
Publications Dr. Theresa Förster

  • Mihai, M. ; Racovita, S. ; Vasiliu, A.-L. ; Doroftei, F. ; Barbu-Mic, C. ; Schwarz, S. ; Steinbach, C. ; Simon, F. Autotemplate microcapsules of CaCO3/pectin and nonstoichiometric complexes as sustained tetracycline hydrochloride delivery carriers more ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9 (2017) 37264-37278
  • Salem, T. ; El-Kashouty, M. ; Müller, M. ; Simon, F. Sol-gel synthetic route to improve interaction of polyester/cotton blended fabric with anionic dyes more Egyptian Journal of Chemistry 60 (2017) 1-2
  • Ivaneiko, I. ; Toshchevikov, V. ; Stöckelhuber, K.W. ; Heinrich, G. ; Saphiannikova, M. Superposition approach to the dynamic-mechanical behaviour of reinforced rubbers more Polymer 127 (2017) S.129-140
  • Lombeck, F. ; Müllers, S. ; Komber, H. ; Menke, S. M. ; Pearson, A. J. ; Conaghan, P. J. ; McNeill, C. R. ; Friend, R. H. ; Sommer, M. Benzoyl-side chains push the open-circuit voltage of PCDTBT/PCBM solar cells beyond 1 Volt more Organic Electronics 49 (2017) 142-151
  • Braune, S. ; Sperling, C. ; Maitz, M.F. ; Steinseifer, U. ; Clauser, J. ; Krajewski, S. ; Wendel, H. P. ; Jung, F. Evaluation of platelet adhesion and activation on polymers: Round-robin study to assess inter-center variability more Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 158 (2017) 416-422
  • Chatterjee, T. ; Wießner, S. ; Naskar, K. ; Heinrich, G. Exploring a novel cyclic monofunctional peroxide for curing of silicone rubber at elevated temperature more Polymer Engineering and Science 57 (2017) 1073-1082
  • Chang, B. ; Schneider, K. ; Heinrich, G. Microstructural evolution of isotactic-polypropylene during creep: An in situ study by synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering more Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 302 (2017) ID1700152
  • Hao, B. ; Förster, T. ; Mäder, E. ; Ma, P.-C. Modification of basalt fibre using pyrolytic carbon coating for sensing applications more Composites: Part A 101 (2017) 123-128
  • Apsite, I. ; Stoychev, G. ; Zhang, W. ; Jehnichen, D. ; Xie, J. ; Ionov, L. Porous stimuli-responsive self-folding electrospun mats for 4D biofabrication more Biomacromolecules 18 (2017) 3178-3184
  • Mandal, A. K. ; Banerjee, S. ; Bisoi, S. ; Komber, H. ; Voit, B. Sulfonated copolyimides containing trifluoromethyl and phosphine oxide moieties: Synergistic effect towards proton exchange membrane properties more European Polymer Journal 95 (2017) 581-595
  • Freitag, A. ; Stamm, M. ; Ionov, L. Separator for lithium-sulfur battery based on polymer blend membrane more Journal of Power Sources 363 (2017) 384-391
  • Singh, S. ; Samanta, S. ; Srivastava, R. ; Horechyy, A. ; Reuter, U. ; Stamm, M. ; Chen, H.-L. ; Nandan, B. Ligand displacement induced morphologies in block copolymer/quantum dot hybrids and formation of core–shell hybrid nanoobjects more Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics 19 (2017) 27651-27663
  • Kuhnert, I. ; Gedan-Smolka, M. ; Fischer, M. Prefinished metal polymer hybrid parts more Technologies for Lightweight Structures 1 (2017) 89-97
  • Schwarz, D. ; Kochergin, Y.S.; Acharja, A. ; Ichangi, A. ; Opanasenko M.V.; Cejka, J.; Lappan, U.; Arki, P.; He, J.; Schmidt, J.; Nachtigall, P.; Thomas, A.; Bojdys, M.J. Tailored band gaps in sulphur and nitrogen containing porous donor-acceptor polymers (SNPs) more Chemistry - A European Journal 23 (2017) 13023-13027
  • Arulmozhivarman, G. ; Krater, M. ; Wobus, M. ; Friedrichs, J. ; Bejestani, E. P. ; Müller, K. ; u.a., Zebrafish in-vivo screening for compounds amplifying hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells: - Preclinical validation in human CD34+stem and progenitor cells more Scientific Reports 7 (2017) ID12084
  • John, R. ; Trommler, K. ; Schreiter, K. ; Siegel, C. ; Simon, F. ; Wagenführ, A. ; Spange, St. Aqueous poly(N-vinylformamide-co-vinylamine) as a suitable adhesion promoter for wood veneer/biopolyethylene composite materials more BioResources 12 (2017) 8134-8159
  • Jaeger, S. ; Zawadzki, S. F. ; Leuteritz, A. ; Wypych, F. New alternative to produce colored polymer nanocomposites: Organophilic Ni/Al and Co/Al layered double hydroxide as fillers into low-density polyethylene more Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (2017) 1-11
  • Spickenheuer, A. ; Scheffler, C. ; Bittrich, L. ; Haase, R. ; Garray, D. ; Heinrich, G. Tailored fiber placement in thermoplastic composites more Technologies for Lightweight Structures (2017) 13 Seiten
  • Iyisan, B. ; Siedel, A. C. ; Gumz, H. ; Yassin, M. ; Kluge, J. ; Gaitzsch, J. ; Formanek, P. ; Moreno, S. ; Voit, B. ; Appelhans, D. Dynamic docking and undocking processes adressing selectively the outside and inside of polymersome more Macromolecular Rapid Communications 38 (2017) 1700486
  • Abedini, H. ; Yousefi, S. ; Khonakdar, H. A. A simplified moment model for prediction of long-chain branching during peroxide modification of HDPE more Materials & Design 130 (2017) 16-25
  • Wojciechowska, D. ; Herczynska, L. ; Simon, F. ; Puchalski, M. ; Stawski, D. Antioxidant and hydrophilic poly(lactic acid) fibers obtained through their modification with amines and ferulic acid more Journal of Applied Polymer Science 134 (2017) ID52112
  • Montagna, M. ; Spezia, R. ; Bodo, E. Solvation properties of the actinide Ion Th(IV) in DMSO and DMSO:Water mixtures through polarizable molecular dynamics more Inorganic Chemistry 56 (2017) 11929-11937
  • Khodabandelou, M. ; Aghjeh, M.K.R. ; Khonakdar, H. A. ; Mazidi, M. M. Effect of localization of carbon nanotubes on fracture behavior of un-vulcanized and dynamically vulcanized PP/EPDM/MWCNT blend-nanocomposites more Composites Science and Technology 149 (2017) 134-148
  • Kim, Y.-S. ; Kriegel, S. ; Harris, K. ; Costentin, C. ; Limoges, B. ; Balland, V. Evidencing fast, massive, and reversible H+ insertion in nanostructured TiO2 electrodes at neutral pH. Where do protons come from? more Journal of Physical Chemistry / C 121 (2017) 10325-10335
  • Quade, M. ; Knaack, S. ; Weber, D. ; König, U. ; Paul, B. ; Simon, P. ; Rosen-Wolff, A. ; Schwartz-Albiez, R. ; Gelinsky, M. ; Lode, A. Heparin modification of a biomimetic bone matrix modulates osteogenic and angiogenic cell response in vitro more European Cells & Materials 33 (2017) 105-120