
Publications Dr. Theresa Förster

  • Bauer, J.; Nikoubashman, A. The conformations of protein chains at the interface of biomolecular condensates more Nature Communications 15 (2024) 9975
  • Kumar, L.; Nandan, B.; Sarkar, S.; König, T. A. F.; Pohl, D.; Tsuda, T.; Zainuddin, M. S. B.; Humenik, M.; Scheibel, T.; Horechyy, A. Enhanced photocatalytic performance of coaxially electrospun titania nanofibers comprising yolk-shell particles more Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 674 (2024) 560-575
  • Wang, J.; Devarajan, D. S.; Muthukumar, K.; Kim, Y. C.; Nikoubashman, A.; Mittal, J. Sequence-dependent conformational transitions of disordered proteins during condensation more Chemical Science 15 (2024) 20056-20063
  • Cai, Y.; Sarkar, S.; Peng, Y.; König, T. A. F.; Vana, P. Ultrasonic control of polymer-capped plasmonic molecules more ACS Nano 18 (2024) 31360-31371
  • Matsidik, R.; Komber, H.; Burkhard, P.; Beer, D.; Deibel, C.; Sommer, M. Acceptor end-functionalization of naphthalenediimide bithiophene oligomers more European Journal of Organic Chemistry 27 (2024) e202400751
  • Ndlovu, P. Z.; Lederer, A. Advances in high-temperature interaction chromatography of polyolefins: A tutorial on solvent and temperature gradient more Analytical Chemistry 96 (2024) 18311-18321
  • Nair, R. R.; Wolansky, J.; Uhlig, K.; Solgi, A.; Teuerle, L.; Zhang, T.; Schröder, J.; Antrack, T.; Benduhn, J.; Kleemann, H.; Leo, K. Leaftronics: Natural lignocellulose scaffolds for sustainable electronics more Science Advances 10 (2024) eadq3276
  • Dhakal, K. N.; Lach, R.; Grellmann, W.; Krause, B.; Pionteck, J.; Adhikari, R. Piezoresistivity and strain-sensing behaviour of poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate)/multiwalled carbon nanotube nanocomposites more RSC Advances 14 (2024) 35715-35726
  • Hadjab, M.; Issam Ziane, M.; Hadj Larbi, A.; Bennacer, H.; Faraji, M.; Guskova, O. Unveiling the structural, electronic, optical, mechanical, and thermodynamic properties of Mg3ZnO4 in a Caswellsilverite-like structure: a DFT study more European Physical Journal B 97 (2024) 173
  • Lázaro, I. A.; Anastasak, A.; Besford, Q. A. et al. 35 challenges in materials science being tackled by PIs under 35(ish) in 2024 more Matter 7 (2024) 3699-3706
  • Seth, P.; Friedrichs, J.; Limasale, Y. D. P.; Fertala, N.; Freudenberg, U.; Zhang, Y.; Lampel, A.; Werner, C. Interpenetrating polymer network hydrogels with tunable viscoelasticity and proteolytic cleavability to direct stem cells in vitro more Advanced Healthcare Materials (2024) 2402656
  • Fischer, M.; Blanco, C.; Spörer, Y.; Stommel, M.; Kühnert, I. Correlations between molecular weight, mechanical properties and morphology of micro-injection molded polyoxymethylene (POM) more Polymer Testing 140 (2024) 108626
  • Biernacka, K.; Castillo Upiachihua, C. B.; Dockhorn, R. et al. Train-the-trainer concept on research data management (5.1) [computer software] more Zenodo.
