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Method for simultaneously improving thermal stability and mechanical properties of poly(lactic acid): Effect of high-energy electrons on the morphological, mechanical, and thermal properties of PLA/MMT nanocomposite more
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Theory of light-induced deformation of azobenzene elastomers more
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Properties of polyelectrolyte-surfactant complexes obtaind by polymeruzation of an ionic monomer in a solution of an oppositely charged surfactant more
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pH-triggered aggregate shape of different generations lysine-dendronized maleimide copolymers with maltose shell more
Biomacromolecules 13 (2012) 4222-4235
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Untersuchungen zur Kerbtiele im Pure-shear Prüfkörper für präzise Analysen der dynamischen Rissausbreitung in Elastomeren more
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Ivaneiko, D. ; Toshchevikov, V. ; Saphiannikova, M. ; Heinrich, G.
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