
Primary data archiving

The archiving of all primary data currently takes place on secure server repositories managed by the scientific working groups of the IPF. Primary data is structured, related to individual publications, filed and then transferred to a change-proof archive. The document management and archiving system Doxis4 from SER is used throughout the institute. It is planned to archive all primary data and documents of the research process centrally and to make them retrievable from 2022 on. At the same time, research data relevant to publication will increasingly be made available to the scientific community as Open Data; publication in free repositories such as Zenodo is recommended here. Seminars by external or internal experts serve to sensitize researchers to FDM, to provide further training and to make recommendations on concepts about FDM. In the scientific organizational units, data stewards ensure the institution-wide archiving of research data according to the highest quality standards.

When staff, students and guests leave the institute, a protocol (in the future by implementing an electronic workflow in DOXIS) ensures the controlled transfer of all research data including primary and metadata.