74-75
  • Lilli, M. ; Sbardella, F. ; Bavasso, I. ; Bracciale, M.P. ; Scheffler, C. ; Rivilla, I. ; Tirilló, J. ; Xin, W. ; De Rosa, I.M. ; Sarasini, F. Tailoring the interfacial strength of basalt fibres/epoxy composite with ZnO-nanorods more Composite Interfaces 28 (2021) 771-793
  • Nishizawa, M. ; Walinda, E. ; Morimoto, D. ; Kohn, B. ; Scheler, U. ; Shirakawa, M. ; Sugase, K. Effects of weak nonspecific interactions with ATP on proteins more Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (2021) 11982-11993
  • Schubotz, S. ; Honnigfort, C. ; Nazari, S. ; Fery, A. ; Sommer, J.-U. ; Uhlmann, P. ; Braunschweig, B. ; Auernhammer, G. Memory effects in polymer brushes showing co-nonsolvency effects more Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 294 (2021) 102442
  • Singh, S. ; Raulo, A. ; Singh, A. ; Mittal, M. ; Horechyy, A. ; Hübner, R. ; Formanek, P. ; Srivastava, R. ; Sapra, S. ; Fery, A. ; Nandan, B. Enhanced photoluminescence of gold nanoparticle-quantum dot hybrids confined in hairy polymer nanofibers more ChemNanoMat 7 (2021) 831-841
  • Curvello, R. ; Kast, V. ; Abuwarwar, M.H. ; Fletcher, A.L. ; Garnier, G. ; Lössner, D. 3D collagen-nanocellulose matrices model the tumour microenvironment of pancreatic cancer more Frontiers in Digital Health 3 (2021) 704584
  • Ghosh, A. K. ; Sarkar, S. ; Nebel, L. ; Aftenieva, O. ; Gupta, V. ; Sander, O. ; Das, A. ; Joseph, J. ; Wießner, S. ; König, T. ; Fery, A. Exploring plasmonic resonances toward "large-scale" flexible optical sensors with deformation stability more Advanced Functional Materials 31 (2021) 2101959
  • Mostafaiyan, M. ; Wießner, S. ; Heinrich, G. ; Hosseini, M. S. An improved conservative direct re-initialization method (ICDR) for two-phase flow simulations more Fluids 6 (2021) 261
  • Zhao, X. ; Pionteck, J. Electrochemical performance of polydopamine modified PANI/rGO composites: Dependency on preparation sequence more Journal of Applied Polymer Science 138 (2021) 50663
  • Baitinger, M. ; Kahlmeyer, M. ; Müller, A. ; Dähne, L. ; Pritz, M. ; Riske, T. ; Kaden, D. ; Eckhardt, S. ; Koch, C. Intelligenter Silikonklebstoff zur visuellen Schadensdetektion für tragende Stahl-Glas-Verbindungen more Ernst, Wilhelm & Sohn (2021) 215-229
  • Karalis, G. ; Tzounis, L. ; Mytafides, C.K. ; Tsirka, K. ; Formanek, P. ; Stylianakis, M. ; Kymakis, E. ; Paipetis, A. S. A high performance flexible and robust printed thermoelectric generator based on hybridized Te nanowires with PEDOT:PSS more Applied Energy 294 (2021) 117004
  • Rezaie, A. B. ; Liebscher, M. ; Ranjbarian, M. ; Simon, F. ; Zimmerer, C. ; Drechsler, A. ; Frenzel, R. ; Synytska, A. ; Mechtcherine, V. Enhancing the interfacial bonding between PE fibers and cementitious matrices through polydopamine surface modification more Composites Part B 217 (2021) 108817
  • Chougale, S. ; Romeis, D. ; Saphiannikova, M. Field-induced transversely isotropic shear response of ellipsoidal magnetoactive elastomers more Materials (Open Access) 14 (2021) 3958
  • Stieger, S. ; Mitsoulis, E. ; Walluch, M. ; Ebner, C. ; Kerschbaumer, R. C. ; Haselmann, M. ; Mostafaiyan, M. ; Kämpfe, M. ; Kühnert, I. ; Wießner, S. ; Friesenbichler, W. On the influence of viscoelastic modeling in fluid flow simulations of gum acrylonitrile butadiene rubber more Polymers 13 (2021) 2323
  • Mohammed, I. ; Bernhardt, R. ; Schubert, M. ; Hampel, U. Non-invasive morphological characterization of cellular loofa sponges using digital microscopy and micro-CT more International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 19 (2021) 1057-1073
  • Knapp, A. ; Nebel, L. ; Nitschke, M. ; Sander, O. ; Fery, A. Controlling line defects in wrinkling: a pathway towards hierarchical wrinkling structures more Soft Matter 17 (2021) 5384-5392
  • Schutzeichel, C. ; Kiriy, N. ; Kiriy, A. ; Voit, B. Self-replication of deeply buried doped silicon structures, which remotely control the etching process: a new method for forming a silicon pattern from the bottom up more Advanced Functional Materials 31 (2021) 2100105
  • Tayebi, P. ; Asefnejad, A. ; Khonakdar, H. A. Water-based polyurethane/functionalized chitosan/zinc oxide nanoparticles nanocomposites: physical, mechanical and biocompatibility properties more Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials 60 (2021) S: 1474-1489
  • Li, X. ; Nayak, K. ; Stamm, M. ; Tripathi, B. P. Zwitterionic silica nanogel-modified polysulfone nanoporous membranes formed by in-situ method for water treatment more Chemosphere 280 (2021) 130615
  • Imbrasas, P. ; Lygaitis, R. ; Kleine, P. ; Scholz, R. ; Hänisch, C. ; Buchholtz, S. ; Ortstein, K. ; Talnack, F. ; Mannsfeld, S. ; Lenk, S. ; Reineke, S. Dimers or solid-state solvation? Intermolecular effects of multiple donor-acceptor thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitter determining organic light-emitting diode performance more Advanced Optical Materials 9 (2021) 2002153