  • Sebastian, M.; Fery, A.; Nikoubashman, A.; Rossner, C. Multicompartmentalized micellar structures by gold nanoparticles grafted with diblock-copolymer ligands more ChemPhysChem 25 (2024) e202400747
  • Nogueira, F. E. A.; Bezerra, J. W. d. O.; de Freitas, D. B.; do Nascimento, J. P. C.; Abreu, T. O.; Nobrega, F. A. C.; Abreu, R. F.; Alves, M. J. P.; Silva, P. M. d. O.; de Oliveira, R. G. M.; do Carmo, F. F.; da Silva, M. ; da Silva, R. S.; Sombra, A. High thermal stability of the dielectric properties of the La2Ti2O7—La4Ti9O24 composites under temperature variation more Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society (2024) 1-9
  • Pacalaj, R. A.; Dong, Y.; Ramirez, I.; MacKenzie, R. C. I.; Hosseini, S. M.; Bittrich, E.; Heger, J. E.; Kaienburg, P.; Mukherjee, S.; Wu, J.; Riede, M.; Ade, H.; Müller-Buschbaum, P.; Pfeiffer, M.; Durrant, J. R. From generation to collection - impact of deposition temperature on charge carrier dynamics of high-performance vacuum-processed organic solar cells more Energy & Environmental Science 17 (2024) 9215-9232
  • Black, M.; Asadi, M.; Darman, P.; Seçkin, S.; Schillmöller, F.; König, T. A. F.; Darbari, S.; Talebi, N. Long-range self-hybridized exciton-polaritons in two-dimensional Ruddlesden-Popper perovskites more ACS Photonics 11 (2024) 4065-4075
  • Harija, H.; Langer, E.; Prokopchuk, A.; Saran, B.; Arief, I.; Nag, A.; Das, A.; Richter, A.; Altinsoy, M. E. A piezoresistive cork-based sustainable and robust sensor for force-sensing application more IEEE Sensors Journal 24 (2024) 31867-31874
  • Langer, A.; Sharma, A.; Metzler, R.; Kalz, E. Dance of odd-diffusive particles: A Fourier approach more Physical Review Research 6 (2024) 043036
  • Limasale, Y. D. P.; Fusenig, M.; Samulowitz, M.; Atallah, P. M.; Sievers, J.; Dennison, N.; Freudenberg, U.; Friedrichs, J.; Werner, C. Glycosaminoglycan concentration and sulfation patterns of biohybrid polymer matrices direct microvascular network formation and stability more Advanced Functional Materials 34 (2024) 2411475
  • Wylezek, M.; Sandten, C.; Stuck, M.; Thomann, F.; Adermann, T.; Komber, H.; Lorenz, R.; Voit, B. Vinyl methyl oxazolidinone and dimethyl itaconate as styrene substitutes for conventional high-temperature unsaturated polyester resins more Journal of Applied Polymer Science 142 (2024) e56363
  • Kattainen, A.; Keskinen, J.; Punkari, T.; Inci Yesilyurt, E.; Mäntysalo, M. Flexible screen-printed supercapacitors with asymmetric PANI/CDC–AC electrodes and aqueous electrolyte more Flexible and Printed Electronics 9 (2024) 045001
  • Park, J.; Scheler, U.; Messinger, R. J. Molecular-level understanding of phase stability in phase-change nanoemulsions for thermal energy storage by NMR spectroscopy more Langmuir 40 (2024) 21814-21823
  • Borrisov, B.; Beneventi, G. M.; Fu, Y.; Qiu, Z.-L.; Komber, H.; Deng, Q.-S.; Greißel, P. M.; Cadranel, A.; Guldi, D. M.; Ma, J.; Feng, X. Deep-saddle-shaped nanographene induced by four heptagons: Efficient synthesis and properties more Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (2024) 27335-27344
  • Paleo, A. J.; Serrato, V. M.; Mánuel, J. M.; Toledano, O.; Muñoz, E.; Melle-Franco, M.; Krause, B.; Pötschke, P.; Lozano, K. Doping effect of poly(vinylidene fluoride) on carbon nanofibers deduced by thermoelectric analysis of their melt mixed films more Chinese Journal of Polymer Science 42 (2024) 1802-1810